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Everything posted by cat57

  1. Thank you all for the reply. Yes I am parfaitement francophone "France French not canadian french",which makes me bilingual. I understand it is a great undertaking this is why I am asking you ,I wish to make the move a success for my daughter's sake. Now if call centers are saturated what about a bilingual secretarial position such as a "secretaire de direction "to start off, is that ok to get a permis de travail as a canadian?? Then can anyone enlighten me which areas of France are explorable i.e job pportunity + good schooling system and affordable real estate???? Thank you to all  
  2. Hello to all, I am canadian and have visited Paris a few times. I would like to relocate to France with ALL WHAT THAT ENTAILS. I do not wish to live in Paris although it is beautiful, it is an expensive city and the weather is cold. Any ideas about where are the major call enters in France in the south east or south west.I have a strong background in customer service ,call center start up and management for the telephony industry. Is it doable in terms of work permit and schooling for my 7 years old? How and where to start??? Thank you You have a great forum!!!!!   
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