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Everything posted by Weegie

  1. Weegie

    Ear Wax

    My GP has syringed my ears before.  I also went to him two weeks ago for a prescription renewal and mentioned that I thought there might be a recurrence and he had a look. So better experience with my GP than the OP.
  2. In your instance, Pomme, the car was in km and the technician was in miles.[:D]
  3. Should make no difference.  The car system will show when the service is due using either km or miles.  The software will cater for that. The example you quoted is when the car is in miles and the technician is in kilometres.  Soft head rather than software.[:D]
  4. Still trying[:D] " instrument panel in miles It is possible to switch to km/h. From the multimedia display, select "Menu", "System" the "Set units". Confirm by selecting "End". To return to the previous mode, repeat the same operation" ?
  5. Does this help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJTRKqpvdSw Copy and paste or "Open in new link"
  6. Aye, right.[Www] You might need to be Glaswegian for the correct intonation.[;-)]
  7. In which case this site might amuse, inform(?) you. https://quirkytravelguy.com/guide-creuse-france-castles-churches/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=401cde705bb5e863e0cdab134cf6ba68a3bfe8e8-1591447447-0-AXSzqrPo4Xo9u6raDy3r7JErDGImtfXPk_g52kWgN9bN22ECKTPtsMrGdsuyTs2M_i7kWnoAFa0V86DfjkopVJJ7LeU1dtVvEu3h24YhhhtO1cNhRUoZgE_a_Ouhkl_Cml-asWt3ocjxEmRVo1XuPonLyqr1AqXyE8HGFM0mg9avw_DshK4NMup349exH5kT9FFldKlQokhbiGuVHsBj5kTlBXCFNGXOJH9bQs2FlPyIKlPacHLwtD1suRbVYcCXsMq-eUxbdMMiRehGZzkQQFtHc8w02jyCTo7KPb-kpZg9Pf8oaB1OnBUx5mXz07X9fQ Somewhat lost in translation? [8-)] Sorry about the long link.
  8. Not forgetting if you say "oui" to a negative you are agreeing with the negative.[:)]
  9. This reply I had from the Impots regarding some "new" boxes may help you: "Les revenus de source étrangère sont à déclarer sur la 2047 aux rubriques 1 et 8. A titre indicatif, je vous informe que vous devez inscrire : à la rubrique 1 : la "old age pension" et les pensions privées sont à inscrire à la ligne "1AM" pour Monsieur, "1 BM" pour Madame.N'oubliez pas la liste des comptes bancaires détenus à l'étranger à remplir sur l'imprimé 3916, ou sur papier libre, accessible après avoir coché la case "8UU" Hope that helps.
  10. Sorry I was looking at products or recipes with low salt.  If you are looking for low sodium salt specifically, then I would look for sel de regime. You should be able to get it in the supermarkets but if you do a search on it you will get a number of hits for suppliers.[:)]
  11. faible en sodium  (sel)  or  pauvre en sel.
  12. Intrigued so just to be 100% sure I looked at my Harraps Unabridged (two large volumes) REOPEN Verb Transitive 1. Door, border,book,bank account - rouvrir     reopen an old wound - rouvrir une plaie 2.  (restart - hostilities) - reprendre      (restart - debate, negotiations) - rouvrir Verb Intransitive: (door, wound) - se rouvrir(school - after holiday) - reprendre REOPENING Noun:(of shop) - la réouverture(of negotiations) - la reprise Hope that helps.[:)]
  13. [quote user="mint"]Whatever he has or hasn't said is all now purely academic.  Police have cleared him of having made any breaches.[/quote] To be strictly accurate they have said he committed a "minor breach".  So no further action.[Www]
  14. We had two delivered into the postbox yesterday from the Mairie along with an instruction notice as to how to look after them.
  15. An apposite quote from somewhere else. "You simply can't be literal when examining an idiom. They tend to make learning a new language difficult, but they're also used in languages all across the globe"[:)]
  16. "bel et bien" is a specific idiomatic phrase which translates as "really" so in the case quoted "is it really justified?". Doesn't conform to any specific rules of agreement.  Like all languages, plenty of phrases that don't.
  17. Not just QT.  The Antiques Roadshow should be renamed the Fiona Bruce Show.  In fact with all the other things she appears in, the BBC should be renamed the Bruce Broadcasting Corporation.[:@]
  18. [quote user="BritinBretagne"]Rubbish. The online portal for British nationals for a Carte de Residence will open in July. The ‘deal’ has been done, Britain has left the EU, the end of the transition period will determine the way the Britain is able to trade with the EU and other countries.[/quote] Thanks for your kind comments.  The French govt.  website has been deferred to July.  There is no guarantee that it will actually be up and running then.  As there is a requirement to visit the Préfecture, it will depend on how relaxed the strictures are.  Hopefully, they will be relaxed enough. I am perfectly well aware that Britain has left the EU.  The "deal" I was referring to was the trade one.  Unless you know otherwise, such a "deal" has not be achieved as yet. I will try to be more careful in future with my terminology in order not to upset you further. Kind Regards https://brexit.gouv.fr/sites/brexit/accueil/vous-etes-britannique/droit-au-sejour.html "A l’issue de la période de transition et si aucun accord alternatif n’entre en application"
  19. We are in a similar situation.  The Préfecture would not issue CDS to Brits.  I understand some may have got them but it was only by being excessively persistent. Tax returns for 17 years and Cartes Vitale have been sufficient to date. Currently in the system requesting Titres de Séjour but that is in abeyance as no deal has been struck.
  20. I feel suitably chastised, but not chastened.[:D][:D]
  21. Must be an echo in here.[:D][:D]
  22. Not a direct answer but this French Gouv. site may give some indication: https://www.gouvernement.fr/sites/default/files/cimages/infographie_deconfinement_-_020520.jpg Copy and paste the link.
  23. That's correct.  Email received tody from DGI: " Dans le contexte de l'épidémie de Covid-19, l'administration fiscale s’adapte pour vous permettre de déclarer vos revenus dans les meilleures conditions. Pendant la durée du confinement, ne vous déplacez pas dans votre service des impôts : restez chez vous. Pour toute question, vous pouvez : consulter le site impots.gouv.fr, régulièrement mis à jour ;utiliser la messagerie sécurisée dans votre espace particulier sur impots.gouv.fr, ou le téléphone en joignant votre service des impôts ou en appelant le 0 809 401 401 (prix d'un appel local) ;pour les questions les plus complexes, vous pouvez également convenir d'un rendez-vous téléphonique sur impots.gouv.fr, rubrique « Contact ». Cette année, votre déclaration en ligne intègre pour la première fois le prélèvement à la source mis en place depuis janvier 2019. Ainsi, les montants prélevés sur vos revenus au cours de l’année 2019 seront préremplis sur votre déclaration de revenus. En 2020, vous devez toujours déclarer vos revenus. ☞ Pour déclarer vos revenus, rendez-vous sur impots.gouv.fr. Important : vous ne recevrez pas de déclaration papier cette année. Toutefois, si vous n'êtes pas en capacité de déclarer en ligne, vous pouvez encore utiliser une déclaration papier en téléphonant à votre service des impôts des particuliers. La Direction générale des Finances publiques se mobilise et met tout en œuvre pour vous accompagner au mieux et vous remercie de votre compréhension si certaines réponses devaient être moins rapides que d'habitude pendant la crise sanitaire. Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur, en l’assurance de ma considération distinguée." Thought it was just as well to quote the whole email.[:)]
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