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  1. Thank you both so much...it is really helpful to know that it is in the right ballpark ....will just have to see if we can afford it! Regards.
  2. We have a (relatively) smallish, old holiday home in Normandy ...have had it for about 14 years now. The hearing has been provided by a truly ancient (and huge) beast of an oil fired boiler. We are not there often in the winter but we leave it on frost guard to keep everything ticking over. We have it serviced every year and don't use much oil. This year, for the first time since we started to give it some TLC (not sure it got much before we bought the house) it wasn't working when we weren't over in January. It was fixed ((about €200 ) and we asked for a quote to replace it. It has just come in at almost €5000...which seems like a lot to me. Wondering what to do if the big beasty is really on the way out. Would appreciate advice on whether the quote is way out (have already seen a feed on the type recommended) and whether anyone has replaced with electric and the relative costs of installation and running. Thanks.
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