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Posts posted by chessie

  1. My head's spinning trying to work out the UK tax obligations - and the french tax forms - which are sitting on my desk and I keep covering them up !!

    I'm so confused - would welcome any advice please.

    Last April we purchased a UK property, on a BTL mortgage.   The property is rented out, and so there are the usual letting agents fees, insurance, safety certs etc etc - all costs.

    After paying the BTL mortgage, and the costs we have a small, very small income - which is taxed in the UK.

    So far so good.

    Where I'm feeling my head spin is the french tax form.

    This small income is taxed in the UK;  for the moment the interest on the mortgage is included in costs (not yet subject to Osborne's landlord hit) - so the interest payments are regarded as costs....

    Now when it comes to the french tax return - do I include the rental income as Gross, ie before any interest payments, letting agents etc - simple straight gross rental income ?

    Or can I deduct from rental the interest/mortgage costs, letting agents fees) DEDUCT that from rental income - and then use the net income (ie minus all costs) for the french tax form.....

    Change in circumstances causes all kinds of questions doesn't it ?

    Have checked with Guidance published by well-known UK ex-Pat monthly newspaper (which is frequently accused of giving wrong information) - and there is reference to declaring 'profit' from rental property.

    Now I thought 'profit' was what was left over from income - after costs......

    In which case it's the nett figure to be declared in France.

    But knowing tax authorities want to take as much as possible from us - not sure if it's correct to just write in the tiny, tiny, amount of 'profit' remaining after paying the mortgage.

    I'm really becoming very anxious about this - my head's spinning, and I'm at the point of screaming, because I just don't understand things any more - must be my age or my brain-cells packing up, but I feel so stupid.

    Anyone out there in similar circumstances ?    And what the heck happens over the next few years when tax on the the BTL interest payments is imposed ?

    I know there's clever, very helpful bods on here - this is desperate plea for guidance - any wise words welcomed !!

    Thank you - Chessie
  2. Interesting comments;  - how about this  - it appears that it IS THE eu which is choosing to use eu citizens as 'bargaining chips' - NOT the UK.

    Ms May wanted this sorted last year;  she'd approached Herr Merkel - got the 'nein'.

    Read Juncker's comments - now do those of you who are always criticising the UK - still feel the same way?


    Any of you read the extracts from

    Adults in the Room : My Battle with Europe's Deep

    is published by Bodley

    Head (£20).
    by Yanis Varoufakis. What happens when you take on the establishment? In this blistering, personal account, ...

    It would seem that the UK, in following the wishes of it's own people, will be dealing with some very, very strange fanatics indeed.


  3. But the UK and France (and other countries) did have reciprocal agreements long before the eu;  I'm sure I've seen references to health costs of UK ex-Pat citizens covered by Treaties which exist outside any eu arrangement;  look at the UK-French double-taxation... don't think that's an eu 'agreement'.

    We have to trust that governments, not just the UK, will behave in a civilised manner towards their own citizens.

    Started to watch a programme this evening about Brits abroad after Brexit - gave it 10 minutes then couldn't bear it.

    There was one woman spouting on about no guarantee the UK would 'increase pensions' in future to UK ex-Pats.

    The reporter obviously was taking a certain line, or didn't know her facts, and just let this woman blether on.

    There are many UK ex-Pat pensioners living in countries right around the world - the majority of whom DO have their pensions increased, as if they were living in the UK.

    The ONLY countries where the pensions are 'frozen' are those former Commonwealth countries where one of the conditions of the UK joining the 'common market' was that the UK had to CUT ALL TIES with the Commonwealth - and that included uprating the pensions - go and check.

    So to hear this woman wittering on, just causing trouble, made me so cross I gave up.

    We have to trust (all we can do) in the decencies of all the governments, and maybe some common-sense will be applied as in - 'revert to pre-existing reciprical agreements that existed before, and during, and separate from, any eu arrangements'.

    Fingers crossed everyone - we won't be frog-marched up to the Channel.


  4. GardenGirl - oh I am so, so sorry - I really do apologise;  having one of my 'stupid' days......

    Had obviously skipped past the post that seemed to 'not quite understand' and just wanted to knock anything British...!!

    Many 'umble apologies'.


  5. Well I've certainly found out what that strange milk was that I bought and poured into my cup of tea - so many thanks for all that info.   Very interesting.

    And the info about the French thick cream similar to the UK's wonderful double-cream - must look out for that.

    I was just hoping for some more funnies;  of people being willing to try a French food item and sometimes getting it wrong.

    I thought we might have some laughs - we need them at the moment;  my tax forms are sitting on the table - and I just keep sighing every time I walk past them.... anything to distract me.

    Please - isn't anyone else prepared to laugh at themselves.

    I can remember buying what I thought were spring onions with red-tinged stems - though they did seem to have a rather strong smell.   Chopped them up to make sandwiches - and phew - hot isn't the word.   Turned out they were stems of the garlic bulb........ steered clear of them after that.

    Chessie   (Love these emitcons - only recently worked out how to do this...!!)

  6. GardenGirl - Ouch - now those are a bit unnecessary comments - a bit harsh.   Don't think anyone's mentioned food vans from UK have they ?  I'd suggest it's BECAUSE many of us can cook that we realise the shortcomings in a great deal of french food - and how the quality isn't as good as the UK food items.   Look at all the French chefs who've gone to the UK - using UK ingredients they do very well;  wouldn't be able to do the same here in France.

    Now I dare you, just dare you, to go and stand in the Polish aisle in a UK supermarket, or a German aisle, or a French aisle, or a Greek aisle, or an Italian one - or any of the French, German, Polish, Greek, Italian shops and delis -

    and tell all those non-UK peoples that they should learn to cook British food - and not wish for an occasional taste of home.

    Try it - you'd be in real serious trouble.  Enough to start a flippin' riot !!! Go on - live dangerously- give it a go.

    I'd love to know the psychology of why ANYONE from any country, sometimes wishes to have a taste of their own homeland.   It's a pretty widespread and fairly normal human feeling isn't it ?

    Don't think any of us on here deserve that bit of an outburst surely ?

    Lighten up - it started off as me laughing at myself - can't we keep it there ?

  7. OK - I'm up for a bit of stirring here.

    In the run-up to Brexit, and following the 'leave' vote, we had all sorts of comments about UK ex-pats living in the eu - and their rights, or non-rights etc.

    All sorts of scare stories - all based on 'what ifs' and urban myths.

    We even have a group which is working to ensure that UK ex-pats don't get ignored.

    T May approached various eu countries, including Germany, to ask if there could be agreement about UK citizens living in the eu - and was told, very firmly that there could be no agreement prior to the talks.  So the eu refused this request.

    Now I wonder how some of you feel listening to Corbyn, and the Labour Party, who are openly offering all kinds of guarantees to eu citizens living in the UK -

    but absolutely NOTHING to guarantee any rights of UK citizens living in the eu.

    No talk about reciprical arrangements - nothing.

    Makes me feel that TM tried to get our situation sorted, but got no co-operation from Merkel or any eu country.

    Labour - want to guarantee the rights of eu citizens in the UK -

    but with no demands, no requests, for equal treatment of UK citizens in the eu.

    So far from being used as 'bargaining chips' - seems Labour would ignore us,

    and it is the eu itself which wants to use UK ex-Pats as 'bargaining chips' doesn't it ?

    Strange old world.


  8. Loiseau - yes, that's exactly right - 'lait ribot' - that's what we bought.

    Nice to know it can be used for baking scones etc - will have to do some batch baking to use up this milk.

    And please everyone - don't be mean about my occasional use of cheddar - we're all entitled to little tastes of home from time to time, surely ?   After all, look at the aisles full of Polish, German, Dutch, Italian food items in the UK supermarkets !!!!!

    As for french cheese - particularly goat cheese - oh please, it's disgusting.   Reminds me of sick, and the smell makes me feel sick;  I obviously don't have a very sophisticated palate like some.

    It was just that I was looking forward to a nice cup of tea - and the milk curdled and looked horrible - I was very surprised.

    Then I thought I must find out, from the clever ones on here, exactly what I'd bought, and why I was stupid enough to think it would be alright in a cup of tea, or coffee.

    So now I know - thanks for all the info.

  9. Oh dear - thinking over the last few years I've made some howlers of mistakes with French ingredients.

    Like the time I bought some cod.   Looked a nice cut of white fish.   Cooked the fish, then made a lovely cheese sauce (sorry but made with tasty cheddar chees) - mixed it all up to put in a dish to finish off in the oven - and only at that point did I taste it.   Aaarrrgh - the cod was salty, salty and horrible - I hadn't realised I should have soaked away the salt for 24 hours.   All that lovely food - had to be chucked out.

    A small jar of green tomato 'chutney' - thought it would be lovely with some cold ham.    It was horrible - it was like a sweet jam.

    A small carton of chopped salmon with balsamic oil - thought it would be nice in sandwiches;  yuk - looked like cat food and the oil over-whelmed taste of salmon - disgusting.

    But the latest 'aaarrrgh'  moment is this.   I find french milk rather 'thin'; the red top bottle is all I will use, and the UHT stuff is disgusting - nasty tang.

    Our little local shop occasionally has GREEN TOP 'BIO' milk - which is delicious, slightly more body and much more like British milk.   We always look out for this green topped 'bio' milk but don't seem to see it in the big super-markets.

    Until last week - then whoopeee - some green topped bottles alongside the usual red and blue tops.   We were in a hurry, didn't really look at the bottles, just merrily put 5 bottles in the trolley.

    Get home;  make a cup of tea - pour in the fresh milk from the green topped bottle -

    AND IT CURDLES - oh yuck, disgusting.

    The sell-by date was 2 weeks ahead - so shouldn't have done that.   Throw the milk away.

    Open new bottle later on to have a cup of coffee.

    Same thing - the milk curdles............... again sell-by date 2 weeks ahead.

    So I look at the label - which reads -

    'LAIT FERMENTE MAIGRE' -  what the ??????

    Now the weird thing is that I used half-a-pint to make a white sauce for a complicated savoury dish - and it seemed perfectly OK;  finished result had a very, very slight tang of french cheese but not really noticeable, so the milk was OK when used in a white sauce.

    But not in tea or coffee.

    Anyone got any information about what I've actually bought - and poured into my tea and coffee - 'cos it didn't mix with the hot liquid, that's for sure.

    Chessie (still learning !!)
  10. Sometimes it can seem just too intrusive to say anything.

    I often feel such comments about 'terrible for families', 'we're not frightened', etc etc - echoed on all the placards, on social media, the twitteratti et al - (all the z-list celebs tweeting all over the place)

    are sometimes nothing more than 'value signalling';  just joining the crowd.

    I prefer to keep my thoughts on such occasions to myself, say some quiet prayers, and go about my daily life.

    Maybe that explains why so few - or no - comments.


  11. Mint - please don't worry about 'tip-toeing' here - I'm a big grown-up girl and I know that whatever advice/help given here is done for the nicest reasons - please don't worry !

    Wish it was as simple as being fat;  would be lovely explanation.  However, he isn't - he's tall and slim - if anything slightly underweight for his height.   So that's not the explanation for his sleep apneoa.  Neither is he a smoker, and hardly drinks even when we're socialising - so he doesn't fit into the normal profile at all.

    The big problem is his utter - and total absolute refusal to accept he has a problem - won't hear of it, refuses to listen - and then when I insist he does have a problem I get the classic - 'well you snore as well...' !!!   When I point out that yes I might but I do not stop breathing he refuses to talk about it any more, starts to get furious and goes off on a rant... It's unbelievable, honestly;  he can be very difficult and very bad-tempered.

    I really don't see how I can get him to take steps to sort out his problem - if he refuses to accept he has a problem in the first place.    I just lie in bed, listening to him breathing, and being aware that his breathing is becoming shallow, and then there's a long, long pause in the breathing (I've counted up to 45 seconds before now (and I do know it's 100, 200, 300 etc) - and I think 'hmm do I pinch him, nudge him...' - or is he going to start breathing again.  

    So far he always has done !!!!!!!!

    It is very frightening - but what can I do - he will not listen or accept he has a problem.   Maybe I should put a small video camcorder going tucked away so he's not aware of it - and playback some of his more frightening non-breathing episodes - think it might be only option I have.

    Apart from not being a spring-chicken anymore and he is naturally slowing down a bit, I'm well aware that his disturbed sleeping is definitely causing the 'slump in front of the telly, all day, every day' - and led to my appeal for help about a radio so that I don't have to listen to the infernal telly day in, day out.   I'll swear I could write all the scripts for Homes under Hammer, Bargain Hunt, Flog it, Heartbeat, Judge Judy, Miss Marple, Midsomer etc etc - you can all get the picture I'm sure.    He'll even watch repeats of repeats - and then pretend he doesn't remember seeing the programme the first time, or the tenth time !!!

    Oh dear - we have meandered well away from my original panicked post haven't we.  

    I really would like to thank everyone who responded;  helped put me straight; and given words of help and advice.   One of the many reasons I love this forum;  we may have differeing political or other views - but when help and advice is needed - it's there - for which I am enormously grateful, believe me.

    Now need to get wifi and internet radio - then maybe separate beds in separate bedrooms, and maybe an annexe for me as well !!!

    Thank you so much everyone, and we've got the summer to look forward to - enjoy .


  12. Oh yes - most definitely and several times every night.   Problem - total and absolute refusal to accept he has a problem.   Then he wonders why he's so tired during the day !!

    But the frightening situation which led to me calling an ambulance was far, far worse.  He was unconscious, making terrible sounds in struggling to breath, spasms involving arms and legs (almost epileptic) very red in face - totally and completely unresponsive to my hitting, thumping and slapping him.   Flat on the floor beside the bed - out of it.

    I was terrified - much worse than his apnea incidents.

    Then I get blamed for calling an ambulance.

    When he arrived in hospital at least an hour after calling ambulance his b/p was terrifying still high, although he was conscious - and during the hours afterwards the heart monitor would sound an alarm because heart-rate was erratic.   I was there, listening to it all.

    I can't win - I just have to accept that's the way he is - and hope we don't have another episode.

    But must make sure he writes out that note to absolve me of any blame !!!!


  13. Idun - oh aren't you lovely;  you've tied up my radio post with this one - now you can understand everything !! - aren't you remarkably perspective XX

    You're right;  of course I couldn't just 'leave him' !!   - much as there are times I would want to - in fact I told him if that was if how he felt then he'd have to put it in writing - with his signature - because otherwise I'd be facing the wrath of his family !! - and possibly even more serious consequences.  

    I'm trying to laugh at it all. 

    But when I'm lying next to him, in bed, in the early hours towards dawn, listening to his breathing - listening to him not breathing properly for a few minutes - then he stops breathing - followed by the big indrawn breath - I'm the one who is not geting a proper night's sleep, night after night after night.

    We all have our crosses don't we ? !!!

    But thanks everyone - you've all been very informative;  it's frightening just how much these emergency services do cost - even though we don't actually pay for them up front.   Might do people some good if they were just sent an 'informative' document letting them know exactly how much in financial terms their treatment/emergency assistance/ etc has cost.

    Thanks everyone - chat again next time I have a problem.   Love this forum - and everyone's kind comments.


  14. I put up this post in a panic.   Should've waited.

    Long story.   OH suffered what I believed to be a stroke - tried the 115 number - needed English speaking line - was told to phone 112 - which I did.  Meantime OH is in trouble - unconcsious, not breathing properly..... taken to hospital, tests etc etc.   He discharged himself 24 hours later - we went home.  Because he'd discharged himself we could not be given the results of the tests - but were told to see our own doctor asap.

    Two days later I was at the receiving end of a huge rant from OH, berated for having called an ambulance 'nothing wrong with him...not to do it again....rather be left on the floor... blah blah' - absolutely furious with me.

    Today after post arrived he came storming into the study, thrust what appeared at first glance to be an invoice for huge sum of money - and went off on another rant.....

    Didn't have chance to have proper look at paperwork, was so upset I thought I'd turn to here and to 'the guys who know and can help'........

    Now he's cooled down a bit, and I've sneaked the paperwork away, got it translated - it seems it is just more for info and to be passed on to our mutuelle for info;  but - phew thank goodness - it is not a bill.   For which I'm extremely grateful - and not just for the financial implication - but it would have been confirmatin again for him of something else I'd done wrong.

    Sorry guys ;  but thanks for your quick responses.   I really should have given it a few hours and double-checked - but faced with such hostility I just needed some info quickly.

    Sorry - just ignore - but thanks.


  15. Oh dear;   to save my OH''s life a few months ago I had to call an ambulance in the early hours of the morning.   He was transported to nearest hospital.   We waved the Carte Vitale all over the place as requested.

    I thought emergencies were treated 'free'.

    We've now had huge (and I mean top-end 3 figure huge - almost 4 figure) invoice for ambulance transportation.

    I thought OH had had a stroke;  breathing difficulties, totally unconcsious - so I called an ambulance.  I was terrified for him.

    Now it seems we're being charged 100% for emergency transportation.

    We're retired;  we're here on the usual UK/French health arrangements;  we have current Carte Vitale.

    What's this about?

    Do we just pass it on to CPAM ?

    But why a charge for an emergency ambulance ?

    Told OH next time - I'll take him to hospital myself !!!


  16. Thank you for all that really good advice - and in terms I can understand - lovely.

    Radio 4 is fine on this PC - as are live web feeds - don't bother with anything else.   So it would appear the internet signal is fine.

    The Option 2 is very interesting as well;  but I don't have a smart phone - only have a simple phone, pay as you go, for emergencies only;  don't need mobile phone as such - not many people phone us on the landline anyway  - sad !!

    I'm presuming that to go your super way of radio plus TV (now there's a thought) - I'd need to buy a smart phone, and take out a yearly contract.   As I don't have that much use for a mobile it could be that the mobile would work out quite an expensive option.   Must admit when you talk about Bluetooth I just wondered if, having swapped for a wifi box, then a plug-in Blootooth dongle - and a loudspeaker might be an easy option, but that would mean every time I wanted to change radio stations I'd have to return to the PC to do this. 

    But I'm sure others will be interested in the information you've given - isn't modern techno wonderful - when you can understand it all !!

    Would seem that getting a wifi box, then internet radio will be the simplest option for me.

    Thank you for all your help and advice - really kind of you.


  17. Can I start by saying a huge huge 'thank you' to everyone who tooke the time to respond to my cry of despair - very grateful, really am.    

    (Suitcase has been opened and partly filled for last few weeks !!!)

    Please - can I pick everyone's knowledge base again.

    The cable idea was suggested to OH; problem is we have a 2 LNB - and the idea of having to replace with 4 LNB and then to run another cable right round the outside of the house was met with a -------- so that's a no-no; can't be done.

    Reading through all the helpful advice I've come to the conclusion that for a 'stupid' like me the easiest would probably be the internet radio (love the description of it being like a computer without the arms and legs - made me smile that one !)

    So firstly need to go and swop my white Orange live box for wi-fi one - yes ?

    Then need to find an internet radio - are there plenty around - LeClerc, Darty ?

    Before making final decision - just a few other questions - sorry -

    Now techie answers please -

    originally thought Bluetooth dongle and loudspeaker might work - but if I'm in the woman's shed, or away from the house might be too far away from Bluetooth dongle.

    I'd also need to have PC switched on, and tuned into one radio station - yes ?  

    And to change stations I'd need to return to PC to enable me to do this - yes ?

    But an internet radio means I could switch from station to station - because I'd have the radio right next to me;  am I correct in that ?

    Now - to use either Bluetooth or the radio (radio is preference) -

    does the PC need to be on to use internet radio?   Or does it automatically 'pick up' signals from the wifi box ?

    If the PC has to be on - using either Bluetooth or internet radio - then using Bluetooth plus loudspeaker would be cheaper option, wouldn't it ?

    As for the PC itself;  at the moment it's set for ADSL dial-up;

    - now if I change to wifi do I have to change anything on PC so that it looks for LAN instead ?  

    Or am I just confusing myself - not very difficult !!

    Thanks everyone - sorry to be a nuisance.


  18. Right - here's a challenge.

    Regardless of the rights or wrongs of Brexit - let's not go there -

    yesterday in the House of Lords our wonderful unelected chamber, each paid £300 per day just to turn up, and regarded as the best adult care centre in the country -

    decided that the UK. prior to any negotiations, should declare that any eu citizen living in the UK should have their rights protected.


    But that has thrown us, the UK ex-pats/immigrants - out on a limb, hasn't it ?

    There was absolutely NO MENTION of the way any of us living in any eu country, might be treated, was there ?   It was only focused on the UK granting rights;  rights which Ms May had attempted to clear and confirm with all other 27 countries, and which Merkel refused to agree to.

    So eu nationals living in the UK will be guaranteed rights (if amendment agreed) -

    but WE will have NO rights.

    Now how does that square with all those who, after the Brexit vote, were shouting about the rights for UK citizens in eu countries.

    We've been treated like 'bargaining chips' - BECAUSE of the HoL and the eu;  and this is not the fault of the Tory government.

    Interesting times......


  19. Interesting;  when you say 'booking well in advance' - can I just ask;  you are booking an appointment with an opthamologist, yes ?  

    You are doing this off your own bat, without a note/appointment from doctor - you can just decide that you want such an appointment, and you can make the appointment - and then what about costs ?   Are they high for such an appointment?  

    If you've done this using your own initiative, without a doctor's letter, do you have to pay full cost, or is it still something that CPAM will cover the 70% costs, and with the usual top-up of 30% from insurance or cash ?

    Just asking, because I've got signs of early cataracts in both eyes (according to last eye test back in UK 2 years ago) - so I know I'm going to have to start action soon to have problem treated.

    Sorry to be so nosey !


  20. Thank you everyone for trying to save my sanity.    (I was on the point of packing my case yesterday - not joking, honestly).

    Very helpful, interesting - and rather head scratching (for me as a useless techno person !) - responses, which I will need to read through, and take time to understand.

    What's a 'dongle' ? !!  You see, I just have difficulty understanding.

    Why doesn't an internet radio act the same way as a wifi box - ie take the internet, through an internet/phone line and then tune into radio stations ?   Why not a 'plug and play' radio ?   Why isn't modern techno simple ?

    Sidebar - I used to laugh at my mother at times in the last 20 years for not being 'up to speed' on latest gizmos;  now I know how she felt about modern techno.   Serves me right, doesn't it.

    As always, though, on this site - I am extremely appreciative of all the help and advice.   I'm left amazed by how much expert knowledge people have - makes me feel even more stupid at times - but always grateful for help.

    Thank you - Chessie
  21. OK - here goes - I'm about to admit my total ignorance.

    Used to be able to listen to radio on the tv/satellite set-up.

    Now, for reasons I have no wish to go into, the tv is on, continuously, all day, and tuned to british tv channels - all day, honestly.   a  I am sick, sick to death of it - but can do nothing about it.

    Desperately need help before I go totally stark raving mad.

    I'm missing my radio - but haven't got a clue how I can sort this one out.

    We have 1 telephone line;  1 Orange live box (NOT wi-fi); 1 telephone socket in spare bedroom/study with my computer;  1 telephone socket in kitchen.   It is in the kitchen I need to have a radio.

    Can anyone, in very, very simple, lay-man's terms - tell me how I can possibly have my own radio, in my kitchen, so that I can listen to my programmes?

    The phone socket in the spare bedroom has a filter socket with the phone cable being plugged into the back of the Orange live box, with all the other bits of gear connected properly.

    Can I use the phone socket in the kitchen, with a filter - to plug in an internet radio - is that possible ?

    Please, clever bods - help me out - and keep it as simple as possible.   This is getting really serious now - if I hear any more b---y Morse repeats, Heartbeats, FlogIts, Judge Judy, Judge Rinder, snooker, cricket.... I'm leaving - can't take much more.   So help me save my sanity - please.

  22. Chancer; sorry, but just can't help myself - just one last comment.

    You are quite right - photos of one second in time - can - and do - give an extremely distorted image of an incident - very distorted.

    I actually watched the video, rather than just the 1 or 2 pix - pix which can always be twisted.

    It is very, very clear that they are walking down a slope - and looking down at their feet;  there is absolutely no indication (and I'm a woman) that Mr T was being anything other than courteous.

    That others chose to see differently depends very much on possibly political outlook (and bias) - rather than any honest - and neutral - view of the footage.

    They are both looking down - and Ms May has some fabulous red very high heels on - that's enough for me to understand the situation.

    And I hold no brief for Mr T, Ms May, A Merkel, MLePenn, G Wilders, Schauble, Fillon, Tusk, Juncker - dislike them all !!!

    And that really is my last word - unless.....!!  (But did like Ms May's leather trousers !!)


  23. Ok Chancer - you're willing to give 'T' the benefit of the doubt - but you know him - and I do not.

    If it was 'meant' to be outrageous, and I missed it, then of course I apologise.

    But it really, honestly, didn't strike me as that way - maybe a few 'smileys' might have helped.

    But at first read - it really wasn't very nice;  and the 'gagging' bit - reading that comment as a woman - really was rather disgusting....and sexist.

    Think I'll remove myself from these comments - don't get the humour.


  24. This is just such a nasty, vicious, offensive comment - shameful.

    'You' might have your own interpretation - maybe the 'gagging' says far more about your subconscious.

    I saw the same incident;  it happened quickly and Ms May was given little time to react.

    I find your comments about leather trousers, and Vogue, to be most odd.

    Did you make similar comments about Mr Sarkozy's 'wife' - and her background, and photo-appearances ?

    Or how about Clinton's daliances;  or Mitterand ? - all of whom weren't exactly 'nice' were they ?

    Talk about your anti-feminist post - 5 stars rating.


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