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Posts posted by mooky

  1. Well. I took a big deep breath and took hubby with me to initial my comprise de vente. Notaire had thought he lived in the same house. I think it was too complicated for Notaire. Me being me them objected to being called Madame, as on official papers I am The Rev'd Dr.

    Notaire said in perfect english, "my you are a little suffragettaren't you". He told me that women are the "chattel of men" so I told him to get stuffed;

    However dear hubby was very kind and said his dear wife could have the house she bought and renovated with her own money. Then he asked if he sold his house in future would I have to sign, and was told no, as I would be living in UK!

    I didn't burn my bra for all this crap, but I left the notaires office humbly and thanking these wonderful men for their assistance and thoughtfulness.

    So many french women, and a few english have told me they wish they were in my situation. having my own money, house, car. All I've ever wanted is a loving caring equal relationship, sadly its just not to be.

  2. We have a married contract. That states that all mine is mine and all his is his. I left his house, and bought my own . I have never used his name, we are taxed as seperated, have never shared bank accounts, health etc, all in different names. When I bought my house my notaire knew the situation. My husband wasn't asked if it was alright.A year or so ago, a relative gifted her house in France to him. I didn't even know, although I had spent money on it. It just seems it is a thing against women. It creeps me up hes workrd on the black for 20 years, and only declared a tax form because I insisted two years ago; It's one rule for males, another for women. It makes me angry when I have worked in a good proffesional staus all my life. To have to beg him to come with me to the notaires makes me angry.

    I know he will read this because I have told him too. I don't have secrets from him. There feel a bit better now!

  3. I am selling my house and going to UK. Four years ago I married, total, absolute disaster. I moved out after one year.

    Bought house my own money, never taken a penny off ex. He has done a house transaction recently. I wasn't notified.

    Before I can sign the comprise de Vente, my "husband" has to say that non of it is his, and it's ok for me to sell. I find this offensive.

    I have to take him with me to the notaires so he can have this power over me and give me permission.

    Why is France so very very sexist? I am so pxxxxd off!

  4. I am usually such an organised person but I am all over the place because of this move. I don't want to take all my belongings back to UK

    so I need to sell things, and some freebies too. I will do a vide grenier. I want to know am I am allowed to have a private sale in my garden. I think not , but thought I would ask.  I'll use Anglo info, any other suggestions.

  5. [URL=http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n140/Mooky_011/?action=view&current=Usepussies.jpg][IMG]http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n140/Mooky_011/th_Usepussies.jpg[/IMG][/URL]


    I hope a picture comes up here. I have never quite grasped how to do it. I am moving back to UK in August. In every way I am happy about this, with one exception I can't take my lovely cats. I am moving to a religious order that has enough already.

    Harry and Hermione, born 6 May 2006. Both sterilized, innoculated, Harry is microchipped. I will pay for Hermione to be. 

    Both are flea'd wormed regulary. Harry quite large, good at hunting. Hemmy is a little more timid. Both like tummies rubbed, and being sang to! Each evening I call them and we all go a walk together. I adore them,both sleep on my bed.  I don't think they would mind being seperated, they tend not to stay together all day. Harry walks miles.  I have had them from four weeks old . I found them in a garage.

    I live near Chef Boutonne. Dept 79. I would be willing to bring them to a new home. Proably no more than 2 hours away as they don't like cars. Please can anyone help. Thank you;

  6. When I came to France I bought some nice brown boxes to pack my things in. I am now going back and would like to buy some in France. This time I am having to move myself. I don't want lots of supermarket boxes. The boxes will go into storage until I know where I am living. Any ideas of where I can purchase. I live in dept 79
  7. Never have I seen such and abundance of wildflowers as I have seen this year. Yesterday I couldn't walk in a wood i use regulary it was just covered in wood anenomes, and the beginnings of wild bluebells. Further along were fields of , I think, narrow leaved lungwort. Even the Snakes Head Fritillary seemed to have doubled their quantity. I am a simple soul. These beautiful flowers have reduced me to tears this year, for their simple beauty;
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