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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Kong... Anyone ...please ... this new place on page 3 for UK bank interest is this where gross interest from the bank would go ? Or is it for bank interest that has had tax taken out? Anna getting more confused than ever, sorry.
  2. Ceejay, I would be very grateful if you could explain a little more . Because I have been doing research and finding that another forum is also talking about just where to put the UK bank interest that has NOT had tax taken out , the agreement seems to be that it does not go where many people had put it previous , ( 2015/14 inbox IV B Autres revenue de valeurs page 2) But to put it in on the new format pink 2047 part 25, page3?! Revenue n'ouvrant pas droit à abattement, third line down so it corrosponds with 2TR so we end up the same place on the blue form as previous years but not on the new pink one. So for you if nothing's changed which place would you be referring to for bank interest gross? Thank you . Sorry if I have confused anyone as I am certainly confused now.
  3. Correct me if I am wrong but I had understood that it was a legal requirement to fill in the pink Cerfa 11226*18 . 2047 for anyone recieving a pension or any income outside of France. It is a work sheet, that re directs you where to place figures into the blue forms. Also it requests details that are not requested on the blue forms , therefore it allows the tax office for example to see which country at a glance where you have your bank interest etc . Where your pension comes from etc. Many people don't automatically get sent it with the other tax forms, so you have to download it from here , I am told its my obligation to do this!!! For this year the pink form 2047 the link is here..... http://impots.gouv.fr./portal/deploiement/p1/fichedescriptiveformulaire_10376/fichedescriptiveformulaire_10376.pdf
  4. Like you we got The letter to say they agree minus that 2% and like your letter if we do not agree etc. We were advised by treasury to do nothing as it was all a matter of them following a set procedure, and true enough after the initial letter of approval 3 or so weeks letter seperate degrevement papers arrive showing for each year claimed 2012, 2013, 2014 , now we wait I suppose another month before the money arrives in the bank, fingers crossed!!! Again all thanks to Parsnips ?
  5. Thank you for the link and to check reimbursements Jay. Isn't it great when we can all help each other. Such a nice friendly forum.
  6. We went to CPAM yesterday (waited 1hr 40 mins!! For our turn) but she seemed very impressed with all the documents (thank you to everyone) accepted copies of everything and never asked to see an original. She also asked for a new RIB. We even took new passport type pictures but said they would only be asked for by letter in a week or so after attestation arriving. She did not want me to hand in carte vital and said I must continue to use it as in 4 weeks time we would recieve an attestation with a new number only then will the carte vital go non valid. Then within 4 weeks after that we will recieve carte vital. She said as soon as attestation comes we must notify new number to our mutual as reimbursement by them to us is automatic through CPAM triggering it off. She was very pleasant and smiley as we were.
  7. Thank you all so very much , you have helped me yet again. I am armed with everything and have made copies of my S1. We are off to CPAM this afternoon!! Anna
  8. Thank you very much for that. The letter that came with my S1 states.... Take the S1 forms to the relevant local authority. They may ask for proof of your identity and residence in France. They will register the S1 form, keep one copy and return the other direct to the Overseas Healthcare Team in the United Kingdom. Oooooo , now reading it again do you think they are saying "they" as in they will send a copy back to the UK?????? I get so scared doing anything like this
  9. Can't sleep thinking what happens next? I would be grateful if someone could tell me what to do...... I applied for an S1 in my own right as I had been piggy backing on husbands E121, 2 of the same came in the post completed . It says take it to CPAM and send a copy back to UK. Errr now confused , so if I take both to CPAM will they keep one and stamp the other and that's what I send back to UK ? I can't get my head around the bit that says send the copy back to UK does something get done to the copy by CPAM??? Can anyone remember what they did, please. Oh and it says proof of residency may be needed , would our tax returns do as we do not have a carte de Sejour. Thank you. Anna
  10. Perhaps my logic is flawed, but I think perhaps now is a good time to buy some € before it goes worse. It will I think go worse before it gets any better. 10 mins ago we bought with Torfx ( used them for years) £2000 worth bought us 2,520€ It will be in our French account at the latest tomorrow morning but likely late this afternoon.
  11. Yes just done it. Link does not take you to exact page so I just searched for pension within its own page and it came up , and then confirmed with the email it sent me. A very interesting page with soooooo many petitions on the go.
  12. Yikes , yesterday a letter arrived to say that they agree to pay ( but not that 2%, that others have spoke about) plus interest , if we disagree we have 2 months to say so. Shall I email him to say we accept so that we and themselves don't have to wait the 2 months . I am thinking we might get the money sooner if we say we agree, what do you think? A big thank you to all that have encouraged me to apply and especially to Parsnips who I think kicked the whole thing into being in the first place, bless you all Anna xx
  13. A scary thought, I had an idea that just maybe it was powers that be collecting info for when Britain exits the EU they will have our data in one box freshly collected and up to date ! The I.P. on the end I had down for meaning I=Immigration, P= Passports. Doh!
  14. Oh my goodness we had the same letter this morning. All details are correct except we must fill in I think the number from the carte vital. Could some kind person clarify this for me please . In answer to this ... Dans ce but, elle doit disposer d'information completes et exactes sur votre etat civil. Do we send a copy of the marriage certificate? And for this do we send a copy of the last letter from the state pension office saying what the state pension is for husband and or do we send the letter showing what state pension we have for both .. how do you predict for 2018??? I am confused. Thank you
  15. Is anyone having problems with the forum renewing its pages so very slowly? Tested it on other sites and there is no problem.
  16. Oooerrr, he opened the email last night at 6.34pm (streak tracker sent me the message) and the tax man then sent an email to me at 6.42pm to say that he had received all 7 pdf's and would proceed to view the case! Surprised he was working so late, poor thing!!
  17. Thank you Hereford. I researched and downloaded an extension for chrome called Streak that will associate with gmail, so now when I send the email this morning asking if he had received all PDF's on Jan 26th and would he confirm this to me, Streak lets me know he has opened it. I tested Streak with many friends and it works a dream and is not seen as spam etc, could be useful for others here perhaps! If I hear no reply I will send all the documents by recorded delivery on Saturday. At least its proof we tried and he didn't.
  18. This morning I have emailed him 7 documents which he required within his Mb that he stated "must not be exceeded"! And all well within his 30day period of allowed correspondence regarding the case . Before when I sent him documents I did recorded delivery so he had to sign for them , I am panicking as I have realised he could say he never received my email, shall I make hard copies of everything I sent by email and do another recorded deliver. Our French friend wrote the email for us and said that if we have not heard anything by mid Feb we would go to the Conciliator Fiscal, its all so scary.
  19. Please, could you help, I have been told by the tax man who is accessing our claim reimbursement for CSG that I must send even more documents but the maximum size of each email he says is 5662310 octets .He has already turned me into a nervous wreck and now I don't trust my research. I tested the documents in an email to myself and it read 2.7MB His max of 5662310 octets Google tells me It's 5.4 MB . Have I worked it out correct, I am losing the will to live. Thank you Anna
  20. Idun ! we went to CPAM this afternoon and showed them the letter that the tax man wrote ( which is on page 1 of this topic) . They said all he needed was a new attestation that they printed off for us as our code to join Amelia had nor come through. They even sent us upstairs to International to see another person and she also read his letter and said the new attestation would suffice. So tomorrow I will email it to him and also I have found a letter from UK that states they (UK) accepts we are entitled to an E121, in English so he won't be happy as we sent him our E121 but he said they were in English and was not pleased, as told to me by my French friend who spoke with him on the phone prior. Because of the language problem I an not very brave and can honestly say I felt sick waiting to see someone at CPAM but they were very pleasant and reassuring . Whilst showing them other papers they pointed out that the green attestation I had was only associated to the Carte vital and the new attestation was different and what the tax man needed. In what way different I don't know, but as long as it will do . Thinking about it , why I wonder could that tax man not just have phoned CPAM and get the confirmation he wanted. Thank you all for your help I will let you know what happens.
  21. Thank you pomme. But I have the correct copy of our E121, which the man who is handling the claim has recieved but he says its in English therefore needs current attestation!!! Rather than the Year 2007 attestation that I had sent him, as Parsnips confirmed that should have been good enough. Talking again to my French friend that had a brief conversation with him on the phone on my behalf it appears he said what I sent him was not the same as others sent. I think perhaps he has looked at someone's S1 and sees that ours says E121, perhaps! Who knows how heir minds think?
  22. Thank you Fittersmate and Sue in56 for the encouragement, I certainly need it. On the 14th I filled in the request for a code on Amelia to gain access but it said it would take up to 10 days and I presume it will come in the post as it did not ask for an email address . If not it's a trip to Agen as we are in area 47. The email from the Tax person was sent to me on the 13/01 yet within the letter it's dated 08/01 . He says I have 30 days to complete . Will this mean from the date of when he wrote the letter on the 8th or when he decided to send it to me by email on the 13th ? ?
  23. Thank you very much Parsnips. I received his letter by email and as you say keep everything. Is there a link I can send the Tax CSG man that will point him in the correct way how he should proceed please. I suppose I must get a new attestation or I will have nothing to send him!! What words could I use in French that perhaps say maybe something to the effect that if he does not find the E121 and new attestation acceptable as other departments have I will proceed to the Concilliateur Fiscal. What would you suggest I am totally at a loss. The French friend who spoke on my behalf asked could I have a meeting with him and he said No.
  24. I sent a copy of Parsnips wonderful letter and took out the bits that were not relevant for our claim in Dec2015. I sent an attestation (dated 2007) Our E121's ( here I am confused because all they looked like were forms but with signatures from Newcastles office) .And we sent all paid CSG bills relating to said years. We received this letter below and because of giant language problems a French friend talked to the Author of the letter (see below please). It appears my errors are that the attestation should be a new one like of todays date rather than 2007! Also he said the E121 was in English so was of no use!! So is that why he wants a new attestation . He went on to say that he could not discuss anything else with my friend as he needs written authorisation, which is fare enough. I could cry, I just new it could not go smoothly. Please , I would appreciate it if someone could read his letter below, but because it was a pdf email I could not copy it so any spelling mistakes are my fault. What does your E121 look like , please? Do we need to ask for anything else at CPAM or will the new attestation imply are health is paid by UK? Thank you Anna here is his email Vous avez déposé une réclamation tendant à la restitution des prélèvements sociaux dus à raison des revenus de capitaux mobliers et des professions non salariées que vous avez réalisés au cours des années 2012, 2013 et 2014 en invoquantles décisions < de Ruyter>, rendues par ka Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne et par le Conseil d'État. Afin de permettre l'examen de votre demande, il vous appartient de justifier de votre affiliation à un régime de sécurité sociald'un autre Etat membre de l'Union européenne, de l'Espace économique européen ou de la Suisse au titre de la période sollicitée. A cet égard , vous pourrez notamment en justifier par la production: de tout document suffisamment probant indiquant de façon claire l'organisme de sécurité sociale de votre rattachement et la période d'affiliation; d'un justificatif de paiement des cotisations (bulletin de salaire mentionnant des retenues à titre de cotisations sociales ou titre de pension émanant d'un organisme de retraite publique, etc); je vous remercie de m'adresser, dans le délai de 30 jours, votre réponse accompagnée d'un relevé d'identité bancaire. je me tiens à votre disposition pour toute question relative à ce courrier et vous prie de croire, Madame, Monsieur, à l'assurance de ma considération distinguée
  25. Thank you, I will enjoy Christmas and the new year and then take the bull by the horns. A very Merry Christmas to you all and a healthy , prosperous New Year. Anna xx
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