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Posts posted by alnmike

  1. I have received a 2 page letter from the Maire, one page is a copy of my original Declaration de Travaux, the other a letter titled:

    Bordereau d'envoi.  It referes to the DT and says: "Cette declaration de travaux ne presentant aucune opposition, ce document vaut autorisation"

    Does this mean our request is aproved - I think it is without opposition, - what has thrown me is the 'ce document vaut autorisation' bit?

    thanks very much!!

  2. Lasy year, when the weather suddenly turned very hot, our old stone

    cottage suddently suffered very badly from condensation. The guests

    rang after 2 days in the gite and said it was very bad, the mattress

    and their clothes wet. I got our caretaker down, who said there was a

    little moisture but nothing unusual. BUT my guests were not happy, and

    so I refunded there whole rental plus security deposit. The customer

    being always right!!! Fortunately the Guest comments book is full of

    great comments so this was just a one off, and hopefully these guests

    managed to still enjoy their hard earned break!

    Good luck with your refund!

  3. Sorry - bit off message I know, but would appreciate the team's thoughts!

    We bought our house in November 2004. In 2005 we were told that the previous owners would have paid and we paid via the notaire. Now the previous owners were French, retired, in their 70's and I suspect paid no/little tax. We [aid foncieres last year. In September 2005 I went into the tresorerie and asked for the Habitation and was told nothing due at that time. I have now submitted and paid an Impots. Do you think I will get a Habitation bill, and will it be backdated?

  4. Hi - help, please (again)

    Last year I paid my taxe foncieres on line and then set up a prelevement for this year, all of which has worked fine. I also paid this year's impot on line, and hopefully have set up prelevement for next year.

    I have just had the foncieres bill for this year, which is still being paid by prelevement, so that is fine.

    However, I am with CA and I have new RIB and they have our UK address wrong, so I thought I'd log on and amend.

    The site told me I didn't have a certificate. So I started to re-register, and it then asekd for a couple of other reference numbers - one I think it wanted the value of Revenu Imposable as I am a non-resident. The other reference was for 'numero de teledeclarant' and clicking the 'help' gave:

    "Saisissez votre numéro de télédéclarant à 7 chiffres figurant en bas de la

    première page de votre déclaration de revenus 2005 reçue en 2006."

    I can't find any such number, help please? Although I only want to amend the taxe foncieres, I seem to have to use my income tax information? Or am I mad . . . . ?

  5. Hi all. Your thoughts please. We have a double bed in a large bedroom on ground floor. And 2 singles in our mezzanine.

    Our visitors have commented that we could easily fit a sofa-bed in the

    bedroom. We only have one loo so I feel that 4 is enough guests, but

    should I offer the option of 4/6?


  6. Last year we bought our house and used a currency broker to SWIFT GBP to Euros into Britline (I know, I know).

    We used an English speaking French solicitor to help with the purchase,

    who got a RIB from the Notaire. I rang CA who said they wanted a fax by

    11 am and the money would be with the Notaire by close of play. And it


  7. Hello!  We  have had notice that our Declaration de Travaux

    is incomplete - not really surprised. We want to install one Velux and

    replace an existing little wooden door to the attic with a uPVC window

    with shutter, the same as exist in the rest of the house. What we have

    been asked for is:

    coupe sur le batiment avant et apres travaux.

    Now, it is something 'on the house before and after work' and using

    google, it says 'cross'.  Please - does this really mean 'cross on

    the house before and after work' and if it does mean that, what are

    they asking for?

    As ever - thanks in advance!!

  8. Can someone confirm, please, that this:

    Accuse Reception de Demande d'annulation

    Mme MOORE Alison,

    Nous transmettons votre

    demande d'annulation a notre Service Commercial.

    Ce service vous

    informera dans les plus brefs delais des suites de l'annulation.


    vous assurons que notre equipe fait le maximum pour ecourter votre attente et

    vous remercions

    de votre patience.

    Service Clientèle Actualis

    Shows that Actualis have received my cancellation request?

    I ask, as today I have received an email containing delivery

    instructions. I have told them that they have received my cancellation,

    but I suddenly wondered if I got it right!


  9. We have rather attractive polystyrene tiles on the ceiling of our bedroom. And  I now can't stand them anymore.

    Does anyone have a foolproof method for removail? I'm sure in the 70's

    I remember my Dad suggesting painting with petrol, but I feel there may

    be one or two Health & Safety concerns!! [:D] I suspect I'll have

    to scrape them off but am evey hopeful of an easy life . . .

    Thanks as ever.

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