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Everything posted by ihsimmy

  1. Latest update I have just returned from France, only a short trip without the dog, whilst there I visited our French vet who kindly handed over Henry's newly issued EU passport. The VET explained that as Henry already had a now invalid UK passport that was issued before Jan 21, and a French address, I-CAD accepted our application. The EU passport has all the relevant information completed along with his UK adminsitered rabies vaccination, valied until March 25, this includes the Vaccine brand, batch number, date of issue and where administered inc Royaume uni. I will be driving back to France in just over 6 weeks with Henry and want to ensure that I wont have any issues either at the Tunnel going out or DFDS from Dieppe coming back. I have just read online that his EU passport must have proof of vaccination done in the EU, not UK, as a UK one will not be accepted. Is this correct ? (To be on the safe side I will get his rabies jab done as soon as I get to france, this will mean that 5 weeks later when I return, that one will be valid) On a side note, his identification card from I-CAD has him down as a girl, I queried this with the Vet who checked on the I-CAD site which correctly states male, he said, its not a problem as his paspport matches the details on line, he gave me a copy of it. Many thanks Ian & Henry
  2. Thanks to all for your replies, there is no hidden details. we live in the UK and travel to our holiday home in France with our dog. I have just paid £212 for a health travel certificate (it was £120 last year) As I will be going back in July our French Vet suggested getting him a EU passport, which we have now done with Rabies vaccines upto date. My question is, can I simply turn up at the UK port (Eurotunnel) to travel to France with this new EU PP, then get him checked out at our vets in France before returning ? Thank you Ian
  3. Hi As the title suggest I have an EU passport for my dog using our holiday homes address following a recommendation from our French vet. He said it will remove the requirement to have an expensive travel health certificate each time we travel to our holiday home in France from the UK. Has anyone on the forum done a similar thing, and if so what are the requirements to take the dog from the UK to France and then return ? Any replies greatly appreciated, as I would hate to turn up at the port and be refused entry/exit Kindest regards Ian
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