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Posts posted by chessie

  1. Thanks everyone.

    BJSL -  I'm very well aware of the generous nature of the UK's CGT allowance - highlights the punative nature of french CGT tax doesn't it?   Horrible - if in UK then NO CGT because gain shared by spouses - out here - grrr.

    Maybe I didn't make myself clear;  the gains would have to be declared separately - yes ?  

    Then taxed at 30-35% (inc social charges).   

    Would that TOTAL GAIN then have to be included in total annual income, in effect almost doubling our annual income from pensions  - ie for the French to take two slices of it ?  

    Or am I being terribly cynical and untrusting ? !!  

    Wish we'd thought earlier about selling some of these and putting them into different investment maybe  ISA - or do such investments also get 'hit' by French CGT?

    Oh the problems of a little bit of money..........Looks as though there's nothing we can do, but it's going to hurt - quite a bit.

    Thanks - Chessie


  2. I'm a bit confused - would welcome guidance please.

    We have some big financial outlays coming up in the next year;  new car, new kitchen, small building works, exterior painting of house.... we're going to have to 'dip' into our savings to cover these costs.

    We have a large number of shares (one company) gained under the SAYE scheme (employee share scheme) - and they've been held for nearly 20 years.

    We need to sell only some of the shares - but can't get my head around the tax implications.

    As these shares have been held for so long there's a subtantial CGT to be faced.

    So that's the tax on the difference between final purchase of shares - and the value of each share on the date they are sold - yes ?

    That's one substantial tax to be paid, if my calculations are right.

    But I'm concerned about the implication on our tax return;  at the moment as pensioners we don't have massive income - fairly modest and fairly taxed.

    This sale of shares is going to amount to more than 75% of our annual income.

    Now does this 'income' from the shares get included in the 'annual income' - even though it's a one-off - and is already subject to ONE TAX - the CGT ?

    If it is included, for tax purposes, in our annual income - then that means it gets taxed twice doesn't it ?

    Or have I got my ---- in a twist ? 

    Any experts on this on here - please ?

    Regards - Chessie

  3. Thanks for all the lovely help and advice - excellent.

    Update for those interested - because it got even worse.

    We tried to use our UK bank direct debit cards to get money from the local ATM.   Neither cards worked - even though there was plenty of ££s in the account.

    So couldn't 'top up' that way.

    I phoned our bank asking if they would do transfer to french account - sorry, can't be done on the phone.

    The foreign xchange accounts mentioned need 3 or 4 days to be activated - ie confirmation of your ID.

    We were then advised by bank that if we sent them a fax, then they would transfer the money to our french bank account within 24 hours - at a cost of £30.   We had no alternative.

    Then tried to find somewhere with a fax machine.   Local tourist office - very sorry - no couldn't help.   Went to Mairie in nearest large town and were able to have fax sent - but it was time, trouble, and worry I could have done without.

    Have now decided to keep a sum of cash 'hidden away just in case...' - we learn don't we?

    Saga of cards not working - we've been sent new security PIN numbers - and one of them still doesn't work - won't release euros - so that's something to be dealt with.  (Second card and new PIN not yet tried - but not optimistic !).

    The really, really, infuriating thing is that his wallet turned up - sitting on a dining chair which had been pushed back into place, and where he said he'd 'looked all over'.....!!! 

    I could cry.

    Fortunately I hadn't 'cancelled' the french cards - phew.

    Thanks everyone for advice, help and bright ideas - very interesting.

  4. One simple act - and the heavens fall in....!!

    'He', 'him', OH - - lost our credit card.    We've advised UK credit card company - so both his and my credit cards have been blocked/frozen.   So we can't use them and waiting for new cards..

    Our french bank account is very low and we're waiting for usual end of the month transfer of UK monies.

    To cut long story short -

    can we pay into our French bank account -

    a UK cheque, written on our UK bank account, in ££s sterling - just to 'top up' the french account ?

    Any help, as always, much appreciated ?


  5. My little bit of contribution -

    Harrier Jump Jet or Sea Harrier - the most innovative, marvellous - dancing - plane.   Anyone see it 'taking a bow' at an airshow ?   Incredible machine.

    Oh and it has to be Concorde - elegant, fantastic,.   To see one now, caged and shackled in a museum when it should be touching the heavens is heart-breaking.

    Cars - the Cortina Mk 1 GT - with the eye-ball air vent system - full blast could dry hair in five minutes.

    E- type Jag - elegant and sleek.

    Morris Oxford (late 50s-early 60s the round shaped one);  bench seats, column gear stick, low transmission hump - beautiful, easy car to drive.

    re comments above on Ford Anglia 105E - do NOT mock the back sloping window - it really did keep the back window clear in the rain.   Not a nice car;  former boyfriend had one and it hated me; damned thing always stalled on me in first gear.

    And for a woman's choice - the Classic - ta rah - the Kenwood Food Mixer  (just watched James May re-assemble model identical to one I'm still using.... now I can understand why it's so heavy, why the 'clunk' is so satisfying, and why it'll never wear out.

    Pyrex cookware - just don't drop any.

    And for fun - Chanel No 5 perfume.

    There's a mix to think about !!


  6. Excuse me - can understand your rant - but must pull you up on a point or two, please, if you don't mind.

    Do NOT refer to the UK as 'little england' - it demeans you - rather than the UK.

    Many of us Brits living here in France did vote 'leave' -; on the understanding that it might affect us adversely but for many there are deep concerns about the future direction of the eu.

    The UK was never really a 'leading voice' within the eu;  there was a survey recently which showed that 70% of our new laws came from the eu;  and that many montions proposed by the UK - figure of 72 mentioned - ALL were out-voted.   The UK was never regarded by either France or Germany as a 'player';  and the remaining little european countries took their lead from the Big 2.

    We're getting away from the original post, which is a shame.   We've discussed Brexit many times, and if you'd like to continue then maybe we need a new thread.   But, buddy, can I presume you're a lovely American....and maybe don't quite understand the history of the UK and the eu.   Please remember that when the UK was taken into the 'common market' - it destroyed our fishing communities, we were told to cut ties with the Commonwealth -

    and were promised 'no loss of sovereignty'.

    The PM who lied to the voters about that act, and admitted 30 years later to blatant lying to the voters - has been regarded as one of the biggest traitors in UK history by many of us.

    Happy to discuss further - but start a new thread, please.

    Regards - Chessie.

  7. Nomoss - thanks for that info.   So on that principle of 'remove from own area' - they will supposedly feel no 'kinship' with the people they are 'policing'.

    Hmmm - now what does that say about the eu army ?   Where are the conscripts from each country likely to be trained, and posted ?   Because the eu army is well on the way;  long time planning and now the UK is leaving the eu then the likes of Verstiwotsits, and drunker et al will not be held back any longer.   The UK was always regarded as a 'barrier' to all their integration plans - the ever-closer union super-state.

    I'm very glad mention was made of the 'status quo';  those so in favour of remaining never seemed to be able to look further than the end of their own noses and contemplate the future eu in 20 years time.  It was ignored, or the UK was supposed to 'lead from the front' or 'use influence within' - which totally ignored the fact that the UK was out-voted on so many occasions there was absolutely no way the UK was ever have been ALLOWED to use influence or lead from inside.  The 'status quo' was not an option - but seldom was that addressed by the remainers.

    That's a side issue - sorry.

    But it was always one of my concerns about the eu army;  where would they be trained - and seeing what's happened in Spain -

    Now imagine for yourselves -

    an eu army called in - comprising soldiers from Greece, Germany, Poland - NONE from Spain.

    We think the scenes on Sunday were bad; and those were Spanish against Spanish.

    Now imagine 'foreign' soldiers - using the same force on Spanish people.

    Doesn't that worry anyone ?


  8. Having one's hair cut can be very traumatic, especially if its below shoulder length.   Then I can understand a woman needing some words of comfort - and if not sufficiently fluent in French then it can be a problem.

    I have my hair cut by an English hairdresser.   The one French hairstylist local to us is owned by two 'gays' who have been known to have arguments, to keep customers waiting for over an hour for a hair appointment - and then throw hissy fits if the customer tries to explain exactly what is wanted.   Great fun if you're not having your hair cut.

    But there is another - very technical - aspect (apart from everyone having purple hair).   I understand the French hairdressers tend to pull one's longish hair up into a pony-tail - and then cut.   French hairstyles, if anyone really looked at the mags, are rather different to British hairstyles - and it's down to the techniques.   The British do the Vidal Sasson style of sharp cutting, the French do the 'quirky, avant gard' (odd) hairstyles, and if one is of more mature years - then it's the ubiquitous (sp - sorry but the word 'common' wasn't right !!) simple bob.  Have a look around;  how many 'bobs' do you see - and not everyone wants a flippin' bob.

    Anyway, what's wrong with an English hair-stylist - just adding to the rich multi-cultural diversity of France after all, isn't it ?  


  9. Had my eyes examined on last visit to UK;  was told I have early signs of cataracts in both eyes (18 months ago).

    I wear contact lenses, but am reaching the stage where I need new, stronger, prescription for new contacts, and night vision (or lack of it !) is becoming a problem.

    Wondering whether to start making steps to have cataract removal ops here in France.   What are my first steps - optician first, or can I book directly with opthamologist without seeing optician? - and would that have cost implications ?

    Even more important, though, is going to be the total costs involved.   We have the Carte Vitale, but not top-up insurance; deliberate decision so please don't criticise that - was a risk based decision we made.   After all, that's what savings are for aren't they !

    Anyone gone through this process ?   What's my first step ?

    But far more important, can anyone give me advice, guidance on the costs involved ?  

    Any info would, as always, be gratefuly received.

    Thank you - Chessie.

  10. Oh aren't you the lucky one to have swifts around - you're obviously enjoying their company.

    Saddish time of the year from mid-September onwards when we also lose the swallows and the house martins.   Love the way they swoop around the house and skim over the swim pool during the summer months.   Very sad when I see them gather in the large flocks.   Have had very large flocks sitting on the phone lines stretching over at least seven or eight posts up our lane one year - all twittering away - and then suddenly - gone.   I could have cried - end of summer......


  11. Thank you everyone;  I just had one of my 'headless chicken' moments and panicked.   Mainly because of two changes to our income last year, and the change in the way the UK no longer taxes dividends.

    Yes Norman - had read your post about this change to monthly payment being deferred; which made receipt of this letter even more puzzling.

    We have in the past paid by 3 instalments;  don't mind the change - when it happens.   Just a thought;  if the tax bods are now asking for a RIB are they likely to use that for the 3 instalments tax payment method next year ?

    Oh isn't it wonderful dealing with taxes....

    Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest - advice and help gratefully received.


  12. Oh dear;  recently received one of those 'tax' letters referring to Article L10.   Checking on here it would seem, at first glance, nothing to worry about - just sign form and return with RIB so that tax can be collected monthly from January 2018.

    Then I look at the reverse of the letter - Renseignements demande which includes -

    'Dans la declaration vos revenues de

    l'annee 2017, vous avez declare des revenues pour lesquels il

    n'existe pas d'organisms collecteur (revenues fonciers, revenus des

    travailleurs independants, pensions alimentaires

    Pour ce type de revenues, dans le cadre

    de la mise en place du prelevement a la source a compter du 1er

    janvier 2018, vous serez soumis au paiment d'un acompte calcule et

    preleve par l'administration fiscale

    Which would seem that we could be faced with a tax over-charge of some sort - is that right ?

    This year there were two changes to our tax return;  the first was UK dividend payments which had previously been taxed at source;  now no longer subject to UK tax and taxable here in France.   I thought I had made that clear on the form - ...maybe not.

    The other change was a new rental income;  minus interest, letting fees, costs of repairs to central heating and replacement of dishwasher meant we had small income, but it was declared, and the address - of the UK property, was given.    Did I miss out more information ?

    Or am I just worrying needlessly ?

    Help, guidance, advice as always would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you - Chessie

  13. Richard - sorry if I sounded off - but I couldn't understand the ref to Palestine;  didn't want this thread looping off in another, very contentious, area where we all have very definite views.   Sorry everyone - not really shouting....just wanted to avoid the swerve.

    No comments yet about why TM should go, and not corbyn as well.

    Hmmmm ?

    Anyway, it's too hot, going to sort out pool, and talk to farmer who's busy with his big machine baling up the hay;   poor man, the machine's not working properly and instead of dropping bale automatically he's having to leave his cab and kick it every time the baler is full so it operates manually.

    Work darned hard, these farmers.....


  14. Just for anyone's  information - here's how JC voted - back in 2005 -

    to EXEMPT tower blocks from sprinkler systems.

    On June 7, 2005, @jeremycorbyn voted to exempt tower blocks built before ...

    That's corbyn - why isn't anyone shouting for his head, baying for his blood, or him being at the receiving end of vile, vicious, inhuman abuse ?

    Where's the shouting about him - and his other labour lot who will have contributed to this tragedy.

    Why shouldn't he resign as 'leader' right now - anyone tell me ?

    Go on - please explain - damned if I understand the witch hunt going on.


  15. STOP - this is a thread about London, about a tragedy that is being hijacked by corbeans brown shirt lot.

    NOT about Palestine - or anything other than what the OP first posted.

    Anyone wishing to talk about the Jews, the Holacaust, or the man in the moon - can I suggest a separate thread is started.

    It always infuriates me4 when one post, talking about something very serious, gets hijacked off into the realms of colonialism, rascism, imperial past, european colonialism, etc etc etc.

    Please stop it - right now. 

    THIS is not the place.

    Please - Chessie  

  16. OK - I'm going to callk out those who are shouting 'off with her head' at TM - the Prime Minister of the UK, and leader of a democratically elected government.

    WHY the shouting and the mob 'lynch' attitude towards TM?

    The people in those protests are NOT in the majority those who were living in that block, or had families in that block.  If you or I had been involved in that tragedy the last thing I'd be doing would be going to collect a commie labour banner and going on a march.   I'd be too traumatised, and too busy sorting out clothing for myself, family - and listening to advice from the officials about new housing.

    No b---y time for protesting - so who are they ? - and where have they come from ?

    Secondly - what's TM supposed to do - as a PM she's done everything possible to support the families, thank the emergency services, visited the injured in hospital, provide funding - done ALL the practical things to help.

    JC - just wandered around, like P Di incarnate, doing 'touchy feely' and threatening to take over property belonging to 'the rich' - which would actually include quite a few of his own MPs.

    There were safety concerns raised in 1997 about this cladding.   The improvements were carried out under Blair's improved housing - which INCLUDED extra insulation because of its signing up to the climate change act, act.  Labour were far more to 'blame' for the rules, regulations, thinking that led to this tragedy than anything the Tories have done.

    Under Labour Government Khan was undersecretary for communities and local government responsible for public housing - a LABOUTR minister.   The new LABOUR MP for Kensington - Emma Coad - was ON THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT that the residents of Grenfell block complained to.   There - there are TWO directly responsible LABOUR people.

    So why all this 'TM must go'.

    Why this emphasis on 'touchy feely' for pity's sake;  she's an adult' aren't we all adults;  TM has feelings - she just doesn't do what the z-list celebs do - emote all over the place, and twitter and selfie - those people are seriously weird.,

    Imagine Churchill doing 'touchy feely' - he had far more important things to do;  the nations citizens were far more grown up than today's load of 'look at me, me, me - I need a hug - I wanna be on the telly...'.

    WHY are people asking for TM's head - baffles me totally.

    Right - that's my head well and truly above the parapet - who's going to have a go then ? Go on.....


  17. Theiere - thank you so much - you have no idea how lovely it is to have guidance and help when I've done something stupid.

    Thank you for your time,

    I'll let pool drain out, get some more tubs of chlore choc tomorrow and follow your advice.

    Ive got the floaters for the large chlore lent tabs 2 of them - so I'll keep those going once pool is filled up, and being filtered again.

    Will look out for the stabiliser tester - decent pool shop should have one and next time we make an expedition to the nearest big town I'll make a point of picking up tester you recommend..

    Must look out for some of the bidons of Javel though - don't want to run into similar problem again.  Been very frustrating, especially as we now seem to have a heatwave on the way.

    Thank you again Mr T - as always this site is wonderful for idiots like me who need to find someone who 'knows' what to do when disaster strikes.

    Sorry to have bothered you - have a lovely summer


  18. Dave - thank you - no Brico Depot near us (47).

    Theiere - ahhh - knew there'd be someone who 'knew' what a stupid thing I've done - and how to help.

    So having chucked in a complete tub of chlorine choc tabs, mixed with some of the hydro peroxide - I've destroyed the chlorine - and made it worse.   Yikes - can only happen to me.    Why are there no warnings that the h-p destroys chlorine.

    You're right;  I'm going to drain down pool completely;  had only removed about one-third then topped up with fresh before I started all this.   Will make a proper job, drain until almost empty.   This wouldn't have happened if the wretched local brico had stocked the Javel....always something.

    Now - advice please.

    I drain it as much as poss so there'll be about 6 - 8 inches water;  there will still be some milky green water left  - at that point (if I can't get the Javel) - will putting in half of a tub of the Chlor Choc tabs be OK to destroy the algae remaining ?

    Then fill pool;  check PH (add Ph minus if necessary) - then add some more chlor choc - or wait to see if water remains clear and just maintain.

    Do have tester for Ph and Chlor - but it's only one of those cheapie test tube thingies where you add a red tablet and a yellow tablet.  Not really that accurate but good enough up till now, and I've not had this problem before.

    Thank you for rec about Auchen;  there is one in Villeneuve sur Lot;  more than half an hour's drive and OH thinks a drive of more than half an hour is a long distance drive needing coffee and sandwiches;  he hates a journey drive of more than 25 minutes - so I'll have to talk nicely to him!!

    Thanks for your help and advice;  at least I won't waste my time filtering for no good reason over the next 5 days.   Just bite the bullet, and start again.

    Help greatly appreciated - thank you.


  19. Got a bit of a problem.  Pool didn't do well over winter - went green.  An above ground pool, 24ft x 12ft, Hayward pump and filter with Zeiolite;  Zeolite was 'refreshed' a year ago

    Drained half - added clear water.    Took Ph level down to 7.0.

    Then added what was left of Javel - the last 1/4 of it, and the chlore choc tablets - a whole tubful of chlore choc !   Pool has been filtered and filtered for last 5 days - and is still a milky green.

    Couldn't find any bidons of Javel - have used a Whole bloomin tub of Chlor Choc tabs -

     Everything that should work - does.

    But pool won't clear.

    Tried our local supermarket for bidons of Javel - don't have any.

    Went to brico in larger town - no - they don't have any bidons of Javel.  None in stock, none on order - not available - 'never stocked' - which is a fib

    In desperation I bought some non-chlorine disinfectant algae killer - it contained hydrogen peroxide.   Has it made a difference - nope. 

     Have seen on-line reference to hydrogen peroxide 'kill' chlorine - ouch;  is that true ?   Have I destroyed the chlorine that I've already put in.

    The ph is right - now what ?

    Are the large bidons of Javel still availkable ?   Not being able to get some in local - Biggish - Brico was a horrible shock.

    Anyone know if the large Bricos (LeClerc) - in Villeneuve sur Lot or in Bergerac have any of these in stock.   And no, didn't see any Javel bidons in the Cash Pisciine in Bergerac either.  

    And I've still got a pool that's not looking as good as normal.   H  e  l   p  - please !!


  20. Here's an interesting post from the DT -

    '   Meanwhile the culpable mismanaging hand of the EU begins to come to light in its role played in the Grenfell fire.


    17 January 2008, the European Economic and Social Committee, acting

    under Article 29(2) of its Rules of Procedure, decided to draw up an

    initiative on the restructuring and evolution of the household

    appliance industry (white goods in Europe) and its impact on employment,

    climate change and consumers.

    The EU's Consultative Commission on

    Industrial Change, sought centralisation and uniformity across the

    continent of all white goods but conspicuously failed to consider EU

    white goods designed for a lower voltage system would not operate well

    on a HIGHER UK voltage system of 240 volts.

    This fire risk was

    once a commonly acknowledged fact and all people knew the dangers of

    operating appliances "overseas". Why then should we be surprised when

    shoddy EU goods designed for a lower voltage grid set fire?

    This is over and above the death trap cladding that spread the fire and was also determined by environmentally friendly EU regs.


    regulations set out rules for buildings’ energy consumption with

    Britain signed up to the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.


    the directive, the UK is required to report to the European Commission

    on progress towards national energy efficiency targets each year.


    24 of the directive was cemented into UK law in April 2014 and a

    Government report says “bringing as many residential and commercial

    buildings as possible up to a high level of energy performance is a

    priority for the UK Government”.

    Cladding is often used to improve

    energy efficiency and it is thought there could be up to 30,000

    buildings in the UK fitted with similar cladding to that used on

    Grenfell Tower.

    Foam boards coated in zinc rainproof sheets were

    spaced across the 24-storey building as part of the refurbishment.

    Boards deemed a fire risk in the US and subsequently banned.'

    Throws some light on why the fridge exploded, doesn't it ?   Read a reference elsewhere as to eu regs about this imflammable gas - which the eu wanted to be used in cars, and which bmw and merc fought to eu to prevent that happening.  

    Many fingers.....in many pots......

    And as for the humanity side - the charities concerned have asked people to stop donating items of clothing etc - they have more than enough..........


  21. OK - I'll bite.   It was the oh-so-superior architects, town planners, social engineers - who thought that the streets in the sky were a great idea for building communities.

    The very people who designed them - never lived in them but preferred their Georgian town houses, and mansions.

    It was also supposed to help those on low salaries to live in big cities, without having to pay high rents to private landlords - and that block is council owned.

    There was nothing wrong with the building - it was the cladding which was fitted during refurbishment.   Any such work has to comply with Blair/Labour governments Decent Homes programme which ran from 2000 to 2010.

    Concerns had been raised back in 1997 about cladding being used on these tower blocks. 

    1997 - Labour;  and Labour for the next 13 years ?   Labour did nothing about the concerns.

    Councils turned to cladding to meet the insulation standards laid out under Blair's Government £22 billion Decent Homes Programme.

    The scheme dictated that homes should have effective heating and insulation, modern facilities and be in a good state of repair.   For high-rise council blocks, local authorities were faced with either knocking them down which meant they would have to find or build homes eldewhere or refurbishing them.

    The UK is a very over-crowded little island;  we shouldn't be building on arable land, or land that will be needed for so-called renewables like solar panel farms, or wind turbines.   All need space.

    People need homes;  with an ever growing population where are people supposed to live in crowded cities.   High rise tower blocks are built in all large modern cities - and if more and more people want to live in big cities - then tower blocks are the only answer.

    But it was Labour that was responsible for the cladding issue.   It was Labour in power for many years after 1997 when issue first raised; and Labour's commitment to Climate Change Act (Davey & Milliband) which included the push for 'insulate, insulate, insulate' - despite the concerns of the Fire Service.

    So, yup, I've stuck my head well and truly above the parapet.

    Here's another thing;  please don't misunderstand this, or put words into my mouth in any way - but I was intrigued by the multi-culti diversity - of ONE tower-block.


  22. I remember the dream - the dream of the 60's when we had a 'united' europe.  It was indeed a lovely concept.

    It was fine when there were 6 or 7 countries, with economies, wages, standards of living, cultural history, similar backgrounds - it was a workable idea.

    It is what it has 'morphed' into over the years;  this Treaty, that Treaty - mostly done without any european citizens being given the chance to say 'yes' or 'no'.   European citizens were treated with disdain - we weren't clever cnough to understand it all !!

    Those countries that did have referenda on the eu and got their answers 'wrong' - were ignored, told to vote again until they came back with the answer that the cabal wanted.

    As for the tricks, double-dealing and downright dishonesty of the Lisbon Treaty, when even Chirac admitted it was an eu constitution but with a different title, some of us then realised there was something really nasty going on.

    It was hubris, little strutting ego-driven idiots, who thought that one-size could fit all, right across europe.  It doesn't - it will never do so......

    Anyone read extracts from Mr YanisV's book (Greek finance minister) about the way he was lied to, his arm was twisted, how 'they' (eu cabal) said and promised one set of arrangements with him - and then went onto a stage and said something completely different;  his explanation of how he, the Greek government - and more importantly the Greek people - were stitched up and sold down the river - by Merkel - is frightening and appalling.

    The original idea of the 'common market' was good;  it has been hi-jacked, and turned into something, far, far more malevolent - and which has ignored the wishes of european citizens for decades.

    The european countries were given back their democracies by the UK after WW1 and WW2 - they don't seem to appreciate the blood, sweat and tears from the UK during those two 'little incidents'......

    I am sad for the dream that has been destroyed - very sad;  but the UK citizens have taken the right decision.

    If I had young family members now, the and we had voted 'remain' - I would be feeling extremely concerned about the talk of an 'eu army' - very, very worried.   It is something those 'snowflakes' just don't seem to understand - they'd be first to be conscripted - anyone ask them about that.

    As for the 5 presidents' plans - they're very worrying - anyone else on here read them ?   Maybe you should.

    The eu as it is now is destroying future hopes for young people in Spain, Greece, Italy - why do so many eu young people wish to live and work in the UK - because there's nothing for them at home.

    We have homeless people in the UK - people from Roumania, Bulgaria etc etc - ...that is so wrong - and what has been done to european citizens is immoral, and very dangerous.

    People, thanks to the internet, social media etc are beginning to wake up - and the elites really should start to be worried.

    The death of a dream - destroyed by ego-driven, power-mad evil men.

    Sorry guys - but that's how I see things.


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