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Posts posted by Suze01

  1. [quote user="Nicos"]I understand that in the UK 1/3 of food bought is throw in the bin.

    ( no smilie frustrated enough!!)

    Maybe if peeps actually stop and think about what they really need before buying.....


    I shop once a week (+ occasionally an emergency run to the corner shop if I run out of something needed urgently).

    I make a shopping list throughout the week as and when I run out of things.  (Generally) I also make a menu of what we're going to eat in the week ahead and add to the shopping list accordingly.  I don't know how people shop without a list - just putting anything they fancy into the trolley.  No wonder so much gets thrown away without planning what you actually need to buy. And before anyone says anything, yes, my menu sometimes goes awry due to changes of plans but nothing is wasted, just re-planned.

  2. I presume you saw it in Shropshire and not the Dordogne as I've been keeping a careful eye on the listings around here (I'm on email alert each week for the programme). I'd love to see it but I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD, Christmas release maybe?

    Colin Firth [:-))]

  3. Télécharger for free Picasa2 which is the free Google photo service.  It's REALLY easy to crop a photo unlike Photoshop that I found difficult to grasp, especially not having the time to spend on it. On Picasa you can make many 'tweeks' and effects to the image.


  4. "What have you stopped for?"


    "I'm tired"


  5. [quote user="Clarkkent"]

    In my village the church is owned by the commune,


    Just for info, all churches are owned by the commune since the 'loi du 9 décembre 1905' when the state and the church were seperated and the state took charge of the upkeep of the church buildings.  In our village we've just re-enacted the Banquet de la Paix which was held in 1908 following a few years of wrangling and arguments during the Inventaire that each commune had to do.

    I've been to a few Mairie weddings now, and yes the ceremony is over very quickly.  The last one, a couple of weeks ago, was taken by one of the Maire Adjoints (his first wedding ceremony) because the Maire was away on holiday.  The MA and the couple are all friends and it was a lovely ceremony because he was able to inject some personal emotion into the cermony. Rings are not necessarily exchanged at the Mairie service, usually during a following Church ceremony or as in the case of my friends last summer, during a very beautiful ceremony in the gardens where they had their reception.

  6. Poor you, I really feel for you.  I would put your complaint in writing to the Mairie, at least then there is a written record of it.

    I have had a similar neighbour problem this last week with someone burning green vegetation on a slow burning fire.  There is no smoke but the odour is acrid and very strong, our entire house and garden stinks of it.  It's worse at night as it's been so calm and warm.  I'm an asthmatic and I'm really struggling now, and tired after nights of poor sleep.  I went and saw who I think is the culprit (we have a hadful of neighbours, spread out) and had a friendly chat with them, not accusing them at all, explaining that for someone elderley or with a resipratory disease it is very distressing and frightening.  Last night was much better - so hopefully I've nipped it in the bud.  

  7. "I can only describe it as a chirrup with intermittent breaks before it starts up again"

    When you hear them individually the above description fits the bill perfectly for the cicada (cigale).  Grillons just give a continuous chirrup where-as the cicada does a few 'warm-up' chirrups first. Difficult to hear on the clip on the same website as above because it is en-mass.  Chris?

  8. [quote user="Gemonimo"]

    For all you ladies who find the Tour de France just toooo boring, here's why cyclists wear black cycle shorts.... not red ones....












    The red one in the middle looks a bit odd - how many hamsters has he got down there!!  [:-))]

  9. Did you know....

    If you go onto http://maps.google.fr/maps  you can click on "street view" on the top of the map and get a 360° photographic view of  Le Tour at every stage.

    Just click on "Tour de France 2008" for a step by step guide.

    Alan Zoff - try it you'll see your bar!!!

    I watched it go by a few Ks from our place last year - get there early for a good vantage point - they close the roads quite early too.

  10. [quote user="cooperlola"]Can you stick (perhaps laminated) notices on top of all the bins - politely reminding them what each is for and asking them to line them?  I have "Recyc" and "Other Rubbish" painted on top of my two dustbins and that's just for us - not a gite![/quote]

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one [:$]

  11. [quote user="powerdesal"]Its been a couple of years since we last camped / caravanned in France but I dont remember EVER having to leave my passport at reception, anywhere.


    I camped at Arcachon a couple of years ago and had to leave my ID (my carte de séjour in this case) at reception for the duration of my stay.  I don't know what Brits coming over from the UK did, but quite possibly had to leave their passports.

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