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Posts posted by Dotty0

  1. Alcazar

    We always try to buy our fuel in the supermarkets, however, sometimes it can often work out more expensive.  Like the time we were in our 8 mpg American motorhome.  My darling husband decides to pull off the autoroute in search of cheaper fuel.  Both tanks full is very expensive, so every little helps.  However, because of the height restrictions into most supremarket stations we could not get through.  After adding 45 mins to the journey time, getting lost, stuck, unable to turn round easily, this thing is 27 feet long, I worked it out we saved 5 euros in fuel, but it must have cost us all of that driving round.  Plus of course the divorce.

  2. I think I'm correct in saying (sure I will be pulled up if wrong), that you CANNOT use a British chip and pin card in French petrol stations.  Only French issued cards will work.

    Most petrol stations on the Autoroutes stay open 24 hours a day, but sometimes you can find service aires are closed due to maintenance or road works.  My advice would be to carry extra fuel and don't let you car get too low before refilling. 

    The AA map of France is great for listing petrol stations, so you may be able to plan your fuel stops in advance.  Just make sure you have a back up plan if all goes wrong.


  3. Thanks to all of you.


    Yes I bank with CA, however I have a debit card and free online banking as well, so not sure why you pay the 8.65 euros per month.  Also, do you get charged for new DD to be set up?  I was charged 9.00 euros for my last one.



  4. Jond

    Does the rate increase for  3 children.  I heard a rumor that in France unlike the UK, you do not get anything for one child, but having larger families, well, does it mean more gin?


  5. Bouffon

    How can you know all of this?  I didn't have a great education either and I left school with a few exams.  At 16 staying on and furthering my education was the last thing I wanted.  But I don't get bitter about others around me who are educated and it doesn't necessarily make you a better person for it.  Why do you feel educated people suppress free thought?  Is it perhaps you are envious of them and are trying to make yourself feel better by throwing insults at them.  You really should be happy with youself as you are, if not then do something about it.


  6. Don't know if its a proper 4x4, no offence but some are a bit girly.  I ski regulary in the Pyrenees and have nearly always needed chains.  Have mainly used a BMW.  Have friends that live 1 hour from the slopes with a Range Rover and they have chains, but don't know if they've used them.

    Just have fun ski-ing not trying to get there.



  7. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.  You are clearly very clever.  First you deduce Dicksmith is jealous, then you opine I am weak minded. 

    Are you the jealous one?  Are you jealous that Dicksmith has a 'holiday home'?  And as for taking away houses away from French people, how do you know that is the case.  For all we know Dicksmith may have built his house on a piece of waste land or restored a pile of bricks.  Whatever he has and I have no idea, I bet he pays his taxes and contributes to the local community that would otherwise not have the income from the dwelling.


  8. Le bouffon,

    I think you are being a bully.  Not every one wants or needs to live in France.  Are you some kind of mind reader to know that Dicksmith is jealous.  For goodness sake get a life.


  9. It looks as though I'll be going to the newsagents tomorrow to get a copy of Rustica.  Thank you for all your tips.  One other question, is it ok to just put the seeds in the ground.  I haven't got a green house to plant in small trays, then move to the patch once they have started to grow.

    Thanks again


  10. John

    We moved to France in the summer and live in dept 79.  My husband is a race engineer.  The team he works for is based in the UK but for the past two years have participated in the French endurnce series of VdeV.  This has taken them to many of he great circuits in France.  This year they maybe returning to compete in the UK so hubby is there alot of the time.  France is fantastic for motorspor of all kinds.  My kids love the fact we have a handful of kart circuits within a 30 mile radius.  Gets a bit hectic in the season, but its so ecconomical compared with the UK and so laid back.  As with all motorsport here.  Its not unusal to be at a track day, have a spot of lunch (three courses) and half a bottle of wine, then return to the track in the afternoon and nobody seems to mind.  Just like being at Brands, me thinks not.

    Good luck with whatever you hope to acheive.


  11. Hello there

    I have spent a back breaking morning in the drizzle marking out and digging a vegetable patch.  I have alot more to do, but thought it was time to make a start.  I don't have a rotavator, so am having to do it all with my own fair hands.  Whilst digging, I had all these questions popping into my head and thought I would put them to you.  Have listed them to make it easier if anyone wishes to reply.

    1. Whilst digging, unearthed several colonies of black ants and white larvae, will they hamper my vegetables? Is there a way to get rid of them and do I need to?

    2. I removed the top layer of soil complete with turf, can this be used for anything else.  I assume it should not be mixed in with any other thing trying to grow as it will spread weeds.  There is and will be alot more by the time I've finished, can it be put to use for anything else?

    3. I have two kittens aged 5 months.  Are they likely to scratch up and use the soil as a toilet.  If so, is there something to plant ot keep them off?

    4. I live in Dept 79.  When is the best time to start planting and what is the first thing I should plant.  Eventually I want to grow a variety of vegetables all year round, but as its my first time I think its sensible to try a little at a time.  Any ideas?

    All comments welcome.



  12. What is it with 6 year olds.  My son comes home from school and plays using French words and phrases.  When I asked his big sister to tell me what he was saying, she said Mum I don't think you really want to know, but it is B***dy *ell.

    How lovely.

  13. Rob

    You are very fortunate in many ways.  Firstly being fluent is such a big plus as it will enable you to help your kids with their homework.  Also, it really does help if your kids are the only'foriegners' as it will speed up the learning process.  My middle child has several English kids in his class and they tend to stick together, hampering is French I think.  However he does play at the local football club and I think it has helped him settle with the local boys more than his English classmates, as they don't.  I would encourage as much after school activity as possible.  To help them intergrate with their peers and it also gives them less time to dwell on what they may be missing in the UK.

    All the best



  14. Rob

    We moved to France in the summer and our kids started school in September.  We have a 12 year old daughter at College retaking 6eme and 2 boys, 1 in CM2 who is 10 and 1 in CP who is 6.  Our daughter has learnt the most French and whilst we have been travelling in France for a number of years, she now translates for myself and my husband.  We have just had parents evening and all of her teachers have expressed how well she has learnt to speak French.  She is now given exacly the same work as her class mates.  Our sons have not progressed as quickly, but its very early days.  Both the college and the primaire have been fantastic.  They have brought in extra staff to help our kids with their French and have been so supportive.  I think that if you have a relaxed attitude and a good suport network you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I know I am, also very proud.



  15. Jond

    I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no.  We had a visit from the relatives of the old man who used to live here, she also once lived here and  was also born here.  She told me that the room was part of the kitchen originally, now it has a partition wall, it that's the correct term, so it would not have had another use. 

    We have barns to the back of the house and all are under the same roof, ie not separate.  So all the rooms in the house back onto these, but there is an area for the drainage of 'liquids'.

    What do you use your winter quarters for cattle as now?


  16. Chris

    Thanks for the offer.  I don't want to cause a fuss, its just I have 3 children and my youngest (6)  is scared of dogs, particularly when unleashed.  Thankfully they are at school and I think the season finishes in March (can anyone confirm the season) so hopefully won't come into contact with them.


  17. Hello Chris

    No, the hunters were nowhere to be seen, only heard.  We have about a hectare, in several fields around us, it used to be a farm house.  I was oustside when I heard a commotion and spotted the dogs running across the front field.  There were about 6 dogs, they were quite long bodied with short legs and they all had flurescent collars.  The fields next to us have cattle in them and the field the dogs ran into usually has, but have rently been moved.

    Something else new to experience in France I guess.


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