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Posts posted by suein56

  1. Norman wrote : Here is a video of everyday life in Wuhan under the lockdown..

    I think that the living conditions of these Chinese is probably at a higher level than many French or even English..


    Fascinating .. thank you Norman. The gardens in the community were fabulous spaces.

    At first I wondered why everyone was wearing jackets and (almost) outside clothes inside but then I realised that the policy is doors open everywhere .. so no heat in the living spaces .. as organisms grow quicker in warm places.

  2. Mint wrote .. Well, I'm going to use the same form, just tick another box and change the date when I next go out for something else.

    Just to be clear, can I go out walking (at a distance from my OH if he comes along) without having to borrow a dog? I'm only HALF joking .....!

    According to what I have read then yes you can .. just make sure that you have your attestation with you .. suitably completed and signed ??

    Plus, of course, a separate attestation for your OH .. ?

  3. CT wrote : My point being what happened to the years between 2002 and 2015 and why are there no charges for them. It just seems strange that the first of these charges came up the month after my dad's S1 was sent to CPAM.

    Sid explained it well as did Nomoss .. because your Father was ALD covered it meant that a shortfall due to Assurance Maladie accumulated over the years.

    As sorting out a succession can take years in France it would be expected that this bill would be picked up and paid by someone .. I don't know who, when the succession was completed .. perhaps you as the inheritor of your Father's estate.

    It is not a scam .. it is a bill just a bit delayed because of the way the French system works.

    When accessing Ameli don't input the last 2 digits of the social security number .. just the first 13.
  4. Why would you write that ?

    Today here was warm and sunny so, perhaps, in your world that makes such depraved behaviour better .. ?

    Although I agree with Idun in principle; because I am now officially getting on in years I am always conscious of how different views were approx 40 or so years ago.

    I remember my Dad being asked to present a sash to a winning Miss Someone-or-other in the 70s .. he was not at all comfortable with his required role but, ultimately, he felt he couldn't refuse due to his position.

    Some men were, occasionally at that time, forced into situations which they were not happy with but at that point in time life was very different.

    Fortunately times have moved on since then.

    Don't for a moment think that I am siding with the monstrous Weinstein .. sprawn of the Devil is how I think of him.
  5. I/we have to agree ??.

    Since yesterday we have a very small wild rabbit who seems to have adopted us/our garden as his home.

    OH and I were a tad concerned yesterday when this scrap of a rabbit was first noticed in our garden, as he/she was so very small.

    But, today this scrap of fur and ears, has appeared again and stayed a lot longer than yesterday.

    Saturday he/she was about for approx 4 hours but today he/she was about and active from 11 til nearly 7 this evening .. perhaps he is getting used to the birds around, above, on the bird house and to the noises in the garden ?

    Hopefully he/she will appear again tomorrow, but if he/she doesn't then his/her few hours of activity during the last 2 days have been incredible to have witnessed.

    OH and I have been conscious of picking up the binoculars frequently when passing through the kitchen .. just in case he/she is in view and active in our garden.

    We think we are so very privileged to have witnessed this passage.
  6. Oh gosh .. I am so sorry to read this, how upsetting.

    At least you were helped quickly and sympathetically by the forces of order and your insurance.

    Hopefully you won't be too much out of pocket in the long run.

    You never know they might even find someone to blame ?
  7. Kong wrote : From my experience:

    A) Yes

    b) Normally just the time to ship a box to you, all the rest is on-line.

    c) No

    Can only agree .. it is the law that all is fairly done by the new provider .. but it can depend who you are quitting. Some providers, especially expat ones, can be downright awkward in letting you go. But there is usually a way to make it work.

    Normally, today, the transition goes like clockwork as long as you follow the prescribed procedure.


    Too true .. as I discovered this very afternoon when I had an appt with one of the local Notaires reference one of my (elderly) friends being given 3 months notice to quit her rented 2 bedroom flat because the landlady wanted to sell it.

    Said landlady had recently inherited the flat from her deceased parents so wanted to be shut of the elderly, practically immobile tenant.

    Upshot .. all good for my friend .. and a warm approval of my command of French even when needing to deal with a fairly complex legal situation, albeit with a recognisable accent ?
  9. pomme wrote : As an aside, the German internet-only bank N26, which is also in France, is closing its UK operation due to Brexit as it only has an EU banking licence https://news.yahoo.com/n26-brexit-leaving-uk-quitting-144104525.html

    Exactly .. it will be disappointing for some and confusing for others to see just how Brexit is going to impinge in and on the daily lives of quite a few UK residents.
  10. Thanks to everyone who replied so positively .. especially fitter who sent me a comprehensive pm .. to which I have replied.

    It is thanks to forums in general, or fora (if Norman is looking or reading), and this particular forum in this instance that such helpful information and support can be found when it is genuinely needed.

    I have read fitter's most helpful reply to my pm and I will try again tomorrow to gain a cohesive and helpful reply from dgfip.

    Many thanks for such support ?? ..
  11. [quote user="fittersmate"]Success at last!

    I contacted DGFIP via messagerie on Monday asking why, despite having received 3 letters from them on 3 January confirming the dégrèvements, we still had not received the payments into our account. [/quote]

    Fitter can you tell me how you got a message to DGFIP via your messagerie ? I have sent them an email .. to which I got no reply at all.

    My secure messages on our impôt account just go to Vannes who are no longer playing ball, saying that my request (of 2018) has been passed on and it is now out of their hands and beyond their competency level.
    I hate complaining but feel I am running out of options here.

    Will send a copy of this to you via pm.

  12. My class of French retirés hoping-to-improve their long-ago-acquired-English used to comment loud and long that I should take French nationality. I defended myself regularly.

    I am English, though now having lived in France for almost 15 years I have no thought to return to the UK. Even so taking another nationality .. albeit in tandem .. renders me uneasy.

    My OH does not have my capability in French .. so how would it be if I gained French nationality and my OH did not .. not too pleasant a thought.
  13. nomoss wrote : Fortunately my insurers (Groupama) have an office literally just across the road, so I always go in there to peruse or take home to study, or sign any documents.

    We're with Groupama too .. but mint asked about an online signature.

    Go figure.
  14. Fitter's reply will work with no problem. The advantage is that you have a ready made copy for yourself.

    The downside is the amount of ink you use.

    Otherwise you can sign using online virtual reality.

    The forms are interactive in that you read each page and then click to move on to the next page .. so each time you click to proceed that registers with them that you have read it.

    At the end .. so usually on the last page .. you click to say that you agree with what you have read and are happy to click to show that you agree.

    If you don't then no problem .. you don't click to proceed and are free to 'pause'.

    I did this last year .. and had some doubts as to a few phrases (even after using deepl translate and google) .. so I paused and gave the insurers a ring. All was explained to my satisfaction so then I clicked to proceed.

    Some people don't read the small print .. or even the medium size print .. good luck with that if or when you want to make a claim.
  15. Norman wrote : I tend to write in Libre Office then copy and paste here, but it does leave a weird line of text at the bottom of the post...

    But you can/should be able to get rid of that Norman .. just click on edit afterwards and that might well give you the possibility of getting shut of the verbage.

    But .. a big but .. it does depend on the operating system you are using ?
  16. Oh mint .. I would say 'bless you' but I am anti-religion so I hope you get my drift ..

    I had problems as you describe before Xmas so was recommended to take Pantoprazole 'which I have taken (successfully) in the long distant past .. to help alleviate the symptoms .. so I did.

    Xmas came .. and was in the process of going .. when, on what-would-have-been-Boxing day in the UK, I agreed to view a potential home with a French friend .. during which short amount of time it was fairly obvious she was not at all well .. consequently I became poorly quite quickly and, because I had been ill during Dec, it was fairly obvious that I was going to succumb quite quickly.

    The only thing that neither of us knew at the time was the severity and the duration of this gastro.

    So; mint, having said all that .. it seems to me that if you had a similar latent residue from the previous bout as me then it was a given that the second bout was going to hit hard and last a long time.

    Sympathy, hugs and long-distance good wishes for a future without coughing and feeling that you don't really, actually, want to get up at all today and facing the day is, for the moment, a tad difficult.
  17. Kong wrote : It's not the eggs

    It is or it can be if you are allergic to them or to the whites as I am.

    I wrote a long rebuttal of your post and the software on here dissolved it .. so, as it took me a while to write the post, I have lost the will to repost.

    It's a shame as my story was not only true but really funny too.

    But there you go .. tant pis ?
  18. pomme wrote : Sue, did you try chasing the conciliator fiscale as you said you were going to do in early December in the other thread? https://tinyurl.com/wpybhae

    No pomme not yet.

    In December I was not well at all .. then on Boxing Day I came down with a nasty gastro .. the residues of which are still hanging about.

    In the interim I emailed dgfip but have not yet had a reply .. I will give them a bit longer then I will contact the conciliator.

    Thank you so much for your help and your concern ..

    I am a lot better but not yet 100% so I will get round to it v soon.

  19. Pomme wrote : I received interest - see my post at the top of this page http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/21/3657883/ShowPost.aspx#3657883

    And I think you will find others on that thread mentioning having received interest payments.

    Please don't take this the wrong way but, here in Morbihan, some of us are still waiting for any indication at all that we might eventually receive smthg .. however little .. some form of communication would be good, some form of reimbursement would be even better ?
  20. One of the (English) lessons I taught last year concerned an article writtenabout the film 'the beach' based in Thailand .. where the 'tourist' interest in the location of the film caused such degradation of the natural flora i.e. the almost complete destruction of the coral beds there .. and the degradation of the beach caused by thousands of tourists arriving daily by boat causing glee among the Thai boat taxis but mayhem otherwise.

    Said beach was closed initially for 6 months .. which was extended as it took the coral longer to recover than first thought.

    Mass tourism .. for whatever reason .. causes dissension, debate and disgust wherever it occurs.
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