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Posts posted by chessie

  1. - racebear02 -

    Coincidence - I was watching the 'Hairy Bikers' the other evening;  they were concentrating on non-meat dishes.

    One of the items they cooked was a Hominy Pie;  apparently based on a wartime recipe.   Exactly the recipe you describe with the 'modern' twist of some cream being poured over the pie mixture before topping with the grated cheese and then cooking.

    Strange things coincidences !!!

    Comfort food - this is the time of year when I really miss British food - all that lovely stodge - steamed syrup sponge pud to name just one.......


  2. I've tried to order something special from Debenhams UK on-line service.

    I'm finding it impossible.    The system won't recognise French address - appears only to have a box for UK post-codes and nothing more;   nor will it let me log-on to create an account.     There seems to be no facility for ordering on-line if you don't live in the UK.   But the annoying thing is they do state they deliver to France and other countries.    And my order shows the total postage costs for delivery here to France.    But I can't progress any further - system won't accept my order.

    Has anyone else managed to order on-line from Debenhams with delivery to France ?    Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong ?

    And before you ask - yes, I've send Head Office and customer services two e-mails - still waiting for response/reply/advice from them.

    Any ideas anyone ?


  3. - Joe -

    Aaaaaggghhhh - S---ts Emulsion - oh yuk      Oh G-d Almighty - I can taste the stuff even now - oh how it made me feel sick.    Refused in the end to touch it - revolting stuff.    Cod liver oil - went on strike over that as well after 2 years of the stuff....   Malt extract - oh yummy - that I didn't mind.  

    Shows how deep my hatred of S---ts Emulsion can be;   there are some newish cars around which, for whatever disgusting reason, have come out of the factory actually painted that appalling, revolting nausea inducing shade of sickly pukey pale green....    Whenever I see one it brings back the taste of that S---s Em - it really does make me feel physically sick when I see that colour.    Amazing what sensory memories our brains have....unfortunately for me where that particular memory is concerned.

    Thanks a bunch Joe for mentioning the dreaded S----ts Em - not very friendly !!


  4. Our above-ground 24ft x 12ft pool will have to 'hibernated' soon.    We have the fabulous Zeolite in the filter - but now need advice.   

    Before putting cover on we will need to check -

    -  the ph balance

    -  chlorine levels - do they need to be higher than normal ?

    Do we need to add any anti-Algicide, or any of the other 'hivernage' liquids to the pool before putting on winter cover ?

    Know we can't use anything containing the floculants with Zeolite;  just need to be clear in own mind about anything else we should be adding to pool before covering.

    Any comments and advice would be welcome.

    And oh how I hate having to 'close' the pool......knowing it'll be at least 7 or 8 months before it can be used again.


  5. 7.0 pm - just overhead - Nr Castillonnes, Dept 47 - large group of over 100 flying - and cooing at one another - headed from north east to south west into a beautiful sunset.

    Wonderful sight - but sad because it really marks the end of summer, and sunshine (even though we're enjoying a glorious warm sunny October) - but we all know the sun is setting earlier and earlier....sigh...

    Hope many of you catch sight of these wonderful birds - they are on their way - look and listen for them - and enjoy one of Nature's wonders........


  6. Thanks everyone for kind advice - and warnings about Prednisolone.    Good thing I didn't self-medicate !!!    Realised after reading your kind replies that I'd been prescribed this for a very badly injured knee - when I fell down some stairs and did serious self-assault.....   Must remember I'm not Superman these days - and can't fly.

    As for allergies, reaction to fleas etc.   Not had any strange bods in the house, nor strange bods with strange dogs or anyone else who owns dogs - so can't see how could be fleas.    Not mozzie bites - not same reaction.    The pesky aouts - don't suffer such nasty reactions;   these were big lumps, very hard - and very, very itchy.   

    Attacks seem to have stopped;  only suffered for about 2 weeks - just very sudden, numerous 'bites by thingies' - which seem to have now stopped.

    Only way I could stop myself scratching the bites and making the skin raw and bleeding - was total smothering every few hours of the anti-histamine (? hydro-cortisone) cream - 'Cort Apaisyl' - which did soothe, and the idea of Ibuproufen was a good one as well.

    So I'm baffled;  don't know why I was targetted so suddenly;   this year I seemed to have gone through almost all the summer without any real or major problems - but then to feel I was being attacked - all over - even in covered-up areas - was very strange - and very uncomfortable.

    Ho hum - another of the joys of living in France - will probably never find out what 'it' was that had caused the problem - but I'll be ready next year - make sure I stock up with the remedies that everyone has suggested - yeah - ALL of the remedies - the little so-and-so's won't catch me again !!

    So thanks for good advice and recommendations - very helpful - thanks for taking time and trouble.


  7. Oh beeejaybers - I'm itching in lots of places.     Large red hard bumps in all sorts of odd places including two 'bites' on same eyelid, nape of my neck, both elbow joints, backs of my knees ....sigh.

    Very itchy, very uncomfortable - anti-histamine cream not totally successful in stopping the scratching....it's horrid.

    I've found some tablets - Prednisolone - which I think might be the French version of the UK Piriton - anti-histamine tablets to ease the scratching.  (Prednisolone - on side of pack - metasulfobenzoate sodique de prednisolone)

    But before I take 'em I just wonder if anyone has used these tablets before ?   

    And please don't shout at me - I shouldn't have to ask - but I've lost the flippin' info sheet that came with the box - yeah, I know, I know.........but any help or advice would be very welcome.


  8. The original poster just wanted to be clear in their own minds and/or wanted clarification and advice on something.

    But - the poster wanted some advice BEFORE heading off to 'see the appropriate office'....

    Some of you on here have lived in France for years.    Some of you on here are no doubt extremely fluent in French.    Some of you no doubt have had years of experience of dealing with French bureaucracy, and French officialdom - and know how to deal with them

    But sometimes, just sometimes, not all of us are that confident, or that fluent, or that experienced.    Sometimes when dealing with officialdom (either here or in the UK) - it is sometimes quite reassuring, and comforting, and confidence building - to have just a little bit of advice and help and information from people who've 'been here, done that....' - and know what pitfalls to avoid.....

    Occassionally I think some of you forget just how intimidating a few of these official French set-ups can be.    There is absolutely no harm in asking advice and help from people here;   after all, information and advice is golden.    If you feel that you have some kind of information to back you up - it can help should you feel you are getting the run around, or the brush off or meet the 'public service employee from hell'.     We know that can happen.    To be forearmed with correct and useful information is extremely helpful - and helps keep your confidence in the face of - sometimes - b----y minded public servants.

    Nice to have Cooperlola on here giving good sound and helpful advice.... one of our stars.

    We all need help and advice from time - none of us knows it all......just remember


    Post edited by the moderators.

  9. Yes Christine - you're right !! - apologies.     (Went to a photo website to double-check, came back to 'edit' or 'delete' my stupid comments - and you'd already corrected me....sigh...)

    Always thought the 'Scarce' beauties were minus the tips....think I'll have to go and get stronger glasses.

    I've given up trying to spot the differences - they're all lovely, and I'll call them all just Superb Zebra Flutterbies in future !!


  10. Sorry - but I think there's some confusion here....

    These photos are, I think, of the Swallowtail - beautiful butterfly with elongated tips to the wings.

    The 'Scarce' Swallowtail in the other photos is a butterfly that looks like a fan-shape - and does not have the elongated tips.

    Two different butterflies - but both so extremely beautiful and a delight to see.    One of the many joys of living in France.


  11. Oh for pity's sake boys - stop the sniping.

    'Eurokraut' - slight typing error - should have read 'Eurocraut'  or 'Eurokrat' - whichever.

    To find it offensive is really just being much much too sensitive and silly.

    It is simply a contraction for the words 'European Union Bureocrauts/burokrats/bureokrots' - you see I can't even spell the wretched word. 

    But to think it's rascist is really just too stupid and petty for words.  (Anyway I've never met a sour German - I've liked all the Germans I've met;  and the French, and Italian, and Spanish, and Polish and Greek - everyone's nice if you treat them right....).  

    And we're getting away from the original topic with this sniping - and it's not worthy of you all.

    Whether you believe the Daily Mail, the Sun, the FT, the Times, the Gaurdian, the Indy - or you don't believe, the original topic did raise legitimate concerns about what our 'friends' in the corridors of powers were considering.    To say that we cannot discuss this because 'we don't understand', or 'haven't read the research papers' really is trying to censor lay-mens' discussion on something that is of concern.    We have a right to have a view on something as important as this;  no doubt we will be more fully advised when our very clever, and scientific and knowledgeable politicians and Eurocrats have made decisions.

    But to try to stifle the discussion by being patronising;  to try to stifle a discussion with this pointless sniping about a word which is not rascist is just so childish.

    What's the matter with you all - sun fried everyone's 'tolerant' brain sections or what  ?

    Come on everyone - lighten up......life's too short - and if this PAP gets the go ahead maybe we'll all become so bovine we won't notice all the stupid decisions and controllery and lies that we are being fed.

    And to the rain-dancing squire - sorry sir - you weren't successful - yet another hot, sunny no-rain day !!!

    Time for a cold beer and chill-out -


  12. JK - you might be extremely clever - your medical expertise is not in doubt - but have a few thoughts for the ignorant ones like me.

    Are you saying that we should not be made aware of what is being proposed?      Do you think that us ignorant little oiks really shouldn't at least be warned - in the simple language only we can understand - just what is being considered.

    I'm sure I don't know the difference between a prion, a neuron, a fluoron and a Higgs Boson.   But I'd certainly like a bit of a 'heads up' when there's dark deeds being considered.    If it's something to be concerned about then we can keep ourselves informed.

    If there are plans to affect what we eat, and what is fed to the animals we eat - then surely us little people should be informed of this ?  Isn't it right that we should be able to read about something of concern, in a 'good' newspaper like the Indy or the Gaurdian which gives us an indication that this proposed change is something to watch.   

    Public opinion, dear boy, public opinion.     After all the fuss about the AV referendum, it appeared the only ones really interested were the pseuds (or the terribly clever Mensa standard individuals) in certain parts of London, and the airy fairy University lot - that were in favour.

    So maybe public opinion, that great uninformed mass of people - ought to have some information about what the 'great and the good' in Euroland are proposing.   Comes back to the argument about Halal meat.    This was being 'foisted' on people - WITHOUT their knowledge;   without knowledge there can't be informed choices.    Or do you think the great unwashed shouldn't have been informed about that as well ?

    Trust scientists - not me.    Trust big business - not me.    Trust the EuroKrats - not me.    Trust the media (including our wonderful unbiased BBC) - not me.    Trust Wikipedia - not me.    Trust my instincts, common-sense - yes.

    As for '..trust microbiologists rather than ..editors...politicians..'    Isn't that exactly the point ?    It's NOT the microbiologists or the scientists (trust them or not) - it's the politicians who will decide.   Politicians - do you really and honestly trust them ? 


  13. JK - funnily enough this was NOT reported in the papers that you love to hate.

    It was reported in The INDEPENDENT - and the Gaurdian.

    Secondly - to put worries about this - which concerns our FOOD - in the same category as the belief in burning witches is really just rude, offensive and patronising.

    There are risks concerned with this;  there is a distrust of the big business behind this - and for good reason.

    Tell me JK - just why do you seem to be so in favour of this ?    Why do you think that feeding PAP - an abnormal type of food - is morally responsible when, eventually, it will end up in our food chain ?

    What reasons do you have to support this 'new', 'improved' version of animal food ?

    Why do you think it will be safe?    Why do you think there could be no nasty side-effects (to the animals or humans) ?

    Why are you so certain the scientists have got it right ?

    Remember - it was reported in The Independent......


  14. JK - instinct - common-sense - the feeling that this 'isn't right' - can sometimes be a much better guide to these 'bright ideas' than any kind of scientific evidence.    For how many years have we been told that drinking too much coffee is bad for you;  that alcohol is bad for you; that butter, cheese, eggs are bad for you;   all those terrible warnings about 'don't eat this', 'don't drink that' - are now being shown to be wrong.    Team A scientists and doctors disagree with Team B scientists and doctors - and then Team C comes along with a different view-point.

    The truth is that they don't know the truth.     But because 'they' don't know - means, as far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't 'feel right', or goes against common-sense or is being promoted by big business - then I steer well clear.

    This idea isn't good;  it's like GM, or growing bio-fuels (and destroying the rain-forest) - I'd look at who/what is behind this proposal.    But if it's anything the Eurokrauts are proposing - then my response is 'no way, no thank you, not likely'.

    On purel;y moral and ethical grounds I don't like this - it 'feels wrong'.

    Sometimes scientific and medical evidence can be wrong........

  15. Dog - that is really not a clever response.  

    The mere fact that this is being considered shows just how mad the EU and the Eurokrauts have become.

    It is a horrific idea;   even worse, it is subjecting animals who would not normally eat such 'protein food' - to an abnormal, unhealthy diet.    Who knows what adverse effect that could have on an animal, and the side-effcts of which could enter the food chain.

    I'm glad I'm a vegetarian;  wouldn't want to eat Halal meat thank you very much;  and I'd certainly not want to eat meat from an animal fed such an unnatural diet.

    If this is approved, by those insane idiots in the EU - then OH will HAVE to become a vegetarian as well.    Wouldn't want to touch this meat with a barge-pole.

    We just don't learn do we.


  16. We're in process of changing use of rooms;  need for 'snug' as TV room for OH;  and changing one bedroom to become a - small - computer/office room.

    We have 4 large bookcases filled with large number of good reference books etc;  and a whole load of paper-backs.   Some of the paperbacks came with us from UK;  some have come through the Phoenix super book sale.    We have favourites among the paper-backs that are re-read from time to time, and a large number of paper-backs from Phoenix have been returned.    However, I find that we tend to come away from Phoenix with almost exactly the same number of books that we've handed in !!!     But now a lot of these paper-backs and books just have to go to the next Phoenix sale - and I must be quite ruthless.

    I keep going through the books - and after 20 minutes of trying to sort through them, I just get dis-heartened and find 'other tasks to get on with'...!!!! 

    Anyone got any advice for how to do this sorting.    At the moment I'm trying to hang on to some of our favourite writers;  some books I pick up - and can't remember reading - so those go into a box to 'keep'....

    I'm a magpie, a hoarder, I've always loved books - and the thought of having only one book-case, with only a few books - is giving me the heebie jeebies.  It's the thought that I'll run out of books to read, with no local library available - which is at the back of my reluctance to 'move these books on'.

    How do you all manage to throw things away, get rid of paper-backs....clear away the clutter ?   And guess what - by posting on here I'm managing not to 'sort through the books'....!!!

    Help - how do I become ruthless - anyone have similar problems ?


  17. Oh dear oh dear...

    Can understand why Merlin wanted this to be crystal clear;   but I must admit when I first read the post I understood that it was an English owner, who had returned to the UK, but would be coming back to France to collect the dog and for both owner and dog to go/return to the UK.

    However, Merlin was right to need it clarified;    Merlin does sterling work, she has to be certain of her facts - she was just getting an 'assumption' confirmed....

    My oh my, aren't there some nit-pickers here sometimes.    The sun's shining, the sky is blue, the house-martins and swallows are back, summer's nearly here....why nit-pick ?

    Merlin and her supporters do fantastic work - wonder if that could be said about all of us ?


  18. @ Quillan -

    What an excellent thoughtful post.   

    Your ref to skin cancer - yes of course the 'black sack' would be protection - but in the desert.     In the darker climes of the UK it's now been discovered that young Muslim girls are starting to suffer from lack of vitamin D leading to rickets - simply because they are not getting enough sunshine.    All the 'scare' about skin-cancer has even led to UK children being smothered with High Factor sun lotion - and they are also suffering early stage rickets !!!

    Please - do not confuse wearing the burka with religion - it is not, it is not mentioned in the Koran - it's use has become distorted - it is NOT a religious necessity.

    Your point about pork is also an excellent one.

    What really needs to happen for the Islamic faith is for them to have a 'Reformation'.   I feel that their religion has not moved with the times;  with discoveries in the fields of science, astronomy, health, medical and food - the Christian religions have altered to absorb these new discoveries.    But Islam seems to be stuck in the Dark Ages of the 5th and 6th century;   that is a cause of conflict;  it is something that really should be addressed by Islamic leaders - and it does not seem to be.     So we have a situation whereby the followers of Islam want to adhere to a life governed by rules from the 5th and 6th century - and yet they are now living in the 21st century;  this is what's causing a problem for everyone.

    Halal meat - even the vets hate this method of slaughter.    There are no religious grounds for this - it belongs in the Dark Ages.    We have banned this in the UK on grounds of animal compassion.   But we have a Dark Age religion which refuses to accept progress in this field.  

    Eating of pork - your comments about pork being regarded as 'unclean' are spot-on.    Again, improvements in animal care and feed have moved on;   but again Islam is still stuck in the Dark Ages.

    As for Female Genital Mutilation - again this is Dark Ages stuff and again is supposedly to be for the 'benefit' of men - dear God Almighty - inflicting pain, distress, torture and life-time health problems on religious grounds.    What the b-----y hell is all that about.

    Islam really does need to address these problems;  until this happens we in the West are faced with an 'alien' set of beliefs that are in conflict with our Western society.    But just try telling anyone of the Islamic faith that it is they who need to move into the 21st century - oh boy are you in trouble.


  19. OK - how about you all read an article by an Imam of the Oxford  Islamic Congregation and Chairman of the Muslim Educational Centre in Oxford.

    His name is Taj Hargey - his first words of the article are -

    'The burkha is an alien, cultural monstrosity...'

    I would suggest you ALL read his article;  he's an educated, intelligent prominent Muslim, - and his views on the Burka are thought provoking.

    What is extremely interesting, though, for all those who've shouted at me in the past and accused me of being a racist, and all the other nasty little left-wing slogans when I have criticised Islam and the Burka - this gentleman - an educated Muslim - has views that coincide with the views of a lot of people on here, who have also been shouted at in the past.

    I would suggest you read his article.      Unfortunately, here I condemn myself, and most of you with closed minds won't read it because - horror of horrors - it's in the Daily mail, and therefore not true, and biased, and lies and just won't fit in with the views that some of you have.

    To those with open minds - please go and read.....(sorry - can't do the link) -

    Daily Mail - 'The burka is an alien, cultural monstrosity...can it CAN be banned in Britain - by Dr Taj Hargey


  20. Oh dear Idun -  '....somewhere they cannot stand..' and '...with person ..-..wondering what it was they ever liked..or not...'

    Do you honestly think anyone is going to come forward and state publicly, to be dredged up by others - their real bitter regret at leaving the UK;    the dislike they have of living where they are because '..it was to please the OH..'  Or even worse, actually admitting that they enjoyed the 'bliss of separation' that working meant - and they just cannot bear to spend long periods of time with THAT person - but can see no way out  !!!!!

    Even if it applied, I'd never admit it publicly.

    But if there are honest, brave souls out there - well, we'd be all ears and sympathy  !!

    Sorry Idun...don't hold out much hope for honestly or public soul-baring here....


  21. We live 20 miles south of Bergerac, just over the border in Lot-et-Garonne.

    This afternoon we - OH and me - saw a Humming-Bird Hawkmoth.    We normally don't see them here until late May or early June time.    I felt so sorry for this beautiful little moth - there aren't too many flowers around, and unfortunately this winter we had to cut back all the straggly growth on our numerous lavender bushes which these moths seem to love.   Not that there'd be any flowers at the moment anyway.

    Is this little one doomed because of its very early arrival so far north ?   

    We love these little flying beauties;  meant to ask last year - what flowers, shrubs should we grow which will provide most nectar and shelter for them ?


  22. We'd love to invite family to stay;   house isn't really big enough - only 2 of us but we've 'spread' our hobbies and spare bedroom is no more.

    Thinking of buying a smallish - towable - caravan, that we can set-up on a firm base in one part of our large garden.    Having read some of the comments, in other sections, about how it is 'not possible' to do this, or 'not allowed', we're now looking at putting up a wooden summer chalet - with all the time, trouble and money that's going to cost.

    But then I discovered that section 4.1 of 'declaration prelavable' refers to - see underlined section.   This would seem to indicate that it is possible to have a mobile home or caravan in the garden, that would be used only during the summer months for family to visit.

    Or am I misreading the French system - again !!!     All we want is a reasonable sized caravan, that would sleep 4, with no plumbed-in facilities, and power for lighting or tv supplied by a cable from the house.  

    Can anyone clarify this for me please.?   We're totally rural, miles from any large village or town, smallest commune is a mile away, and nearest houses at least 500 yards + distant.

    Info below 'lifted' from OP's extremely helpful translation of French form....

    * 4.1 - Nature of work, installations or installations considered (tick the relevant )

    Whatever the sector of the commune

    TB Building Lot

    TB Other Land division

    TB Campsite

    TB Installation of a caravan apart from a campsite or of a residential leisure of leisures

    Length of time per year in months annual Durée of installation (in month):

    TB Spaces parking open to the public, deposits of vehicles and collective garages of caravans

    ° Contenance (a number of units):

    TB Work of underminings or raisings of the ground:

    ° Area in square metres:

    ° Depth (for underminings):

    ° Height (for the raisings):

    TB Tree cutting and tree felling

    TB Change to or removal of an element protected by a local plan from

    town planning or document from town planning by holding place

    (plan of occupation of the grounds, plan of safeguard and development, plan of adjustment of zone) 2

    TB Change to removal of an element protected by a deliberation from the town council

    TB Installation of a mobile residence constituting the permanent habitat

    of the travellers during more than three months consecutive

    TB Surface of reception of the travellers

    TB Work resulting in changes of accesses to a building located in a safeguarded sector

    Look forward to any words of wisdom and advice which would be much appreciated - before we buy our Swiss Ski Chalet !!!


  23. Thanks everyone for all your advice.

    To those who have the 'swipers' on the trolleys - oh beejaybers - something else to go wrong !!

    But at least next time when I'm allowed out to the big city I'll make sure I've got the cart bleu with me.  Or even better, I'll take the plastic tubs we've been filling with small change and feed the change into the 'swop change' machine - rich, rich, riches beyond compare !!!  Wheeeee

    Thanks again


  24. Someone will know this -

    Went up to the wicked big city last week and bounced into Leclerc to get a few small items.    Saw that they now had, in this particular store, the self-serve checkout machines.     I tried to use one, but was waved away by the assistants who implied that my bank's  Bleu cart or my Visa card were not acceptable.     Looking at the info by the self-serve machines it seems that it is only the Leclerc bank card that can be used.    Have I got that right ?    Or have I made a mistake ?

    Don't really like the things;  give me the screaming ab dabs, and in the UK I 'lost' £5 because I was waiting for the note change to appear from the same slot as the loose change;  it didn't - it's dispensed from another part of the machine - and by the time I realised I had been short-changed the person standing behind me in the queue the machine had probably had a £5 'discount' on their shopping !!!  AArrrrrrggghhhh...


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