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Posts posted by Tresco

  1. I've watched this slip down the posts, and am intrigued as to why, so I hope someone else answers after me.

    For many people here, I suppose it's because they're from the UK, and find it easir to follow UK stories - familiar names, shared (in some ways!) historical and cultural understandings which make discussion feel easier.

    For me, Along with the factors mentioned above, I am now convinced my partly mis-spent youth has dulled my mind so much, that it takes me days to understand the background to important events a recent example being what happened in the 'Ivory Coast' recently, it's slipped out of the news now but it's still ''going on. Even in England, I found it easier to read and take in what little 'news' seemed to be within most broadsheets, 2 or 3 days after publication.

    Still struggling to understand just how bad Clinton was, after 4 years, and the ins and outs of the Impeach TB campaign, after 2 months and will now set to work on Chirac - I should get some understanding of how much of a rascal he is round about the time Sarko becomes President of the Republic.

  2. Ah yes, the guy who got himself re elected after his own supporters resorted to using the slogan 'vote for the crook, not the fascist'. If it came to it, as you say SB, he would just bore everyone into submission, whereas TB looks likely to either implode, or explode any day now. The state he was when he and Chirac were filmed together together when Chirac was in UK recently was shocking.

    Maybe they could round a few up for a multiple trial, save the Euro taxpayers some money.

  3. Hi Tony, noticed you had no reply from someone who knows so... I hope I'm right in assuming you are in the Netherlands - there are loads of Dutch buyers and renters in the Charente, and probably other areas too. Try a google (or your favoourite search engine) search for what you are looking for. Good luck.
  4. I heard that fur coat and no knickers one very recently, in Sligo, Eire.

    The other thing I heard, over and over again, was " ooooh, you sound just like someone from 'Coronation Street',  with the responses being a mixture of "aah, she doesn't" and "aaaah, she does",  "she does", "she doesn't" and so on until I wanted to say; 'and you lot sound like someone off 'Father Ted', but I didn't, because it was a wedding, and I was brought up to be polite in front of people, and then have endless laughs at ther expense afterwards.

  5. [quote]Quillan, there is a scheme in the NE of England to give pensioners central heating. And for entre guillemet normal people I can only ask why.[/quote]


    Well I suppose its disease prevention or health promotion, given that many pensioners wouldn't be able to afford the installation, but it has another benefit of improving the housing stock.

    I used to argue with my dad about this a lot, when, say, all the houses on a huge main road in Sheffield were improved, including double glazing. He saw that as a luxury, which in 1979 I suppose it was, but a doctor we knew told us that there was a dramatic drop in people calling at the local surgeries with headaches, chest problems, all manner of complaints related to damp, noise and pollution - including 'stress' which  of course hadn't been 'invented' at the time!

  6. Now is a good time. Its tricky without seeing it, but cut all the branches that are causing potential problems first, and any branches that are dead, ill looking, or crossing over eachother, (cut just above a bud, slanting) then stand back and see what it looks like, before deciding whether to remove more.

    I would cut carefully, because raggy cuts can sometimes allow disease to enter, but what you use to cut will depend on the thickness of the branches you are cutting.

    Be aware that some trees, if pruned very hard - that is if you take loads of, will sprout back with even more vigour, a light prune is better.

    Thats just very basic general tree pruning, as I can't find it in any of my books - Mulberry Plane??? Perhaps someone else has more specific tree knowledge.

  7. Alcazar, earlier in the thread you say about bikers, 'they drive in your blind spot'. (I missed this first time )

    Did you really mean that, I thought your, or my blind spot was for you, or me to be aware of????

    Have people in other areas of France been getting little tutorials after the early evening news in how do drive around roundabouts, and keeping your distance?

    I'm still in the dark as to why motorcyclists wear all black, generally.

  8. Depends on the weather

    We had a pretty hair raising trip from Portsmouth to St Malo a couple of years ago, and then another that was even more haitr raising 18 months ago, which ended up docking in Caen, rather than St Malo.

    I wouldn't have fancied continuing either of those journeys to Bilbao, but there's just no predicting these things.


  9. I don't make any distinction between soldiers that are being wounded or dying now, or in the recent past, and those of previous wars. They all face the similar horrors.

    As to where do you draw the line in remembrance, there is a point to thinking about previous conflicts, you could probably find continuing links between all major European conflicts up to and beyond WW2. One thing that occurs is the failings of the treaty made  after WW1, which started off being full of heady idealism and was considerably weakened  by the compromises made to the original idea. Some of these failings contributed to the climate in which WW2 started, so soon after the mood of 'never again'.


  10. Well I wasn't here at the time you were last night, Dave, but sometimes, as another poster says, I am bobbing around on different sites, so I am still logged on to LF.

    I also find that while trying to compose a response to a 'serious' issue or question in my head, someone posts pretty much what I've been thinking. This has happened a few times, yesterday and this morning on the thread about Rememberance.

    Edit here, to add that would normally pop in here before bed, but last night I turned over the tv to Deux, and the saw Elton John, and Joe******r being interviewed together on a music show, talking about the Mojo Club in Sheffield being the trendiest club in the country (late 60's). Surreal, but it prompted a call to my oldest sister, who used to go there.

  11. Judging by the lack of posters in this forum, a lot of people agree with you Alexis.

    Dave, lots of people use aliases on this forum, it doesn't mean they are scared. I am though - I have good reason not to use my full name, but I have posted it in my registration details, somewhere, if you really need to know what it is.

  12. Sorry, juswundrin,  no answer to your original question.

    I just want to say I am with Georgina, and Stuart (for other reasons). It is really hard to 'pick up' the language if you only have a few, if any, neighboubours. I am in regular contact with my neighbours, shopkeepers, etc. but it is not the same as if I was living in an inner city area.

    Anyone who thinks they can simply 'pick up' the language, living in a in a rural area should think again.

  13. You know, France is so big, I have to get my map out every time anyone tells about this stuff, but the nearest thing I have to your experience is the Cranes flying over Dept 16 to get from, about now, or go to, Scandinavi in late February or March.

    They are the battiest birds I have ever heard, for sound effects. Fantastic.

  14. Oh, glad you are here hoverfrog, because I wanted to say something about greenhouses. Thing is, you hardly see any here, but I am at present doing the female whiley business to get one.

    I just want to say that I really miss my lovely greenhouse. It was as good as Alan Titchmarsh's, anyday, and though France is lovely, it does have its seasons, and, in some of them, you want to be out of the rain, doing your plant related things.  Rant over, good luck with your plants, hoverfrog

  15. Georgina, you have quoted Miki but I happen to be online. You are right that there is no excuse, people should not shout and swear in front of children, but who's perfect?

    I think the guy was clearly at the end of his tether, and in one way, it's better that it came out in public. I know you were the person who witnessed this incident, so you are 'closer ' to it than others, but children are very used to hearing arguments between their parents, and better out than in, as they say, in this case, better to get it over with, hopefully, than take it home to a private place where things can go further.

    I couldn't care less about being embarrassed by my compatriots, I embarrass myself and my partner often enough, but if it was more than embarrassment, I would have said something, either to diffuse, or stop whatever was happening, if it was that bad, especially in a public space.


  16. I thing Gay and the subsequent posters have made a lot of sense in the points that they make. I may not agree with everything they say but all of it has made me think, and I don't feel belittled in any way.

    I really believe that you can reveal/share your opinion anywhere, whether the views you get not agree with your own or not.

    With regard to your final point: if I am having a conversation with someone, and they express views which I disagree with very strongly, we can continue, or, if this is getting nowhere, one of us will find a way to change the subject (and this happens sometimes on this/any forum) or I/they can walk away.  On a forum, it's different. I will often respond, not about, for instance, what sort of heating system is best, because I don't have the knowledge, or interest to do so.

    If you feel strongly about something, why do you not say what you think (i.e 'respond to the poster'). I don't understand why you say you have never felt the need, and yet you have made two postings now, which to me, say that you have felt the need.

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