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Posts posted by Loiseau

  1. Exactly, minty. She did say that they substituted a paper crown from a cracker when it came to the day.

    I think I ought to try making one next year, if she asks me.

    Actually, I forgot to tell her that the smallest person at the table has to hide underneath it and then call out the names to receive each slice as it is cut, to avoid any shenanigans. Pity, as her 5-y-o would have loved doing that!

  2. Does anyone know how to get rid of those annoying Meteo France weather alerts?

    I think I opted into them on my iphone back in November, during the flooding of the wooly one's village, and now they keep on and on appearing - still bleating about excessive rainfall, when I imagine the danger is more one of heavy frost. And I should just like them to stop.  I have tried digging into the Meteo France website, but haven't yet found any way to turn them off.

  3. 5 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    …Chancer who is 100 % French now with a moustache to match posts continually on a car forum I am on. So he is not dead. …

    So glad to hear that, albf. Thanks for telling us.

    And Bon anniversaire for tomorrow!

  4. I have recently completed the U.K. Lasting Power of Attorney process. It was quite complex and, when completed, took six months to register. So you need to get cracking on this, while hopefully your mother could still be considered capable of agreeing to hand over control when necessary.

    I managed to fill out the forms myself online; the official site was very helpful with hints along the way.

    But I guess this will not be possible for your mother to complete herself, so best to get a solicitor to do it - though it will cost more.


    Here's another useful site giving info  https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/power-of-attorney/



  5. 25 minutes ago, menthe said:

    Yuck!  THAT is seriously nasty, Loiseau.  Did you use that word to the people at the train strike a few days ago when you were waiting to come over to France?  No wonder they gave in and started running the trains again the following day.

    Are you now in the PdC?  Joyeux Noël to you and the Wooly Wonder and less said about the er....fur-thingy the better!

    I was surprised there were many, many pets travelling, firstly milling about at the Shuttle terminal, and later strolling about with their owners on my late-night ferry. But they were all very lovely, sensible-looking dogs, and I am sure would never have allowed themselves to be referred to by that teeth-clenching expression.

    All good in the damp PdC; just discussing how best to fit the duck in the four.

    A very merry one to you and yours, dear Menthe.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gardian said:


    …And there’s absolutely zero understanding of the England + Scotland + Wales = Gt Britain situation ....... and then add NI and you get the United Kingdom !!!   Mark you, most Brits couldn’t explain that either. For most of the French, its all ‘Angleterre’ and who can blame them for that?



    i expect the Dutch feel the same when we keep referring to their country as Holland!

    • Thanks 1
  7. Ah, Cajal...  Those of us of a certain vintage  have had years of practice!

    There were no jam-jar covers in the cupboard, but - amazingly - there was a bag of French jam-makers' wax, so i used that to top the jam off.  (Advice to anyone thinking of using this:  only put the jam into jars with traditional sloping sides, such as the Bonne Maman ones; otherwise it's a devil to lift the wax seal out when you want to eat the jam.)

  8. 4 hours ago, menthe said:

    Loiseau, you got home OK then?  (Please excuse the digression, but this is justified?)  Was thinking of you this evening.  Driving back from the dentist took an hour and a half instead of the usual 40 minutes.


    Dear mint, yes, I did, thank you! Wading through rushing water to reach the car; wind and rain near Calais; but sm8ling blue skies to welcome me to Kent when the Shuttle doors opened. 
    Feel bad that I have abandoned Wooly to more downpours, but he's got the drill now to cope with the rising waters (I hope).

  9. I just thought the scene looked like something by a Dutch Old Master!

    Thanks for the good travel wishes, folks. Home and dry now, and - astonishingly - emerged from the Shuttle to brilliant sunshine.
    The worst part of the trip was getting from chez Wools to my car, parked on higher ground. Although the current along what used to be his road (!) is nothing like as fierce as it has been, it was very scary to wade through for the few moments when one had nothing handy to hang on to.  Luckily we both had stout wellies.

    Made some "emergency jam" yesterday, to help use up some of the rapidly thawing freezer contents.



    • Haha 1
  10. 19 hours ago, menthe said:

    After Norman's contribution, I thought about the pronunciation a bit more and I have revised what I said.  I think the double c needs to be followed by h to make the k sound so, Ajaccio would sound as Lori and Norman have pointed out.

    I was thinking of how the Italian tennis player pronounces his name Cecchinato is therefore Checkinato.  Also, the famous Ponte Vecchio in Florence.  So for a k sound, h has to come before the vowels i or e.


    i think the last two Cs, in Italian, would be pronounced like English "ch", as in focaCCio (soft before e and i, I remember; if followed by an h, then the c is hard).  But I know nothing about how Corsicans would pronounce Ajaccio!



  11. Moffers, that all sounds a lovely plan, and you have had loads of excellent advice.

    One more thing that is worth thinking about is whether you can afford to keep a property in the UK to move back to if your circumstances change.  Property prices rise much faster in the UK than in France, and it can be very difficult to get back into it once you move somewhere where properties are enticingly cheaper.

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