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Everything posted by londoneye

  1. looks about the right thing - ah well such is life - have to endure the umpteen hour wait in doctor surgery now to confirm and see if anything can be done - i thought only OLD people got that !
  2. yes i have (not to mention being a pain in the neck !)  
  3. nope - appreciate help but nothing there that fits in. anyone know what cervicarthrose is pls ? or uncarthrose ? ta
  4. cheers i shall see if i can work out if i am likely to last out the week !
  5. hi all just come back from having an x-ray and there is a letter in for doctor (well 5 lines !), none of which i understand, and i want to !   does anyone know of anything on line which will translate medical terminology (similar to babel ?)
  6. i am sure someone will give you a better response than this, but the very term calcia suggests a calcium oxide or calcium type compound, which is surely not so different from chaux which is lime and thus calcium oxide (I think !) .... but happy to stand corrected on this one ?
  7. oh i think my oh would give you some tough competition - he has several fly swats of various colours and sizes (each for a particular type of fly no doubt - i try not to listen !).    He also has techniques - one of which is turning the lights out so its half dark and then swatting them - dont believe it makes any difference, and its certainly a pain if you are walking across kitchen with pan full of food and he sees a fly and forgets to tell you he is going to pitch you into near darkness !    sounds like you and he could be kindred spirits !
  8. londoneye


    yeah its a cherry - going out to dig some more now - not really ..... shall shuffle out like a cripple tomorrow and try again. thanks for all your advice, not only on this one but on all other dumb questions - i will make a gardener yet !
  9. londoneye


    oh gosh its nothing too exotic - a bit twee to be honest - its a kanzan - i am doing a japanese/chinese (yeah i know i shouldnt do both but who is to know !) flower border and liked the colours of the leaves of it (in the piccies anyway).
  10. walnut was huge actually but large chunk fell off and then it looked a bit dodgy so we cut it down - probably a mistake but it looked dangerous.   now chopped up in bits i am afraid.   OH is carpenter and we will keep some of it to make something nice - thats after we have made lots of nice things from the ancient oak which came from the barn roof - including a fire place just like chris head made !     but now we are a bit wood crazy to be honest - we are drowning in stuff.   pear tree was reasonable size but pears were vile (and we have three other pear trees with nice pears on) - all we had was the biggest plague of wasps eating the revolting pears (well they liked them obviously), so sadly that had to go as well.    thats it though, no more tree massacring (spelling ?) from now on - i feel too guilty.   we will work around the rest.    
  11. i am with clair on this one.    we were plagued - in the end bought some of the grey netting and fixed it to outside of two windows, one at front, one at back.  Now we only have these two windows open.    day before we did this we sat (sad******s that we are) and counted more than 60 flies(not an easy task, but easier after some wine !).   Day after fitting the netting, we found two that we finished off with a fly swat ! hey ho, then we were sooooo bored for rest of evening with nothing to do !   Seriously we were simply demented by them, but the grey stuff works - you get to the point of not caring what it looks like after the 25th fly has landed on your dinner ..
  12. oh cassis is so much more constructive than me ! still - my idea may work for other things !!!! it certainly works for france telecom if you ever have to do that one ..
  13. londoneye


    it;s bare rooted i am told by the web site - or i have translated as bare rooted anyway.     defo says around 1 m diameter - what are tiges please if you are not too bored to answer any more - tried babel but it just told me tiges werre tiges !
  14. londoneye


    about 30 minutes drive south of limoges - haute vienne region ? if that makes sense ....     i have now resorted to chucking buckets of water in the hole, and then i can hack away at what seems like solid rock, but seems to sliver off, with water.   there is also a lot of sand in between, and water doesn't drain away very quickly, if that helps !!   bit worried about the hole for swimming pool now actually, as i was planning to have all soil dug out put over ground to level it, hmmmmmmmmmm not looking such a good idea now, but no idea how deep the stuff goes, and just about all dug out now - not to mention heading for serious medical care soon over this stupid tree !!
  15. along same lines, apart from pine, which i know about, are there any other wood which cannot be burned?   We have just cut down a pear tree and i was going to chop that up - also (sadly) a walnut tree had to come down - how about that one ?
  16. i constantly find myself unable to keep up with automated services and have now resorted to pressing any number randomly; 9 times out of 10 once you get through to a person they will take pity on you.    Last resort though i must admit !      Other poster's suggestion probably more practical.
  17. londoneye


    oops - steep learning curve for me with gardening, never mind everything i have done so far has mysteriously grown - i've had french neighbours hanging over fence to admire my veggies - perhaps its beginners luck. last stupid question of day - tree is not so big - 2 to 3 metres, trunk of around 1 metre circumference, and 8/10 tige (whatever that is).    as i said expected saturday.    so far i have done back in (shovel), shoulder (pick axe), and hands (blisters!)     and i have a hole of around 2 feet diameter and about a foot deep.      any idea how big the hole has to be ?>   could wait for tree to arrive of course, but at this rate it will be planted around middle january !
  18. londoneye


    thanks both - i think ours sounds like john D's scenario.     there are other trees scattered around our grounds, so logic should really have told me the answer, but i wanted to be sure.    i am guessing then if its limestone that i can safely assume our earth to be fairly good for growing camelias and rhodies etc ?  
  19. londoneye


    having sweated buckets in the summer digging a new flower bed of approx 40 feet by 20, today i finally got to put some plants in ... and discovered that about 9 inches below surface its what i would loosely describe as rocks - sort of silvery and red colour.     i simply cant bear the thought of digging another one and have put in one plant.    however i should have a tree delivered saturday and now i am wondering if it will actually grow ?     we have about an acre and i havent actually tested anywhere else but suspect its all the same.    does anyone have any ideas please as to whether tree roots will grow around this stuff ?
  20. he was fine !   no different to an english dentist - except language of course !   But then i have always fallen into the 'more scared of what the dentist costs me than what he does' category.     Spent nearly £1000 last yearin UK and am now particularly paranoid about dental costs. he did lots of things on the computer with the card and also the top up information, i rather naively decided that all costs were covered but in hindsight it may have been more wishful thinking than anything - i suppose we shall see on next visit ....
  21. Have not yet needed doctor yet, but did go to dentist not so long ago.     Have carte vitale and also top up insurance.     Dentist did not request any payment.   Not sure whether he is saving the bill for next visit (would seem a little trusting on his part if this is the case ) or if the payment is claimed by him. sorry to ask what seems a really stupid question i know, but i had understood from another thread that it is normal to pay your doctor and then the money will either be refunded automatically to bank account or claimed depending on circumstances.     Are dentists different, or have i really go hold of wrong end of stick here |?
  22. believe it or not other half is a carpenter (!).      He could make them but as we are renovating and he is doing all of it, he just cant find time to make the doors.    Not sure he would be able to contemplate someone else making them without breathing heavily down their neck ....     good thought though, perhaps i should just persuade OH to set aside the time and make himself .... ?!
  23. had a look at website - oh but i've seen worse (aha that will be brico depot !).   Sadly too far for me to go for a front door, but appreciate everyone trying - back to the drawing board! thanks
  24. apologies - you are quite right. Haute Vienne / Limousin Never heard of Sainthimat, so perhaps not in this area - i will see if they have a web site.
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