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Posts posted by Jazzer

  1. It may be worth looking again at Frederick's posting under "Bringing Back Memories" under Other Topics. There is an amazing collection of newsreels to be seen. Just viewed a newsreel featuring the Humphrey Lyttleton Band at his club(now the 100 Club). The jivers seem very innocent! Try typing the name of your home town or interest. Absolutely fascinating!
  2. I recently came across an ad from British Corner Shop which seemed to indicate that they would send British beef etc to France. I placed an order and I must say that all the beef, gammon, bacon etc were superb. Whilst the beef is in fact French it had been hung to mature and develop flavour and butchered in the UK way. It is browner than a classic Trench beef roast, They do fillets, rump topside etc.|I have not tasted gammon like it since the 60's. The bacon,traditionally dry cured and not pumped with water or brine. It arrived vacuum packed with ice packs in the box.
  3. Thanks for your original posting.I have today collected my new progressifs and sun glasses from Generale d'optique at Rochefort. 7 days from start to finish.Very professional and more importantly I can see so well. I have had progressifs and bi-focals, but always had to use a very old pair of specs to see the computer. With anti glare etc I had to pay 108€ on top of the mutual. I had not realised until I checked up following your posting, they have been there 5 years!
  4. My immediate reaction also.I suppose it would be interesting in obtaining daily quotes for say "2K" and then from the date of the new system seeing what difference it makes allowing for the £9 fee.
  5. I see from 1August HIFX will transfer on line amounts from £50 to £300,000. Amounts below £3000 will be given better rates but a fee of £9 will be levied. Regular transfers are not affected.
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