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Posts posted by Judie

  1. ......... what are the legal and financial implications, from a french angle, of passing ownership of our holiday home to my son. We are both now UK residents and so is my son. I also have a daughter, living in Australia, who is not able to take advantage of the use of this place and will inherit from us in other ways. We both completed a testament holographique while resident in France but lodged it with another notaire handling the purchase of our first french property, not this one. Many thanks for your thoughts, and before you say it, I will be speaking with our notaire when we are next over, but wanted some idea before I see him.

  2. AccueilInfoInfo MayenneLe corps d'un homme de 31 ans retrouvé en Mayenne

    Le corps d'un homme de 31 ans retrouvé en Mayenne


    Le corps inanimé d'Andrew Watt, 31 ans, a été

    retrouvé, mercredi, en milieu de matinée, à Vimarcé, petit village à

    l'est de la Mayenne. Ce sont deux pèlerins qui ont fait la macabre

    découverte sur le chemin du Mont-Saint-Michel. Le corps gisait en

    travers du chemin de randonnée reliant Vimarcé à Saint-Martin-de-Connée.

    D'après les premières constatations, la piste criminelle a été écartée.

    Andrew Watt, anglais, avait élu domicile avec sa compagne depuis près

    de trois ans dans le village. Amateur de VTT et de marche, il empruntait

    régulièrement les chemins de randonnée. Même si l'on penche pour une

    mort naturelle, une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer les causes

    précises de son décès.


    Seems to be a complete absence of anything reported later that I can find

  3. We have a little dog who came to us with a right sided cataract 6 years ago. She manages perfectly well with moving around but we do keep her on the lead when out as she is now getting quite deaf and with the eyesight problems, can follow anyone rather than us! When giving her her food or a titbit, I always make sure I present it on her good side. She also has a heart murmur and a collapsing trachea but you'd never know it.

    Well done for taking him on!

  4. [quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="Judie"]I didn't inform CPAM when I went back to the UK more than 2 years ago. Obviously I told my mutuelle in order not to have to continue to pay, but I have had no adverse contact from CPAM.


    I've also noted AnOther's posting and the only situation that I can think of is any contact between Newcastle(?) and CPAM where it would appear that you are in both systems. The obvious area is CPAM trying to claim the annual amount due against, say, an S1.

    It takes such little effort to write a letter, and as Ernie points out, it shows politeness.


    Oh I agree Benjamin, but as I was a fully employed worker in the french system, an S1 wasn't required and I obviously didn't have the benefit of your extensive knowledge at the time.

    Oh yes, and I'm a fulltime carer for my elderly parent now (the reason for the return to the UK) with no difficulties with Newcastle as far as my small carers allowance and NI credit is concerned!

  5. I'm sory, but I don't agree. The whole point of the mortgage cooling off period is for the buyer to decide if they want to take up the offer. That's why there is usually a 60 day period mentioned in the compromis for those purchasing with a mortgage - enough time to get a favourable offer.

    The last sentence mentioned by BAF, IMO, refers to the piece handwritten on a compromis to the effect that the purchaser is buying WITHOUT a loan, and should they have to fall back on a loan and that loan is not forthcoming, then they cannot use that as an excuse not to go ahead with the purchase.

    What would be the point of a mortgage cooling off period otherwise?

  6. I was reading an account of a Chatentais man who was caught driving with 3 grams of alcohol in his blood and no driving licence for 42 years, this morning when I was surprised by a comment about the news item; as follows;

    Pourquoi confisquer le véhicule de ce monsieur,on ne confisque jamais

    les véhicules de hautes gammes de ces richards anglais qui roulent pour

    s'amuser sur nos routes a plus de 250 Km/h

    What are richards anglais? I can guess what they mean but I was wondering if it's just a stereotyping on the part of the commenter.

  7. Well, strangely enough, for the first ever time here in the UK, I've discovered two or three large and very old trees, on my walk to the doctor's surgery, that have similar fruit. Just like bog standard plums in taste but perfectly spherical and tiny. Someone I spoke to said they were called cherry plums, but I've never heard that before. Are they just due to this year's particular weather?

  8. Do you have access to a large dog cage in which you could put the kitten, her litter tray and water overnight, in your bedroom? That way, she might get the idea that the tray was for both poo and wee.

    We keep one erected permanently in the conservatory for ailing or fasting cats or dogs. They really are worth their weight in gold when you have 15 animals as we do!

  9. Oh, that is so funny!!

    Having a large menagerie, I sympathise with the OP. I'm afraid we just cover the bed during the day with plastic under a fresh quilt cover (quilt stored away in wardrobe) and deal  deal with any accidents that way. We aso keep a Vax handy for the carpets! Does she pee on the bed during the night while you are in it?

    Can the kitten not now integrate a bit? They need to establish a pecking order and it would probably reduce your stress levels in one way and she would be happier being out of the bedroom.

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