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Everything posted by EuroStar

  1.     I am considering relocating to France and looking into keeping Charolais cattle. What do I have to do to set up as a farmer in France? I would like to know a bit more about the breed. I know that they are beef cattle.
  2. 40% on the general test. Haven't tried the others yet.
  3. Do French children have to go to school on Saturdays?
  4.     Is there anywhere in the UK where I can obtain Floc de Gascogne and/or Marc de Bourgogne?
  5. Just thought that Eurostar's website may have something about Lille, as it is one of their destinations.
  6. I have also read some of Georges Simenon's books
  7. Can anyone recommend to me a guide book to Lille?
  8. Is the present subjunctive used to express a future idea? e.g. il est possible que j'aille a la France demain (present subjunctive but future idea).
  9. Just had a thought. Are the present and perfect tenses used instead?
  10. Lots of snow here in Kent. It is also going to get worse tonight.
  11.     Is it the in-thing to send New Year's cartes de Voeux by e-mail? I have just received one from a friend and would like to know whether it is better to send them by post or e-mail or doesn't it matter.
  12. I see what you mean and will probably stick to the present tense.
  13. Can anyone tell me whether or not the subjunctive exists in the Future and/or Future Perfect forms in French. If they do exist can someone tell me how it is formed?
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