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Posts posted by Llantony

  1. It seems a bit unfair - and I've probably misunderstood - that e.g. teachers' pensions are taxed in the UK even when people don't live there, but the personal allowance won't apply if you live outside the UK.
  2. Good point!  My state pension is tiny so even if all the rent was declared as my income, I would still be under the personal allowance.  Somehow I suspect as we are joint owners of the house, I can only claim half of the rent as income.  In fact I'm not sure whether personal allowances operate in the UK for those living in France - presumably we get a joint personal allowance there?

  3. Thanks Cerise, we went to Moissac!  I don't know if you can choose but it's the nearest.  Come to think of it, no-one asked where we live.

    Yes Chris pp, you are supposed to fill in a French tax return if you live here, I was just pointing out that many people have told me they don't bother, even when they've lived here for years, and have enjoyed the healthcare system, and no-one has got into trouble over it.  In fact, I've been told I'm mad/stupid to bother!

  4. Many thanks.  I've just phoned Intasure (having previously tried 3 companies who won't insure us) and they are emailing a quote.  They don't seem to mind whether someone is living in the house or not and it doesn't seem very expensive.  I hope they are helpful should we ever need to claim..
  5. Went to tax office to get forms for first tax return in France.  Was told to return with details of pension.  Completed forms with instructions from Connexions newspaper.  Went back with forms, P45s, pension info, saw a woman who looked at the forms, puzzled, said 'I'm sure this isn't right' and asked us to come back for an appointment on 9th June.  As a first timer, we can't complete the forms online so they should be in today but she said we won't be fined.

    Lots of Brits here have told us not to bother, they never have and some have been here 20 years and no-one had ever queried their lack of tax return.  (Odd, because most are in the health system and people say French organisations share information!)  They tell me I'll pay extortionate amounts of tax here;  I don't think so and anyway our main income is my husband's pension which is taxed in the UK before he gets it.

    Before you all shout at me, I will to do things correctly but I did find the forms (and the Connexions advice) confusing and I can see why people don't bother to try.  Has anyone ever heard of British people in France being in trouble for not being in the tax system?  The only one I know of is a professional who was stupid enough to work here and conitinue to pay tax only in the UK.  He got a rebate from the UK and had to pay it all back into the French system, with a fine for late payment.




  6. As my son doesn't own the house, I thought he could not insure it.  I asked a couple of insurance companies if I could insure the house nd they did not suggest that solutionIf I do find an insurer, my son could pay which would reduce the rent - which I should declare to UK tax people. 

    If I could find a way for him to pay our complementaire health insurance that would reduce the rent to very little!  (Presumably health insurance is not tax deductable in France?).  We are getting estimates for a complementaire at the moment.

  7. We are going to rent our UK house to our son at well below market rate.  I gather we will have to pay UK tax on this rent - but will this be at the normal UK income tax rate?  Not even sure how much that is - around 20%?  Seems an awful lot! 

    This is an informal arrangement and I haven't yet found an insurance company that will insure our house when we are not living in it.  The only way seems to be to become an official landlord with contract etc. and get landlord's insurance, seems a bit OTT for letting my son live there.

  8. Hi, thanks to all who replied a while back.  I didn't mean to be unkind about the SPA, they do a great job  I'm sure.  I just had the feeling that they were overwhelmed and might not have a chance to get to know the animals so they can tell prospective adopters about problems, bad habits etc. For instance, I had to have a dog that was OK with cats.  Also they do send animals out un-neutered, even pregnant, and apparently sometimes ill.  I guess it's lack of money.

    I am delighted with my pooch, tho we had envisaged a slightly larger dog.  I called her a 'poodly type mutt' but we've just taken her for a haircut and she is a real miniature poodle!  I rather preferred the scruffy mutt.  She is a sweetie and, though still nervous of some people and still cringes to the floor if frightened, she is now normally a perky and very happy little dog.  She does hate to be left, understandably, and barks non-stop if we leave her in the car - but I guess she is worried she'll be abandoned again.

  9. I heard/read that licence plates have to be obtained from a key cutter type place and have to be attached with rivets, not screws, and are not that cheap.  As we have a box trailer and also a small open one, we'll have to get 2 for the car + one for each trailer!  Which hypermarkets? 
  10. We hope to take our dog and cat when we visit the UK later this year.  I've just realised there is only a 24 hour period when this can be done as it has to be not less than 24hrs and not more than 48hr safter flea & tick treatment.  This poses a problem as when travelling with the trailer we stop for the night about half way through France, and the 2nd night at Calais so more than 48 hours before arriving in the UK.  This is so we are handy for the Channel crossing first thing in the morning, no rushing to get the train/boat after a long journey through France and fresh for the challenge of M25 & M1.

    Our vet said we should find a vet near Calais, but then we'd have to spend another 24 hours there! 

    How do other people cope with this?



  11. Does anyone know the website where I can apply online for a European Health Card as I am now in the French system?  I hope it's better than the UK one.  Mine was due to run out in November so I applied in advance and never received the card!

    But with this new flu virus, perhaps a trip to the UK isn't such a great idea....


  12. You might not get it via DRIRE.  In Lot and Tarn & Garonne they no longer do it, gave us the phone number for Citroen who charge 135 euros.  We opted for Citroen UK at £94.  I can't see why we needed it all as it proves nothing, our car is already registered in the French system as our garage found when they input the VIN.  The car is a 2002 model and did not come with a CofC.

    Whatever it conformed to in 2002, we could have made all sorts of changes! 

  13. 'here are literally 1000s of kittens needing re-homing both in UK and France. Any extra kittens mean that others won't find a home = they will be killed or dumped - or will live in a refuge behind bars for the whole of their life.  orry - if you care for animals, no excuse.'

    Exactly!  No-one can guarantee that all the kittens you find homes for will be well treated, and if they are not spayed either, there will be hundreds of descendants in a few years.  There's a poster in my vet's explaining this!  No animal lover should have an un-neutered pet unless they are professional breeders of pedigree animals. 

    Just a thought tho, shouldn't the orinal post have been on pet rescue rather than this one?

  14. I'm a bit confused here, how is he flouting the the rules if he says people should register their cars in France within 3 months?  I don't see why British people should have a problem with getting proof their no-claims bonus.  We got it from Prudential, who we changed from 9 years ago. 

    Friends have had their UK registered cars insured by Axa for at least 3 years.  They have found a Controle Technique that does not require them to change the headlights.  I emailed Axa, who replied that Axa will insure a UK reg car in France so long as you have a home in the UK even if you spend most of your time in France!  And in the case I know, the cars have never been back to England. 

    We are in the process of re-registering and have insured with Groupama on the understanding that the car will shortly have French plates.  They did not require 13 years' proof of no claims and were cheaper than Axa. 


  15. I didn't head it Europe Day as nobody would be interested!  Our new Assocation decided to celebrate Europe Day on 9th May.  Members are from several European countries but so far the majority are British.  (The Americans aren't interested in joining our Assocation - but we have 1 Australian member.)

    Starting at 5.30 pm, we will have live music, Tombola, games for kids, Punch and Judy, raffle for a garden seat, a bar and a chance to taste food from nearly all the EU countries - as prepared by our members.  1 euro entrance fee.

  16. Well, we didn't get as far as the SPA, neither did the dog.  Phoenix saved her from the pound or she would have gone to SPA.  We thought of a slightly bigger dog but there she was.  A small poodle type, very cute.  I say a cross between Shawn the Sheep and a teddy bear!  Very nervous at first, cringed into the floor if we reached towards her.  Getting better all the time.  I'd add a photo if I knew how.
  17. Does anyone know of a really nice kennels within the Cahors/Montauban/Moissac/Villeneuve /Agen/ Lot area?

    We have a timid little rescued dog.  I have booked her into somewhere nearby (recommended by 2 friends) but am having 2nd thoughts as the kennel owner showed little interest in our dog, didn't even ask for our name or phone number. The runs are scruffy and not that clean.  I have been told that she looked after a friend's dog as a favour and put it in with other dogs whose owners had paid - and this dog had no vaccinations!

  18. There have been a few sad posts recently - this poem seems relevant , it certainly gets to me (hope it hasn't already been mentioned)

    The Power Of The Dog by Rudyard Kipling

    There is sorrow enough in the natural way
    From men and women to fill our day;
    And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
    Why do we always arrange for more?
    Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
    Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

    Buy a pup and your money will buy
    Love unflinching that cannot lie--
    Perfect passion and worship fed
    By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
    Nevertheless it is hardly fair
    To risk your heart for a dog to tear.

    When the fourteen years which Nature permits
    Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
    And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
    To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
    Then you will find--it's your own affair--
    But...you've given your heart for a dog to tear.

    When the body that lived at your single will,
    With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!);
    When the spirit that answered your every mood
    Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
    You will discover how much you care,
    And will give your heart for the dog to tear.

    We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
    When it comes to burying Christian clay.
    Our loves are not given, but only lent,
    At compound interest of cent per cent.
    Though it is not always the case, I believe,
    That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
    For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
    A short-time loan is as bad as a long--
    So why in Heaven (before we are there)
    Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

  19. 'the best place is at home - if you can afford it. My thoughts are with you'

    I agree,  especially if you have a garden and wish to bury your dog.  Our vet came to the house (in UK) when our beloved greyhound had cancer and there was no hope.  He was out in the sunshine with us and it was very quick for him tho we still cry when thinking of him 6 years later.

    So sad for you.

  20. "Sell you quality family car and buy a basic Hyundi then spend the difference on some better quality food."

    Are Hyundis cheap then?  How many of us have a 'quality family car'?  If we sold our 6 year old Berlingo I don't think we'd save much money buying something else!

    I find Lidl mostly has reasonable quality stuff and lots of amazing non-food bargains such as DIY and household stuff. Leaderprice for a few things, like cat lit and sometimes fruit,  veg, wine.  Our local Ecomarche is very good for food, special offers on meat and we don't use lots of petrol to get there.  Their petrol is cheaper than the Ecomarche we went to in the Dordogne last week.

  21. UPDATE!   Went to DRIRE in Montauban , they told us we have to apply to Cahors office which covers Lot + Tarn et Garonne.  Phoned Cahors - they no longer do the Attestation d'identification and gave me the details for Citroen!  Phoned Citroen - 135 euros!  For a piece of paper they probably churn out of a computer in seconds.....

    Perhaps need to update the FAQ?

  22. I think llantony is (maybe) referring to the CoC from DRIRE for a car which is (hopefully) already on their database in which case their fee is something like 67 euro.  I just sent off for the same.  In this case yes I believe it is a cheaper way to go and no they don't need to inspect the car if they already have the model on their database.

    Yes, thanks, that was my understanding.  As I said, it's a Citroen and it came up on whatever database the local garage used

    UPDATE!   Went to DRIRE in Montauban , they told us we have to apply to Cahors office which covers Lot + Tarn et Garonne.  Phoned Cahors - they no longer do the Attestation d'identification and gave me the details for Citroen!  Phoned Citroen - 135 euros!  For a piece of paper they probably churn out of a computer in seconds.....

    Perhaps need to update the FAQ?



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