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Posts posted by Dotty0

  1. Hello all

    Just been catching up on this thread and have to say that HSS is vomit in a jar.  Now marmite, well is the perfect hangover cure.  Not that I ever get hangovers of course.  I am told two heavily buttered, lightly marmited slices of toast is the perfect way to end the nausea.  Damn, my son used the last of our jar this morning, how am I going to manage tomorrow.



  2. [quote user="powerdesal"]This may be a slight divergence from topic but I have just booked Ryanair from Dinard to Stansted in early june for E12.50. I have absolutely no experience of Ryanair ( living where I do) and wonder just how reliable they can be at that sort of pricing. Any comments on that aspect??????




    I my experience I have had delays and problems with both type of airlines.  Only recently having a flight booked with BA from Gatwick to Nantes was delayed 5 hours, due to a problem with the plane.  However BA offered refreshment vouchers (Gatwick has lots of restaurants to choose from) and told me if the plane could not be fixed they would use another one.  On the other hand.  Had a similar delay from Poitiers to Stansted with Ryanair.  Due to Poitiers airpor thaving pretty much nothing there, we couldn't eat.  There wasn't even enough seats for everybody so sit on whilst the problem was being sorted out.  Had the problem not been sorted, they wouldn't of been able to use another plane, due to them not having any spare. 

    I think that when the services work, then you really can't go wrong with the cheaper airlines, but when it does, you wished you had paid that lillte bit extra.


  3. [quote user="vervialle"]I paid £19.70 including taxes to Limoges six weeks ago , I notice today it is 129.99 plus taxes so I think it is best to book early, I think they look at the bookings weekly and adjust accordingly, there is no easy way to work how they opperate , but I have always booked early and saved money.[/quote]


    My understanding is the pirices go up as the seats get sold.  So for example if the plane has 100 seats, the first 20 will get sold at £1.00, then the next 20 at £15.00, the next 20 at £40.00 and it goes onwards and upwards like that.  Until of course the last 20 pay £200.00. 

    With BA and the like I think its partly the same.  However we use Gatwick to Nantes (hubby works in the UK) so I'm always trawlling through their site to get the best prices.  The price starts off low and as they get booked go up.  But also if the flight is vrey popular they will add another flight for that day and so the price comes down again.  With the Llw budget airlines, I don't think they are able to do this.


  4. [quote user="Iceni"]

    Car tax evasion is a form of theft, we have to pay more because they don't. Are you really saying that police shouldn't persecute/prosecute thieves ? Not that they seem to do much about burglaries anyway.

    About time the police adopted "no tolerance" at all levels and local authorities were allowed to keep the fines collected in their areas. Set financial targets and pay car tax police by results.  Or sell the concession to Michael O'Ryanair -  he would make a healthy profit out of it.






    Do you honestly think the price of car tax would be reduced if everybody paid.  I seriously don't think so.  Do you think if twice as much alcohol was consumed or cigerettes smoked the government would halve the duty on them? 

    Yes the police should prosecute thieves along with all the other criminals, but I don't believe they should be tax collectors.  Perhaps if the presure was off the them to look out for tax evaders, then they might have more time to catch the real baddies in the world.


  5. Stocky wrote

    Having said that there is a move to criminalise many of the minor offences, this means that a swab can be taken and your dna stored on the PNC.

    What is the world coming to.  Surely not for car tax evasion.  About time they started catching the real criminals, and stopped being Gordons tax collectors.


  6. [quote user="jond"][quote user="Dotty0"]

    I am under the impression that it isn't actually a criminal offence, but a civil offence to not have car tax in the UK.  Or have the powers to be changed the law on that and it passed me by.



    It probably was not an arrestable offence. Thanks to a recent change in the UK, all offences are now arrestable. Including dropping litter. And (technically) joining a queue in a public place that is more than three people long unless doing so with the permission of your local Chief Constable. Could add to the burden of paperwork, that second one.

    Is there a law against taking too much air in with a sharp intake of breath.  If so I had better keep a look out for the busys.


  7. [quote user="Suandpete"]Hi Dotty
    It was 11th March; I posted on it at the time in case people hadn't heard.  http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/641758/ShowPost.aspx
    We went to look at the reservoir at Cebron on the 11th and from being seriously low just 2 weeks before it was higher than I've ever seen it - and I've been here 4 years!


    Many thanks for that.  I can't believe how quickly the ditches and so on have been replenished.  We have a well that we have yetto use, its covered over with a very large slab, too heavy for me to move, so I don't get to peer down the well very often.  However, took a look a couple of weeks ago and its nearly full.  Previously it had been down to about 25 feet.


  8. Talking of paint.  Can anyone tell me if you can paint on internal crepie (sp) onto polystyrene (sp) sheeting.  Can't get the blasted stuff off, its been welded to the walls and don't want to paper over it.  Thought this might be a solution.  The polywhatsitsname I think is for insulation, about 2 mm thick.  Anybody tried painting or crepying it?

    Many thanks


  9. Nicky

    My family moved to France last summer.  I have 3 children, 6, 10 and 12.  Our 12 year old daughter, nearly 13, went straight to college.  We too thought she would find it harder than her younger brothers to get on at school, with the learning of a second language.  Most people intimate the older the child the more difficult it is to grasp.  However we have been totally surprised, she has settled in so well.  She is pretty fluent, not having had any private French lessons before we moved, and is partaking in the class along with all the other French kids.  She started school last September and she was a little nervous about the whole thing, but she has always been positive and now its paying off.  I recently asked her if we could turn back the clock, would she like to go back to the UK.  Her answer was a definate NO.  Just goes to show how we can worry un necessarily.  I'm sure there are cases where it does just not work, but equally some that do.  Its still relavtively early days but its heading in the right direction.  Sometimes you have to do what you feel is right, and just be positive about the decision.


  10. My two youngest go to Primary school.  The start at 9.00am and finish 4.30pm.  They only have school 4 days a week, having all day Wednesday off.  So their time at school works out to 30 hours per week.  In the UK they had a 6 hour day, 5 days a week, so its exactly the same.  They have one 20 min breadk in the morning and two 10 min breaks in the afternoon.  I think they are for leg stretching and a bit of fresh air.

    My daughter is at college her day is 8.5 hours long.  I have since found out she has two rest periods and not three.  Two 15 mins morning and afternoon with a 95 min lunch break.  She only attends school for half a day on Wednesdays.  However, most of Thursday afternoon is spent partaking in soprts clubs.  They have a choice of Judo and rugby at the moment. 

    None of my children have complained or even commented on the length of the day.  Fortunately we only live 4 km from the school, so don't have a long commute.  We know some kids though that are out for 10 hours a day.  But it just seems the norm and don't appear to mind.


  11. Tresco

    Yeah just.  But really need to be up early so will be off in a sec.  Not sure why you are apologising though.  Thought it was Ron that got the info wrong.  It doesn't matter though.  Would just like to read and share posts and possibly even help others in France.


  12. Ron

    Really sorry to put you straight but I haven't posted on a UK political related thread.  My post was to the thread 'Visting the UK' where some poor person had their car clamped.  Someone else made a comment sure, and I agreed and yes it didn't help with the original post.  However, surely threads as well as conversation go 'off topic' its human nature.  I'm not saying it has to be all one way or the other, is that what it sounded as though I said?  It really wasn't meant to.



  13. Ron

    Havin reread your post I have also noted you have edited the following.

    "BLIAR'S UK: A Sh*t heap! Everything for those that won't, or don't. Nothing for those that do, and as for justice? Forget it.

    If you had included the first part of the post it would have read quite differently.


  14. Having just read through all of the posts on this subject I would like to offer my bit.  I have 3 kids at school in France.  So far the system seems to be working.  My two youngest would both be about to take their SATS had they been in the UK.  From earlier experiences with my daughter its all a bit of a stressful time.  I think taking regular controles is good.  It means the kids can be monitored, ie checking they have actually understood what they have been doing for the past couple of weeks.  Also, as they are so frequent its not such a 'big thing'.  Some kids in the UK and parents have sleepless nights before the tests.  I know which I prefer.

    And as for the day being too long, well compared to the UK I don't think its any different.  When you take into consideration the 90 min lunch break and the 3 rest periods, is about the same.  Perhaps from leaving the house to returning home is longer, but as for actual classroom time I think its comparable.



  15. Alcazar wrote the following post at 21/03/2006 21:24:

    Obvious mistake: he should have entered the UK illegally on a train, fallen off, "hurt" his back, then they'd have GIVEN him a house, car, driving lessons etc etc etc.

    BLIAR'S UK: A Sh*t heap! Everything for those that won't, or don't. Nothing for those that do, and as for justice? Forget it.

    Couldn't  agree more.  Though doesn't help with the original post.  Sorry



    Ian Horn

    I couldn't agree more.  You have just taken the words out of my mouth.   I don't post a great deal on here, but I always love to read the other posts.  Its great to share other peoples experiences of France and the way of life.  However I feel the forum is turning into a chat room, not the informative, inspiring source of information I once found.  Sure its good to make friends and share some banter.  Hefty debates are also healthy, but its become a bit of a joke.

    So I will share the lighting ceremony with you if I may.


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