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Posts posted by amp

  1. We bought our house in Brionne 3 years ago. The Notaire, who was in Paris, said that he was glad English people were buying old property and helping to bring life back to rural France. This was a nice unsolicited comment for him to make and made us feel comfortable about our purchase. We have been very happy for 3 years with our holiday home. Love the area and love the people 

    However as time goes by I have become more aware of a growing anti English feeling from a few French people. Most are polite, especially when spending money, and there have been no open hostilities to us. But when I compare this to how we talk in the UK about immigrants, asylum seekers, etc. I have to conclude that on balance the French remain a more tolerant nation than us.

    It does though take the shine of the dream that we hoped we were living, add to this the guilty feeling of owning a second home while people remain homeless in the world, and I start to think about should I sell up. I did not bank on a both a moral dilemma and being the subject of unrest amongst locals. The more I read comments like those from Brittany, the uncomfortable I feel.

    I could make the following points to those who object to our presence: French people sold us the house.-We spend money locally.- Its all Europe now.-ETC ETC. But if you have to justify your existence all the time, It suddenly becomes an effort rather than a pleasure to be there.

    Maybe I need another holiday in Brionne to get me out of this mood

    Thanks for listening




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