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Everything posted by Joesmith

  1. Hi Di We came across Chance in the refuge near us at Narbonne.  It may be further than you're prepared to travel but look at her!  She was found in a decheterie and would have gone through the crusher had she not been spotted!  Hence her name I guess.  She's only a couple of months old. Chance  She might be just what you're after. We're not quite ready for a dog yet but will be in the next couple of months.   We're hoping that Chance will have a home by then but if not, we'd certainly go and see her with a view to giving her a nice home. As I say, it's probably a long journey but could be worth it and Narbonne's a nice neck of the woods to spend a few days in! All the best Joe
  2. Can I forward this request on behalf of the Refuge et Pension des Animaux du Narbonnais. You can visit their website at... http://refugearpan.chezpepette.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=13&Itemid=34 Basically, they need help fighting a tick invasion so if you have any anti tick collars going spare they'd welcome them. As we all know, the animals aren't there through choice and they deserve all the comfort they can be given, it's well worth it if you can afford to send them a spare collar. Here's their message on their dog pages...If you can help, please do. Urgent Nous sommes envahis par les tiques, sachez que nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour en débarrasser les chiens, avec différents produits, mais aussi en les enlevant nous même. Malgrès tout cela, il en reste encore beaucoup, si vous possedez des colliers anti-tiques qui ne servent pas sachez que nous les accepterons avec grand plaisir !!! Pensez à nos chiens !! Many thanks Joe
  3. Alec's number is 00447831121555.  We used him based on all the positive feedback we'd read here and he was indeed fantastic.  He saved us a fortune and was completely flexible around our needs.  He spent his Easter bank holiday weekend driving our furniture and some other bits and pieces to Languedoc and back despite having a bad back.  He drives safely and responsibly and stacks the van and trailer properly taking care of our belongings.  I can see why Volvo, Range Rover and others entrust delivery of their pre-market products to secret locations to him.  I was so surprised to read something negative here about him that I felt I had to write this.  I guess you can't be perfect all the time.  Cheers Joe
  4. Hello Smiff I think "allege" is some kind of skirting or apron around a door or window.  I don't know what "film polyane" is but I would guess it's some kind of plasticy/synthetic film. Hope that helps.  Good luck with the hedgehog flooring! Cheers Joe
  5. Sounds like you did OK there. A friend of mine was caught doing 163kmh and was fined 180 and had to insure his mate travelling with him on the car there and then as he was banned on the spot. Fortunately the gendarmes didn't check there was anyone on the other end of the phone while he spoke to his insurers and they switched drivers when out of site. Allegedly. Thanks to your message I'm certainly going to keep an eye open on future journeys. Not for the police but for that BMX rider. I'm still laughing! On a similar topic, has anyone ever clocked the top speed of a diesel Renault Clio, driven by a Frenchman or woman on a peage? These are surely the fastest cars in the world. Cheers Joe
  6. This has really helped me make up my mind and thank you all for the suggestion of viamichelin. All very helpful and I'm now trying to work out miles per gallon vs ferry crossings to St Malo! We've only done the journey once by car last Easter taking a route west of Paris which was OK until hitting traffic at Cahors after 9 hours driving. To return we took a more Eastern route over the M. Centrale which was lovely scenery but because of roadworks at Lodeve(?) we lost about 3 hours journey time which took the edge off things and then got stuck going round Paris. I really appreciate all your help. If anyone has any further suggestions, please let me know! Cheers Joe
  7. Does anybody know the best route to take driving to Carcassonne from Calais? I don't mind peage but if you have an idea on cost it would be useful too. Thanks
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