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Everything posted by Patf

  1. http://ww2talk.com/index.php?threads/french-tank-drawings.74427/#post-799006
  2. I can see that, Betty, but it's still a big stretch to armoured vehicles.The vagaries of language.
  3. Yes but , what's the root of blinde?  Is it from latin?
  4. Mint - strange you've mentioned blinde. I belong to a WW2 forum and not long ago found out there that it means armoured vehicles. I still don't know the connection. a very strange word.Blinder means armour, evidently.https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_v%C3%A9hicules_blind%C3%A9s Although we're back in the UK I still read La Depeche online everyday to try to keep up with a bit of the language. I'm still not good on listening and understanding.I have a friend here from Paris and when she realises I can speak a bit of french she starts gabbling away really fast and I hardly understand any of it. It's a  pity because I can see she feels isolated because her english isn't too good.ps here's another good one I found on ladepeche today - ras le bol. sick and tired of. No idea of the origin.
  5. The whole thing is like a tv soap opera anyway.We are kept dangling overnight - will she/he  won't she/he? etc
  6. Since returning to the UK in Feb. this year I've realised that our priorities have changed.Especially with Brexit. Those of you who have decided to stay in France have naturally different priorities to those of us who have returned to the UK, or have a foot in both.
  7. From LaDepeche today:"Blocage du pont de la Treille vendredi Les syndicats ne comptent pas baisser les bras. Dès vendredi une opération coup de poing est d'ores et déjà prévue à Auch. Ils appellent à se réunir dès 10h30 afin de bloquer le pont de la Treille (au carrefour entre la rue de Lorraine et le boulevard Sadi Carnot). Un pique-nique est prévu sur place." This is one of the things I can't help loving/admiring about France. They're using the occasion to have picnic [:D]
  8. I know, Hoddy seems to be the only person who keeps a kindly eye on us now.But there are occasional posts which seem to be pure spam.
  9. It seems to me that the main forum is in need of 'tidying up'.There are a few suspect posts, and others that could be brought together under one topic.Or am I being O/C?
  10. "What I am saying is that income needs to be taxed in France."ALBF that is a classic [:D]
  11. I saw the quiz, it was that gorgeous puppy that got my attention.The examples weren't too difficult though some I got by elimination of the ones I knew were wrong.In our early days in France husband tried to get his chasse permis. The hardest part was learning the names of all the different birds and creatures big and small, and being able to identify them. I was quite relieved when he failed (only by one point.) He lost interest after that.
  12. Yes I seem to got hold of the wrong end of the stick here.I was going to add something else but it sounds rude.Apologies to Richard.
  13. Just teasing, Gardengirl.I remember him from 10-15+ years ago. You were always abrasive, weren't you Richard?
  14. Tu as raison - je  te souhaite une bonne nuit [:D]
  15. 'Why on earth ask in french?'Just testing [;-)] Mais je ne comprends toujours tes principes generaux.
  16. Bon plantation, or whatever it is in french. Are you planting it in open soil? Sounds like it. We would have buried the ashes of our little sweetheart in the garden, but were leaving.
  17. Patf

    Col de Femur ?

    That's good news! I think the operation is much less invasive now than in the past.Good aftercare too.
  18. I love this story:https://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2018/11/29/2915888-aude-perdus-gps-poids-lourds-europeens-retrouvent-coinces-pleine-campagne.htmlps When is this part of the forum going to be updated?  L'Aude is in Occitanie now. Ages ago.
  19. "P.S I have just googled Civray, it is in the middle of sôding nowhere. What do you expect ?"ALBF - The Gers was the first dept. in France to have the new cables laid. For ADSL, or HT internet (whatever it's called.) Our village of about 100 inhabitants was one of the first to have it. That was about 4 years ago.And you can't find a dept. much quieter than the Gers.Lozere maybe?
  20. S1 - we had decided that if we had stayed and S1 was stopped we would join the french health system. PUMA I think it's called. I think you have to pay something.As for OAP, who knows whether those of us in the UK will still receive it? With all the gloomy economic predictions.As the old saying goes, the only certainties are death and taxes.
  21. I see what you mean, Betty.The Brexit discussions on these forums have made me realise how different our priorities are - I mean between those of you who have elected to stay in France, and those of us who have returned 'home' or have 2nd homes in France. And second homers have other worries eg tax fonciere. If we had been even 10 years younger we would have stayed (I think.)And I agree with Alan Zoff that this deal will be agreed in the end - everyone is fed up with it, and no-one else really wants May's job, especially at this stage.
  22. You've got me interested in this, I didn't know the plant was from the sweet potato. I've found a link in english which mentions propagation:https://www.finegardening.com/plant/sweet-potato-vine-ipomoea-batatas-blackie
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