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Posts posted by tj

  1. [quote user="crazyfrog"]any solid pipes underground from the house to the fosse are not glued.  The stuff in the drainage field is never glued.[/quote]


    Just to try and clarify in simple terms, the grey PVC pipe you use inside the house is bracketed to the wall, floor etc, the glued joints are not under usual circumstance, prone to any movement.

     Underground is a different story, so you need to use connectors with the rubber gasket on the inside, or lengths of pipe with the gasket at one end and slot each length into the other.The idea being that the rubber gasket allows for some limited movement should the ground be subject to any movement, tremors etc. The key is of course in the proper installation within the trench in the first instance, and there is lots of information on the net, take a look at the http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/professionals/en/1115314110382.html "Part H" this is of course UK regs so you wont go far wrong.




  2. [quote user="Alane"]


    Aren't these the same pipes that would have the joints glued if used inside the house?




    No they are not the same ones, but are usually next to the others in most Brico's, 


  3. [quote user="Alane"]

     I've only seen the glue fitting type pipes in our builders merchant - are the collars something that must be purchased separately?



    Its just a length of pipe and at one end it is a little wider so you can connect the other piece into it. All the Brico places sell it, and of course the pro merchants.

  4. [quote user="crazyfrog"]

    I'm doing the same thing, although I've got a 25m run.  Does anyone have any info on how the underground 100mm pipe is joined? Fosse bloke says it is "interdit" to glue them so I am worried as they might leak.




    The underground pipe has a collar fitting, into which the preceding piece fits, rather than connecting two pieces together with a straight connect.

    It will not leak unless the run backs up and is full of water, and even then it would be negligable.

    Dont worry!


  5. [quote user="St Amour"]No but it is a different profession so what about cotisations?  That's the one that always creates the problem because it's the one you pay irrespective of earnings![/quote]


    Not true, there is a threshold before the major contribution URSSAF is payable, and cotisations are relative to income earned so makes no difference,  if you dont earn much you dont pay much!

  6. [quote user="Quillan"]

    Is it true that the limit for TVA is 27k Euros per year after which you MUST register? Would this not mean that if you work to the limit of your micro BIC you must register and therefore you must charge TVA on your labour? I ask because I don't know if this is true.



    If you provide services the limit is 27000, if you are in sales the limit is 76000, and there is no reason why a company cannot be registered for both, giving them a total limit before TVA is payable, or chargeable of 76000 euros.

    I'm not quite sure what your point is about zero rated, if you are referring to the above then it is not a zero rate situation, its just that you dont need to register for TVA until you reach the limits, so therefore you do not have to charge TVA on your goods and services.

    You will obviously pay TVA on purchases and not be able to claim it back, but its a swings and roundabouts scenario!


  7. [quote user="nicktrollope"]

    It's 27.000€/year, labour only - difficult, but not impossible to survive on (once you have paid 47% cotistations!). Add a little "black" (& who doesn't?) and most manage, for a couple of years, at least.


    Cotisations on 27000 would be around 5000 euros, no tax so i think 22000 is not so bad .


  8. Hi

    I dont know about "in the fitting" but definitely in the "fittings" getting all that internal plastic to work as it should is tricky sometimes, adjusting the full and half flush arrangement, and the ball valve arm if it doesnt hang vertically in the water inlet get ready for some noise with the high pressure.

    Have tried to find brass fittings to no avail, maybe someone knows? 


  9. [quote user="jackrabbitslims"]

    We plan to rent out our house in the UK for a year and rent somewhere in the Pyrenees\Languedoc.  This doesn't phase us at all.  We are simply worried about earning enough to get by.  [/quote]

    Sorry forget to mention this inprevious post,

    Renting a house does not work quite the same way as in UK, you will need to prepare a dossier which you would submit to agency or proprietaire, bank statements, employers reference of income, previous rental references etc etc.

    When we rented our first house, we were a little lucky because it was unoccupied, but still had to jump thru hoops to get it, when we moved out about 7 or 8 people veiwed the house and after about a month we found out which ones had been successful.

    Unlike in UK where you can view a house one day and move in the next, again, another example of the french lack of business skills. 

    Try and find something privately if at all possible.

  10. Hi

    You say your an HGV driver? why not get a driving job? there are many haulage firms and a shortage of drivers, you would need to do a french familiarisation course it costs around 2000 euros, but would be worth it maybe!.

    Arriving with a lump sum is no guarentee of ongoing success, many have returned to UK after initial funds have dried up and have been unable to earn sufficient income.

    I am sure many here have been able to find an income from some activity, and am open to dissagreement, but would say also, many are "just hanging on in there". living from year to year, which can be very stressful.

    France is not easy by any stretch of imagination, apart from a handfull of major cities, ( which alot of us came here to escape from ), France can only be best described as poor financially. The social system seems to have a strangle hold on the economy, and the commercial world are many many years behind the western business model, they just dont know how to do business! 

    Some may not agree, but my take on things would be, if you arrive with nothing and fail to acheive some kind of miracle by way of jobs and housing I think you could be back in the UK very quickly.

    Whatever you decide, keep intouch I am sure everyone will be interested in hearing how things are going, and you never know, a strong positive attitude and anything is possible,

    best of luck


  11. [quote user="Dick Smith"]That would work with a plasterboard ceiling, but the OP says he has laths, which would mean a big hole to fill!

    Yeah, too much to fill really, cut back the broken laths, put the first piece of board inside the hole above the laths and screw it down, then cut a piece smaller than the hole and attach to the first with montage kit (no nails I think its called in UK), this should bring you down enough for you just to skim over it.

  12. [quote]="Kira's_Back" A decent plumber will be French (generally)


    Very interesting, maybe you would enlighten the rest of us, as to why the only good plumbers are french? I assume you know many to be able to generalise in such a way?


  13. Hi

    Company information is obviously available from the various commerce offices, since as soon as you register junkmail starts arriving :)

    There is one ready made and I would assume one of the largest in France, and FREE, is here, http://www.pagesjaune.fr enter the type of business, and city or dept and hit go!!! With some time and effort I'm sure you could compile a database to equal any you might pay for.

    good luck

  14. [quote user="vickybear"]

    As there is no estate agent I understand I have to get reports done and have been told I need the following....termites, asbestos, lead, energy efficiency and earthquake (!! ).

    I have been told these will cost around 1000 euros and some of them are valid for only 3 months.



    I think someones walking you down the path Vickybear, you need an infestation report, it covers termites, asbestos, woodworm and similar and lead. They are run of mill items and are not expensive.

    Try here, they should be able to give a price. http://www.diag.immo.com

  15. [quote user="fulcrum"]In France it is very hard to work out how prices are arrived at. Be it cars, houses or even items at the bricolage shops. I think the rule is. Think of a price and double it and see who is interested.


    In the UK estate agents generally arrive at a price based on comparison, comparing like for like, here it seems to be somewhat of a lottery, but you should bear in mind there is a market designed for the exploitation of british house hunters.

    When we were looking for renovation projects, one house was 38000 at one agent and 80000 at another, at the end of the day a house is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it.

    Before we looked at our house I asked the agent how much of the price was their fee, they said it was not a problem since it was included, I said I knew that but wanted to know how much. They did tell us, but what annoyed me, was when we had finished negotiating the price, and were there to sign the compromis, we noticed they had increased their fee. For us its not a problem since we are pleased with the deal, however the agent has basically stolen or misappropriated funds that should have rightfully been the sellers.

    My advice, do not assume anything, do not assume they are being honest with you, check and double check, do your homework and be prepared so you can deal with the agent to your satisfaction not theirs, don't stand for any nonsense, don't be pushed, your the one paying their wages, make them earn it!

  16. [quote user="Wozza"]

    I have a manual tyrolean projector you can borrow (the type with a handle you wind to chuck the stuff at the wall).

    PM me if interested.


    Thanks for that, I have the manual type but the spray will be faster and easier I think!

  17. Hi

    I need a "machine a projeter" and compressor to redo the exterior walls of an old house with Tyrolean, Procalit ore similar.

    Would be grateful to know where I can hire such, or even if someone has a system sat idle that they maybe willing to loan out, for a fee of course :)

    all replies gratefully received

  18. Hi

    In theory yes.

    It depends of course on the load of the oven, for example it would be no good for a 5 kw oven, I think your good upto 3 kw, anything over and you need 6² cable and 32 amp disjoncteur.

    I am assuming you will not be needing a conseul inspection ? , since the 32 amp Type A circuit is required as a minimum standard installation whether or not you install an electric hob or not.

  19. [quote user="Ewa"]Can we appeal/object? We have the report in our possession but I didn't realise the fee covered multiple visits!. Ewa[/quote]

    I don't think you can object as such, but I dont see the harm in speaking with them and ask if there are any alternatives to what they propose.

    On a visit to their office I was told the fee covers any required visits.

  20. [quote user="Ewa"]Can we appeal/object? We have the report in our possession but I didn't realise the fee covered multiple visits!. Ewa[/quote]

    I don't think you can object as such, but I dont see the harm in speaking with them and ask if there are any alternatives to what they propose.

    On a visit to their office I was told the fee covers any required visits.

  21. Hi

    Since I posted, I have managed to find the service St Jean to Saintes, unbelievable, departs 6.02 am arriving 7.40 am, 30 km, madness, and that still leaves me with 18 km to take her to the bus station, may aswell drive to Saintes, will be there and back before the bus gets there.

    It is only one day a week so will just have to live with it I guess. Will have a chat with the school though they probably have details of all the bus routes etc

    thanks for your reply Cassis

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