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Everything posted by werty

  1. Yes. The attic was sealed off when I bought the property 20 years before the sale. I had no reason to access that space during that time.
  2. Seller Beware. On the day of the signing the buyer confronted me with the request that I sign a Vide Cache agreement for 20 years & if I died my inheritors would be responsible ! I refused. My agent & my notaire were apparently stunned by this & said they had never hears of this before. In order to avoid the annulment of the sale, which I desired, they advised me to agree to a clause of 12 months only, to show good faith. As they pointed out the Diagnostic Expert had pronounced everything in good order. Much against my instincts I finally agreed. The sale went through. 11 months after, when the buyer was involved into many projects, he had reason to explore the attic area. In order to do this he had to make an opening into this completely sealed area. He discovered that a couple of beams had been attacked by Capricorns. Not termites. As the beams were of oak the capricorns had departed. The roof was pronounced good for at least a further 20 years. The buyer then commenced proceedings under the Vide Cache clause. Still ongoing 2 years later & is claiming 100,000 euros from the expert & myself
  3. Has anyone else had problems when selling a French property with a Vide Cache clause?
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