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  1. No booze, no wine, no red meat, no sugar consciously but some honey, loads of pulses and beans cooked to give flavour and taste, plus home made houmous and similar things from a veggie recipe book and Google. Muesli (rationed, sugarfree), fromage frais (zero fat ). Loads of fish and some white meat. Vegetables as much as possible. Eg, I eat chicorys raw and tomatoes. No more exercise  than usual. But when I am sure I wont be damaging any vital joints, a lot more walking.

    BUT, I live alone so don't have the pressures of family demanding cakes, treats, meals.

    The diet is really not a choice as my BMI was getting far too high and is still not low enough. And the doctor began muttering about blood sugar levels. I am aiming for another 16 kilos then will look at the BMI again. However, I do feel different. More able to cheek the gendarmettes, definitely eyeing those clothes that have shrunk over the last few years, and maybe, who knows, a new partner.

    The morning check on the scales is a real challenge now. Just a few grams gained and I am like a dog with two tails.

    I should never have turned myself into Mr. Porker in the first place. Those are the perils of living by yourself if you are not careful - finishing the first bottle, opening the second, eating portions designed for two (still have trouble with that sometimes).

    These are the boring confessions of a convert by the way. Can't stand the new trend to size zero. Gine me Marilyn Monroe any day. I still wish I was able to eat anything, drink like a chimney and smoke like a fish!

    And I've noticed how expensive vegetables and fruit can be too.


    FRANK DORAN, Labour, Aberdeen North. Was highest-spending MP to back the Bill. Claimed £23,101 in total – £5,730 for car travel, £1,635 for rail and £15,736 for air.

    PHIL WOOLAS, Labour, Oldham East and Saddleworth. Claimed £19,364 in total – £3,489 for his car, £8,736 for rail and £7,139 for air travel.

    JANET ANDERSON, Labour, Rossendale and Darwen. Claimed £17,874. Of that, £16,612 was for her car – the largest figure claimed by any MP – and £1,262 for rail.

    DAVID CLELLAND, Labour, Tyne Bridge. Claimed £18,128 in total – £5,315 for car travel, £3,699 for rail and £9,114 for air travel.

    SIR STUART BELL, Labour, Middlesbrough. Claimed £8,436 for car travel, £7,861 for rail travel and £688 in air costs – a total of £16,985.

    BRIAN DONOHOE, Labour, Ayrshire Central. Claimed £20,235 in total – £7,038 for car travel, £2,133 for rail and £11,064 for air travel.

    DAVID MACLEAN, Tory, Penrith & The Border. Claimed £15,725 in total – £6,969 for car travel, £8,561 for rail and £195 for air travel.

  3. When you begin showing war in personal terms, particularly grieving families you destroy the rationale, the Johne Wayne effect if you like, because you immediately say 'Hey these are people here'. This video reminds me of the unofficial Xmas truce in the first(?) year of WW1.

    This says to me that if you don't support us we are not going to do this. Just where the US is getting to if it is not there already.

    Bush and his clique have glorified this war in rhetorical terms but not ever in personal ones. This brings it home.

  4. After reference on another thread to the Sun newspaper I have been trying to read the on-line version and I'm sorry to say I dont understand most of the slang or even know who or what most of the people are in the articles. And most of what is there is not really a newsworthy story anyway. In fact, even the layout makes the thing confusing as it jumps all over the place. Is there a dictionary of slang that I might use for this kind of thing? What seems to be a positive is that it uses the same words or phrases again and again so Sun-speak must be easy to learn.  Is this Newspeak à la 1984?

    Is this the same newspaper that is supposed to have won the election for Blair?

    Anybody else feel the same?

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