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Posts posted by chessie

  1. Gosh - what a hornets' nest has been stirred up.  From Trump through to abortions and STD's.....

    The OP's coments may have been slightly 'over the top' and designed to provoke (and oh boy did it !) - but the basic premise is surely right.   Just look at our 'Uni' students on their nights out - the girls really don't do themselves any favours - and recent interviews with these young girls does show there is some sort of desperation for 'approval' and 'response' rom the young men. 

    Come on now - you all know that 20 years ago such behaviour wasn't normal; it is degrading and cheap behaviour of these young women - it's demeaning of them - but they do it for 'peer approval' and attention - ask yourselves why ?

    It is also true that attitudes to single mothers has changed completely;  now it is quite acceptable for a young woman to have a child without being married;  in some cases, without even having a stable relationship.   Some of them do go on to have several children with different men - and they do not work - it's all funded by the tax-payer.

    This has also led to increased demand for social housing - because this ''family group' can't get a mortgage or pay high rents for decent properties.

    Which has increased demand on social housing.

    As for the abortion issue - and the snide comments about eugenics.   Doesn't it come down to a question of responsibility ?   Were I to be one of an unfortunate group with a known inherited genetic failure/problem causing long term health issues - I would have decided NOT to have any children.   Look at the families of those who have Huntingdon's Chorea - directly inherited terrible probolems - and KNOWN inherited problems.    Suggesting that maybe the number of children, or no children at all in those individuals suffering from that problem is not 'eugenics' - it's sensible - and not wishing to inflict suffering on an innocent child, denying your wish to have children, is surely a compassionate and selfess choice ?   After all, there is adoption isn't there ?

    - - - - -

    We've moved a long way from the Trump election; and LePenn.

    How about this.   Weekend Telegraph very interesting article on previous American Presidents, mentioning specifically Jackson - and how he was regarded and described in similar terms to Trump.  As in Reagan and other American Presidents, rather derided by the political lot as not being 'one of them' - yet these Presidents were regarded later as being hugely successful - for the American people.

    All the talk about 'this group will vote this way' - 'this group needs to be targetted' - and then the surprise when 'those groups' didn't vote the way the pollsters and political commentators thought they should;  maybe it's because those minority groups don't regard themselves as minorities - but are part of the American Dream - which has not worked for them.   They see the metropolitan elites who have done well - and who have sneered at them.   Wasn't it H Clinton herself who described them as the 'deplorables' - great way to secure votes.   Same as in the UK - look at the comments by Cameron directed at UKIP supporters;  the comments by Thornbury and others at 'white van man' - those are all the attitudes, the sneering and contempt for the ordinary people, that has led to this 'wind of change'.

    And it is not just the UK, or the USA - it's right across Europe.   It's the ordinary people saying that the 'liberal lot' have got things wrong - but the liberal lot just sneered.   Well, the ordinarys are now taking their revenge - and there is a mood for change - and the liberals in charge had better listen up.   Stop the sneering, stop the contempt.  It's a shame that it wasn't the liberal elites who were losing their jobs to cheap foreign labour;  that their local communities had changed because of increased immigration; that their schools weren't under pressure and they couldn't get their children into the nearest local schools; that their GPs surgeries were over-crowded;   I could go on - but don't you all just get the picture.

    The liberal elites who have told the rest of the population how to think, how to behave - have got things wrong - totally and utterly wrong - what gives them the 'right' to tell the majority of people what to think.   They didn't experience what the ordinary people have done.

    Until they have walked in the shoes of the ordinary man - they don't have the right.   And the ordinarys are now hitting back - and have become more extreme because they were not listened to when they first raised reasonable and genuine concerns about numbers.....


    (apologies for long post - I type too fast and and write too much !!! )

  2. Never heard of that 'assy wotsit' before - explains a lot.

    Many people are puzzled as to why the Spanish/Hispanics/Mexicans voted for Trump - total disbelief from some people I have chatted with - total disbelief .

    Maybe these 'groups' regard themselves as Americans first, and they too, like the first and second generation immigrants in the UK, have also found themselves adversely affected by illegal immigration;  by the tarring of themselves, who are probably patriotic Americans working hard and paying taxes - and rather resent being lumped into the same group of illegals.   Those illegals are not welcomed by the patriotic American Hispanics ......

    In the UK we've heard of the 'non-ethnic' first and second generation of immigrants who themselves are complaining about the 'numbers' - increased, unknown, and unplannable for - and like the white working class people have also seen their standards of living, communities disrupted by those who should not have been allowed in.

    The ill-liberal left refused to listen;  we were told how to think, that any criticisms were 'rascist' and the bigotted left thought they knew best, and sneered at reasonable concerns.

    Well, as you say, now the biter has been bit, and with the help of social media etc the little ordinarys are realising that many others feel as they do;  the ill-liberal lefties have got things so, so wrong - and revenge is coming their way.

    How the Labour Party, which was founded to protect and support the ordinary working people, can possibly have supported the 'free movement of people', have supported mass, unplannable immigration - without a thought - or more importantly CARE - for their own kind - is utterly beyond me, and I regard it as one of the greatest betrayals of the ordinary working people of the UK.

    It is the bigotted, ill-liberal 'we know best and care nothing for you' attitude which will lead, inevitably, to more and more POPULIST political leaders and movements.  (Populist - Voice of the People - remember that).

    And the lefties have only themselves to blame - but it is the ordinary people, yet again (just like when wars break out) - the little Tommy Atkins who have suffered, and will suffer.

    The ill-liberal, effete, traitors will escape untouched - as always.   But I have nothing but contempt for them, and their kind - and their 'social experiment' on other people.

    Well done Trump;  he's not going to be dangerous - there's too many wise people around him to let him go on a rampage - he wouldn't be able to.   But Trump is definitely indication of a sea-change, a wind of change starting to blow through politics.   Look at the Clintons for heavens' sake - really look at them and their advisors; could anyone posting on here actually admit to wanting to vote for HC - really ?  Don't they remind anyone of the Kinnocks, the Blairs - and many other 'political families' who think they have the 'right' to become political families.

    Give me strength.................


  3. Brilliant - excellent post.

    Thank you for taking to task the sneers and contempt shown towards the ordinary people by the bigots who have refused to accept that there have been genuine concerns about NUMBERS -

    not racist comments, not racist 'hatreds' not 'phobias' of any kind -


    and the effect on ordinary people's lives - their housing, schooling for their children, transport over-crowding (dangerously so in some cases), demands on health, energy, water etc etc etc

    They are ALL real concerns - that were sneered at.

    Now, to add to all those other bigotted words you have listed - there's another - new one -

    it's called 'populist' - usually preceded by right-wing populist.

    Populist means popular - ie - the voice of the people.

    Since when was the people's voice deemed to be so inferior, and oh golly so 'working class' that they could be ignored.

    There is real change sweeping across europe - real change.   Read any of the Greek newspapers about the sad situation for many Greek people - the ordinary people.

    Look at Spain, Italy and other countries who are losing, much as Ireland has done in previous 'bad times' - their young people; leaving homes, families, communities to find work elsewhere -

    because there is NOTHING FOR THEM in their own country.

    And then the bigots sneer because the ordinary people have found their voice -

    suddenly the ill-liberal lefties don't like it.  

    It is the liberal lefties who have got us into this mess -

    and now they sneer by referring to ordinary people views as - 'populist'.

    Tough - populist - Voice of the People - who are demanding to be heard.... there's a ground swell of fury and anger at the way they have been ignored.

    And it is entirely the fault of the ill-liberal extremist left-wingers who sneered.


  4. Gluestick -

    EXCELLENT - fabulous, realistic, honest appraisal of what the UK did lose - and what we can regain.   Lovely, positive messages.  

    Sadly, too many people have been brain-washed with Common Purpose, or don't want to admit that, actually, the UK was a world-wide importing and exporting viable country.   It took Heath, the commie unions, and Labour - to destroy much of what was good and had been built up since WW2. 

    Remember the deceit of Marshall Aid...... and the help given to German manufacturing after the war - but none for the UK ?   Strange how people easily forget...........

    EU laws;  over-riding our Common Law by foreign judges... that, if nothing else, is good reason to leave the mess they are in.

    And I have never found any eurofanatic able to support and argue for - Corpus Juris -

    rather than our good old Habeus Corpus.

    In fact, many of the eurofanatics don't have a clue about Corpus Juris - and those few that do - not one of them has ever managed to prove its worth over Habeus Corpus - not one.   Says it all.

    And then there's tax and welfare harmonisation - which of course, in the eu fanatics mind - 'isn't going to happen' - and we all know how that phrase pans out, don't we.....

    Keep posting informative bits Gluestick - love them.


  5. I'm not sure that deriding most British voters as 'not knowing what they voted for' is very nice, or reasonable.

    How do any of us 'know' why others voted the way they did.

    Watched a questioner on QTime the other night;  he certainly knew what he voted for - as did many others;  he was mot indignant at being sneered at by the panellists, and commentators et al, for 'not knowing'.   The questioner insisted he had done his research and done his best to weigh up the arguments;  I'd be willing to bet there was a large number of voters who could say exactly the same.

    Let's face it;  accusing Ms May of 'hard Brexit', 'soft Brexit', 'velvet Brexit' - isn' helpful.   The UK can take a position - but it depends on the spite, jealousy, vindictiveness and sheer fright of the other federalist eu members, to an extent, doesn't it ?

    Some Brexit voters I know have said that looking at the 5 Presidents Report, reasding about the initial origins of the eu, and the founders;  looking at the corruption, the lack of democracy - in the UK as elsewhere; the fact that we were lied to by Heath -

    made them inclined to vote 'out' - because they wanted their country back; to be governed by people they knew - whether admired or hated didn't matter - they would be politicians who could be judged and kicked out if necessary.

    It was more a case of 'don't like future direction of federalist, over-bearing eu, the problems it has caused, the imposition of massive youth unemployment in Greece, Spain and elsewhere; the damage caused by Merkel to her own people. the list goes on.

    Staying within the eu was just as 'unknowabl;e' as making the leap outside.  But at least making the leap for Independence, for the accountability of the UK's own government, and judges - and laws made to suit the UK - might all have been factors, mightn't they ?

    It's like getting out of an abusive marriage;  it will hurt, there will be problems - but at least the UK will be independent - and free;  anyone like to argue in support of Corpus Juris rather than Habeas Corpus please.......?

    Gluestick - nice to see your posts;  presumably recovered from the 'horse fly' damage ?


  6. OK - probably got the wrong end of the bath water here...

    We are in a new build - 2002;  new fosse;  has been inspected and approved.   Emptied twice as well.

    So are you being very kind, and reassure me, that we will not have clogged pipes anywhere ?   So with a new fosse where does the 'grey water' actually go ?   I've never really understood the system;  I just assumed the fosse collected what it should, and that the shower, bath and sink water just - well just sort of - disappeared into the ground.

    It was the 'clogged pipes in a field' that brought me up with a jolt...............


  7. Be careful when any bank sends you a letter asking about ID or tax residency.

    They are 'only obeying orders' - see the EU banking & saving directive.

    Every financial institution and bank HAS to confirm to the powers that be that every customer has been checked, their ID checked, their place of residence, their tax residency.....

    An eu Directive - not the banks' fault - the eu.

    We, the little people, are all regarded as the usual suspects of being terrorists, money-launderers etc etc - yet go and look at those who set up these Diktats - Juncker - former PM of the country with the largest number of tax evasion corporations ever; and the whole rest of the eu cabal - the likes of Prodi, Barrossa (Goldman Sachs recruit) - just look at them all.

    We the little ones just get our faces stamped into the ground......and we have no option but to complete all the forms (like the bank a/c forms every year for the french tax so-and-so's) - because if we do not - then the big bullies will freeze our accounts, close our accounts - take our money......we have no option.

    The point about having bank accounts in both France and UK is a serious one;  look at what is happening with Deutsche Bank at the moment - and there is talk that a French bank could be in a similar situation.   Look at Cyprus and what happened there - ordinary people found they had days when they couldn't access their money.

    Keep bank accounts in both countries;  keep several accounts with both banks - then spread your money - don't give 'them' any opportunity to make life more difficult for us.

    And it certainly helps when writing cheques at Christmas for people living in the UK - so they can be given UK cheques;  can't see them being so happy with French cheque in euros - they want their Christmas spending money - in proper money !!!


  8. Oh my crumbs.... the reference to -

    'grey water clogging up the outlets in the discharge field.............'

    Yikes - what the heck is that ?   I'd happily imagined all my lovely warm shower water, and the lovely delicate wash detergent for my expensive silks - just went straight into the ground and soaked away.

    You mean, you really do mean, don't you - that the pipes going from the fosse to take away the grey water do - over time - actually get clogged ?

    How the heck are we supposed to know when that is happening;  do we sugger blocked sinks - even with no gunge in them ?  - or do the loos 'back-up' ?

    Can we use bottles and bottles of CocaCola to flush these discharge pipes and stop them getting clogged ?

    Oh heck - yet another thing to worry about....thanks very much Mr G.


  9. Isn't this a lovely thread - delightful.

    All the comments above have made me smile, made me realise all the nice, enjoyable, good things about France and the French.

    Vive le difference.

    Even though the tax bill has arrived - and I'm sure we'll be paying more than we should - what the heck - it's less than 50 euros (social charges) - not going to fight it.

    Can I add -

    Swallows and house martins swooping over the pool first thing in the morning, and late in the evening;  humming bird hawk moths hovering over the lavender bushes;  swallow tail butterflies;  owls hooting at night; spotting deer in the next door fields (and in our garden);   the sound of a small moped carrying young person home late at night.... can't even get cross about that as in rural areas it's the only way for them to be with friends......

    Oh - and the clear, clear star gazing nights - no light pollution - see to the end of the universe.


  10. Aw - thanks everyone for not dismissing my concerns....

    Here's my position;  I'm a non-meat eater - have been for more than 30 years;  was one of the first Body Shop customers, have not used Revlon products for years, have thrown out anything 'scrubss' that contains microbeads - and didn't realise about microbeads and fleeces. 

    In this day and age there is absolutely no excuse for animal cruelty.  But there is totally no excuse whatsoever for live transportation of animals.   To see that it is happening in 'our' eu, despite all the rules, regs, Diktats, etc etc - and the eu is complicit in all this is heart-breaking.

    Why on earth are european countries involved in live exports anyway.   In the days of freexers and frozen transport there is no need for it to happen - none whatsoever.

    I accept that even the UK has its bad apples - the UK can't pretend its 'purer than the driven,,' because it's not.  But the UK does have higher animal welfare standards, and the UK now has closed-circuit cameras in abbatoirs - and one has to have a degree of trust in that these systems are operating as they should.

    Although I don't eat meat, OH despite all my years of trying to change diet still likes his steaks etc - but he doesn't have those very often.   Ideally I think everyone who eats meat should take an interest in animal welfare - and should be walked through an abbatoir at least once.

    And for those who think Halal is just saying 'prayers to a Sky Pixie' really need to think again - it is the most appalling end to an animal's life imaginable.   And if anyone's interested I can provide links to Halal slaughter as well - but it's gruesome (and you'll need a sick bucket...)

    For those with strong stomachs - and a degree of concern - here's some links -www.liveexportshame.com




    I have family ties to Oz so I'm well tuned in to their animal welfare campaigns.   But similar campaigns take place in the uk but receive scant publicity.

    Thank you Gluestick - I too enjoy watching the young calves - see the cows and calves walk line abreast over a field because that's how they've been fed in the barns...takes them ages to get out of the habit.   The closing of a lot of local abbatoirs in the UK has been a disaster becuase now animals have to be transported greater distances - and again that was because of eu Diktats......

    I'm sorry - this is a personal soap-box of mine - but I was very disturbed at the eu's ignoring of its own rules that set me off (again !!)

    Hope you're all enjoying the night markets .....


  11. Sure - you're all going to shout and abuse me because this article is from one of the most hasted UK newsapers - the Express.

    But the report is carried out by animal welfare groups- and if you doubt this article then go and read the animal welfare web-sites.   This is the true picture of european union 'animal welfare' - great isn't it ?   And the eu is BREAKING all its own rules........wonderful organisation isn't it ?   When I have pointed out that the UK has higher animal welfare standards than the eu I got shouted at - well, here's the truth.   And I'll bet not many of you will watch, but will continue to deny what's happening.


    'The gruesome scenes have come to light after a five-year

    investigation by Eyes on Animals, Animal Welfare Foundation and

    Tierschutzbund Zurich, which looked into the transport conditions from

    EU countries to Turkey. 

    The animal campaigners have now published

    their findings in a 1000 page report and they found that as many as 70

    per cent of all inspected livestock trucks from EU countries to Turkey

    violate the European Regulation EC 1/2005 on the protection of animals

    during transport.

    The eu - and its supporters - should be ashamed.

  12. NickP - this goes over my head as well;  but nothing beats common-sense, and you are quite right about the eu.   Some of the big eu companies have admitted that the eu Needs The UK rather than the other way around.

    There are experts, there are economists - I thought they were supposed to be running the banks, and the IMF and the ECB... experts ?  huh.

    I'd prefer ordinary people with Mr Micawber's outlook any day;  too many clever people bluffing and blustering out of their depth have got us into this financial mess.

    Gluestick - agree with you about Parliament and length of term - but there is no other fairer way of - democratically - running a country.   But aren't all the permanent Civil Servants and Mandarins supposed to be managing behind the scenes and ready to advise 'new' Ministers - who let's face it really are totally clueless most of the time.    Most effective Environment Minister recently - Owen Patterson - got sacked by Cameron.   Only man who sorted out the horse-meat scandal, and the floods in the West Country because he knew his brief, and he took no prisoners.   Michael Gove another one who seemed to have a bit of nous;  David Davis - the best Leader the Tories never had... but these are the few.

    And yes, I do hate the lot of them don't trust 'em, none of 'em - but we don't have any better options do we ?

  13. Oh thank you for reply.   It does sound morbid doesn't it, that we won't move until.....

    But I feel really torn about this.   I've been on the receiving end several times of 'we're having to move back, don't know what to do about our cat(s) - you wouldn't like to take it(them) would you' - and then feeling so mean when we have to say 'no', simply because we don't want to be put in the same situation later on down the line.   But I'm so worried about having to find a home for a rather nice cat - and end up in the situation that no-one would want him... - then how do you cope with that, and the feelings of guilt - can't do it.

    But you feel that this older adult cat would indeed have problems adjusting to the UK ? - Rather confirms my thoughts - oh dear.

    Why do we have pets ?  No - don't answer that - just rhetorical - of course I know why.....


  14. We have a 10 year old cat.   He was a feral but he 'adopted' us (or left by Mum) at age about 4 months.

    He's never been a sit on a lap cat, or a talker, or very affectionate.   Just a cat about the house.

    Until the last year or so when he's become much more a domestic, friendly, follow one around the garden and far happier with human company than in previous years.

    We now need to think about returning, permanently, to the UK.   Where we'll end up no-one knows - renting probably, in urban situation - not open countryside as we have currently.

    Here, this cat has the run of fields, and farms, and the whole of the wide open spaces.   I don't know whether it is fair to him to remove him from this freedom to come and go, no worries about traffic, or dogs or anything - and transplant him into a UK urban environment.   But I will not 'leave' him behind, or hand him over to another owner - that would be rather cruel to do that - just can't do it.

    So - do we have to wait out until little cat goes to 'cat heaven' - or do we inflict the UK's urban world on him ?

    Has anyone had experience of taking cat back to UK, from the open air and freedom to the confines of an urban back-garden, with neighbouring cats, and dogs and children and noise.

    If anyone has any experience of this, I would really appreciate some guidance....


  15. Isn't the difference, though, that the Bible has been modified, revised and it's followers grown up;  moved on from the medieval times to a mature tolerance and understanding of other faiths.   The intolerance built into the Koran has not been changed, it has not had the Enlightenment, or anything;  it is stuck in the 6th century - and will not be changed, it cannot be changed - and there is the problem.

    And reference to the 'troubles' in Ireland - that was surely more to do about 'uniting' Ireland - that the English should never have been in Northern Ireland, and the southern Irish wanted a reunited country.    Historically yes the Irish were Catholic, and the Northern Irish Protestant (because of English and Scottish settlers) - but the Irish wanted 'one country'....

    As for Saddam - we should never have interfered;  but he wasn't going to be around for ever was he ?    Why try to blame the west for what's written in the Koran ?

  16. Now I have the perfect excuse -


    Yippeee-  1,000 bottles of red wine a year - and all the dark chocs I can eat....

    I'll be tipsy - and fat - but my brain will be happy....!!

    Just thought we need a bit of cheering up - enjoy - and have a bottle of red wine today - and tomorrow, and hic, the day after - and every day   !!!!
  17. What we have now is NOT multiculti - it is paralell culti - with a group of incomers who seemingly do not like the western christian way of life - who chose, themselves, not to integrate - is that our fault ?

    Those Islam followers who have tried to revise the Koran, to change it, to make it more suitable for 21st century life, rather than the 6th century ramblings of a paedo - do not get the support they should receive from governments, from followers of Islam;  instead they have been threatened and silenced.  A grocer in the north of England, wishes his customers 'Happy Easter';  he is a Muslim - one of the same 'faith' travels 200 miles to kill him because he was 'disrespectful to Allah' - when that happens you realise that there are huge problems with that 'faith'.    How many Catholics, Anglicans, Jews - go round the UK and Europe killing because of 'disrespect' ?

    Those who wish to go to Syria - good luck - send them on their way.   I have never understood the 'detain and watch' approach - let them go - good riddance.   And watch the families - 'people of concern' - but don't automatically presume they are guilty...

    As for being worried about making any comments that might be deemed rascist - ask yourself exactly WHO is deciding what is rascist.   Read some of George Orwell's comments about the self-loathing of the left who seem to put everyone and any religion/ideology above that of any white christian British citizen.   Some of his writings perfectly sum up the attitude by the self-loathers that every culture has to be better than anything represented by the white english.  

    Commonsense criticism and concerns were silenced for far too long by the self-loathers - and people who are silenced, ignored, sneered at - will, one day, fight back.

    During the WW2 weren't many non-British people interred on the Isle of Man;  rightly or wrongly, we shouldn't judge such decisions from today's viewpoint;  but the principle was sound, wasn't it ?   I'm not advocating that - but the political elites now seem grudgingly to accept the Islamic way of life and the ideology contained in the Koran does make for strains with western democracies, and women's lib, etc.   There have been comments in the papers from political leaders about 'we are at war with Islam';  read the 'Gates of Vienna'; look around the world - Islam gets very extreme where there are large numbers of followers of Islam - just look.

    I read some posters in the Guardian yesterday;  a year ago they would have been 'modded' and banned - now even the Guardian is allowing rather more direct criticism of Islam.

  18. Interesting and excellent points.

    But it's not just France is it ?   Germany, Sweden, the UK - see the connections ?   Anyone read 'The Gates of Vienna' ?

    You write '...another admin (government) that is not afraid to do what is necessary...for the majority .'

    The very first duty of an admin/government is to provide for the safety and security of its citizens.   Look around europe.   Do you honestly think any of them - any of those governments - have acted in the interests of their own citizens ?

    Then the political elites wonder why the heck the ordinary people, the voters - are starting to support the 'populist' parties ?

    The ordinary people have no option;  the admin/governments have ignored the warnings, ignored the views of their own citizens - and now they are in 'rabbit in headlight' mode.

    While the Farages, 5Star in Italy, the FN et al - all get sneered at by the left-wing press - as being 'populist' (or more correctly reflecting the views of voters) - who the heck has pushed people into voting for 'populist' parties ?

    Some european leaders ought to look in the mirror more - it's their fault.

    As for your wish for an admin/government to act to make France more secure for the majority - I know what I'd suggest - but daren't...

    What would you suggest ?

  19. According to reports there was only 1 French border control person at work.

    Mint - I too worry very much about the animals in transportation;  on previous occasions the police have managed to separate out the livestock trucks and have ensured adequate water etc for animals.   This time I've not heard if that has been possible - and there's been no mention of this particular concern in any of the news items.

    As for the families - poor them.  Parents in the UK are fined if they remove their children from school out of term time.   So of course the minute the holidays start there's a mass exodus;  same in France and Germany isn't it ?

    No-one has pointed out that the French border controls - are on UK territory !!   Maybe when/if the Agreement is 'changed' and border controls for UK travellers into France have to be checked IN France - that would mean queues to come off the Eurotunnel, off the ferries - can't see those companies letting such a situation develop - money, money, money talks - it would soon be sorted !!

    Just shows how tolerant the Brits really are - other countries there would have been mass storming of the motor-way barriers ....

  20. Friday's Telegraph (22 July) - Mr Hollande also said that British people living and working in France

    can stay "as long as they like", adding that he expects a reciprocal

    agreement to be reached for French citizens in the UK.


    No need to worry about Irish pasports, or french nationality - don't panic - we'll be fine.

    Ms May probably gave him 'the look' and he buckled !!!!

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