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  1. DonnaD, I am analphabetic about French schooling system but you might think this way: you daughter does A levels first (getting a knowledge) and than comes to France – there are courses of French language within universities that last whole year (not cheap) but get them ready to start to study within a year. This is what is usually done here in 67, even by those who come to study only (without parents). Here is a list of schools for language 
  2. I assume it is something to do with 67 and I think it has to do with catchments area within the city as well. I know that not all French kids can go in (as I can remember either they have to know enough of foreign language or their parents have to be in job that will eventually give them position somewhere outside of France, unless they are kids of diplomats who are getting in special international class) and that is why I am confused. TBH, it is usually represented to me as something as privilege, but I truly do not know if it is really. The only pro I found is that she would one day (if we stay here long enough) be able to do her exams in both languages. It is clear as a mud for me what exams (UK, USA or French curriculum, but I assume it would be something either French or International) and I really do not know what to do. Does anybody know if there is big difference between English and French exams (knowledge wise not language wise)? Did anybody have an experience of having child being schooled in French schools and than later on moved to the USA or UK and went to GSCE and A exams? How hard was for them? She is also to learn German (a bit) since we are in Alsace and speaks a bit of my language (but that is not a big deal, just a bit of recreational thing during holidays for relatives  . What I am aware is that she is to get her education and I thought that I chose – in French but they advised me bilingual and I am not sure if that will work out.  
  3. Hi to everybody.   I am new here although we have been living in France since January last year and this is short background before I pose a question. First, I am not English, but my husband is and we lived in the UK for 4 years. Out daughter (just started CP) was for 1.5 years in Nursery Classes in the UK. Here in France she spent 1.5 years in Matternelle (or whatever spelling is).  We all came here without knowledge of French, and our daughter had her last evaluation in Matternelle (for Grand section) all As. Her teacher told us last November that she learned French and has no problems (there are no ways I can check that since I do not speak any French, nor my husband).   I do not know what to do about her education. There is a choice between international section and French section in her school (we are in Strasbourg). We chose French one out of three reasons: first, even in UK I took great care with ‘home educating’ her in advance in English, so she ended up with 3 years of age attending Reception class during literacy lessons and was using some new computer program for maths at the level of Y1. Second reason was that neither me nor husband speak French, and thought that she would better benefit in mainstream school since there will be little or no help on our side. And final reason is the fact that in the international section are mixed both children whose native language is French and those whose native language is English although teachers are native English speakers (they are very fussy about it).   I have dilemma because both Head teacher and her teacher told us that she would more benefit if she goes in international section. Now I really do not know what to do. She reads English without problem at the level of 8 year old (UK books), but she cannot write. She knows maths for the whole Y1 (the USA curriculum). We used a lot of CD-ROMs from the USA mostly and book ‘Reading Reflex’ for Phono-Graphix method (up to her age and she is 6 in 2 weeks).   What would you suggest out of your experience and knowledge – should I keep her in French only section or should I enrol her next year in international section? We do not know how long we are going to stay here (husband’s contract is until 2009) nor where we are going after (UK or USA) if we do not extend our stay here after 2009. I can teach her only by books and CD-ROMs English (since English is not my native language, nor I have ever had any teaching schooling nor experience in my life), up to a certain age. What that age would be?   Thank you very much for your time.
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