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Everything posted by Rothwell

  1. Hi, our little boy aged 3 1/2 has been at maternelle for a year now and I have always put a spare set of clothes in his bag, plus an extra pair of pants. There is never a problem if he does have an accident and I am usually told with a smile and a gallic shrug! Don't worry about it, it is normal for accidents to happen, even if they are regular to begin with. Just explain to the school that he is having trouble settling in and they will be extra patient. Perhaps tell them when he normally goes "pee-pee" or "ca-ca" and they might be able to prempt him! Very best of luck. Amanda
  2. Hi, I've just logged onto this web site and seen your message. Is it too late to say Hello? We live half an hour away from Perigueux, closer to Brantome and have three children. A little boy aged 3, and two girls aged 6 (nearly 7) and 8. If you need any help please get in touch. Amanda
  3. Hi, We moved to France about a year ago and put our three children into the local village system. There are three schools, each one taking one of our children. After having trouble with one of our girls we decided to look further afield but this is where I am having trouble. I cannot find a private school in this area which would suit all of our children at the same time. Their ages this September are 3,7 and 8. I know of one in Perigueux called St. Joseph but have heard this is for very academic children, what if one or more of our children are not particularly academic. I also want some sport at least to be included in the curriculum, although this is obviously a long shot! What I don't want is three children at three different schools in three different areas. Is it too much to ask for a little greenery too? Maybe greenery is not that important but it is the little things that add up to make life more pleasant. I would really appreciate some help, the National Education in Perigueux are not very forthcoming and I have heard nothing back from the same departments at Bordeaux or Limoges. Is it any wonder I'm at the end of my tether!! Thanks very much for any help you think you may be able to give me. Amanda
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