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Alan Zoff

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Posts posted by Alan Zoff

  1. I might have posted something about this some years ago but there was a retired engineer in Birmingham who was very attached to his old house, despite it being extremely inefficient from a heating point of view. So he challenged himself to make it as near to 100% efficient as possible.

    He insulated everything to the N'th degree and almost reduced his heating costs to nil. This was without solar panels, selling power back to the grid, etc - just purely with insulation. He reckoned he could heat the house to a comfortable level with a candle in a downstairs room. Obviously there was a significant cost to the insulation material but his point was that if all properties were given this treatment - especially new ones - the average cost would plummet and the national energy saving would be enormous.

    So yes. Start with the insulation.

  2. I have just received my 2020 bill for taxes foncieres and I notice for the first time that it includes a charge for ordures menageres. Previously, I have always received separate demands for the latter and paid them directly to the local treasury office as instructed.

    Have I missed some change in procedure or should I challenge the bill? I don't even have a refuse bin for collection and I take all our rubbish myself to the village collection point or to the nearest dechetterie.

    Were I not deaf, I would telephone them but I thought someone on here might have a quick answer.

    Thanks in anticipation.
  3. It just shows how different we are individually. Older people generally more at risk of Covid but some managing to survive it; young, apparently fit people dying for no obvious reason.

    Two family friends, one aged 60 who died within months of being diagnosed with cancer; the other diagnosed over 40 years ago with similar disease and has only recently succumbed in late 80s. Outwardly, they seemed very similar characters.
  4. Per Wikipedia:

    "In July 2020, Archant announced it had put itself up for sale and was willing to plug a funding deficit exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic’s disastrous impact on industry-wide advertising revenues."
  5. OK. Pick a couple of subjective points and express an opinion - which you are fully entitled to have. But just like a politician, draw attention away from the facts you are unable to refute. For example, did the government, or did it not, waste a billion on making contracts for PPE that was never supplied by people who were, it seems, never in a position to supply it?
  6. Just had an insurance claim settled - well almost settled - for my garden wall knocked over by my neighbour's tree and their soil piled against it. Took over a year to get some money, even though the owner - a letting company - accepted liability straightaway and left it with their insurer to sort out. Even now, their insurer has deducted 500 euros until they can recover that sum from their client, seemingly under his excess terms. Not sure why the contract he has with his insurer should hold up the payment to me but I don't fully understand how it works in France and, frankly, I was relieved finally to receive the sum that was paid.

    Sorry. I have taken this a little off topic. It was the mention of insurance....
  7. I can endorse that. As someone prone to heat exhaustion - even in UK! - I have come to rely on a similar remedy that my wife came up with.

    Something cold and damp on the chest and forehead. Ice cubes if really bad but a soaked towel works well.

    In the height of last summer's heatwave in central France I spent a lot of time lying almost naked on the tiled kitchen floor. (Try not to get too excited girls - or boys.)
  8. Any recourse against the seller from whom the OP purchased or an insurer? Any guarantees or assurances given about the condition of the property? Just a thought

    Edit: Have just reread OP. The 10 years since purchase would no doubt rule out chances of a successful claim
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