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Everything posted by Neil34

  1. So a final update after the big day.... Sometimes in life you get seen by the jobsworth that you actually wanted. The lady at the Hotel des Impots was more interested in moving on to the next person than asking awkward questions. A quick check on the pc, a little 'tampon' on my letter and that was it. Done, goodbye, bon journee. So, yes, it did turn out to be simple and easy as some of you suggested, but at the same time I was well prepared for all eventualities so all the advice was very very welcome. The only complaint : that has to be the worst hotel I've ever been in - there wasn't even a bar! As Mel said - wonderful forum, priceless advice, friendly contributers. I shall return. Thank you again, Cordialement, Neil. --
  2. Hi thanks for your reply [quote user="pachapapa"] I found them most understanding as when I told them I had binned all my pension check stubs etc; they said OK then forget about this year but from today KEEP all the data and send us a return next year. [/quote] So you had to send a return the year after even though you were not earning in france?
  3. <<Are you physically carrying out any of your UK self employed work whilst in France? From your computer for instance? No <<I dont think that you have anything to panic about (yet!) the letter is giving you 30 days from when you recived it, unless perhaps it was recomandéé and someone else signed for it a few weeks ago. yes that's the problem - the letter was sent one month ago - my time is up on monday!! i didn't receive it becquse i was in uk, but i'm sure they won't be interested by that excuse.
  4. Hi there and thanks so much for everyones help and advice - this forum is wonderful. I've done below what I probably should have done in the first place and copied the letter out (sans accent and probably with mistakes but you get the gist of it) ---------- Direction Generale Des Finances Publique SIP Montpellier Impot sur le revenu Demande de declaration 07/10/2011 Madame, Monsieur A ce jour, je n'ai pas recu le declaration detaillee de vos revenus de l'annee 2010 qui aurait de etre deposee pour le 30/5/2011 Le production de ces documents constitue une obligation prevue par la loi. Le manquement a cette obligation legale, ou le retard a l'accomplir vous expose a des sanctions. Meme si vous n'etes pas imposable, vous avez interet a souscrire cette declaration. Elle permettra en effet a l'administration de vous adresser un avis d'impot sur le revenu que vous pourrez utiliser pour le justifier du montant de vos ressources aupres d'organismes qui vous le demanderaient pour vous accorder certains avantages. Si vous n'avez deja souscrite, soyez assez aimable de me faire connaitre, dans le plus court delai possible, a l'adresse indiquee ci-dessus, le service des Impots auquel vous l'avez fait parvenir, en indiquant le domicile que vous y avez mentionne. Si vous n'avez pas depose cette declaration, et afin d'eviter toute erreur d'imposition a votre prejudice, je vous demanderais de m'addresser, apres l'avoir rempli, l'imprime que vous avez du recevoir precedemment. A defaut, vous pourrez vous le procurer du SIP/centre des impots dont l'adresse est mentionnee ci-dessus ou sur le site internet impots.gouv.fr. Dans tous les cas cet envoi doit intervenir dans un delai maximum de trente jours a compter de la reception de la presents lettre. Je me tiens a votre disposition...... Mme M D..... Controleur des impots
  5. Thanks for the comforting words, sprogster... Yes, I will get a copy of my last UK tax assessment to them. Not sure if I can do it by monday for a variety of reasons but... perhaps if I at least call them and say it's on the way.... I have actually noticed that there is a small space on the flip side of the letter saying 'Reponse'. I find this slightly confusing because the rest of the letter asks very clearly for a declaration of revenue. <<As for checking the number of days in France, unlike the UK, that in itself is not a decisive factor on it's own in determining French tax residence.>> Could I ask how you came to this conclusion? << it is an extremely time consuming and expensive exercise, that the tax authorities would only instigate for big fish!>> I heard that they got Johhny Halliday by checking his mobile phone records!
  6. Hi Norman thank you for your advice How is taxe d'habitation normally paid.. and who too? I had no idea about it! Would I be right in assuming that that's how they caught up with me? I'm not quite clear about your next comment re. double taxation. Are you saying that I qualify as a resident because I rent a flat and have to pay taxe d'hab? What I'm worried about is how heavy these people are. I can go and see them as you say but will they crucify me for not having the relevant documents to hand by monday? I'm wondering if they might give me more time but I've heard some scary things about how it can be in france. As far as number of days spent in france is concerned ... are they likely to ask for proof ?.... I'm wondering how do you prove something like that? I mean... if I have been in france for a couple of weeks over the limit who's going to know... N
  7. Hi thanks for your quick reply! No I haven't been working in France and I've had the apartment for nearly 2 years. I have been going backwards and forwards quite a bit.... I haven't calculated how many days exactly but how would anyone apart from ryanair know?!! Yes the letter asks for a declaration for the year 2010 but if I haven't been earning money here what am I declaring? I don't understand how they caught up with me unless it's to do with taxe d'hab or edf etc. The letter was sent to my montpellier flat. My big problem here is time - I need to do SOMETHING by monday but am not sure what. I'm wondering if they will cruxify me if I ask for more time. I'm not going to sleep tonight   :-(
  8. Hi there. I really hope someone here can help me. I've inadvertantly got myself in what seems to be a sticky situation and I'm very very worried. I am a self employed UK resident, but I have rented a flat in Montpellier and I just received a letter asking for a declaration de revenus. The letter took a while to get to me and basically it says that they need it by monday 7th Nov! So I'm in a right fluster now trying to figure out what I am supposed to send, or perhaps I can get them to give me more time? Is this all because I was supposed to pay a 'taxe de l'habitation? Do I have to fill in a declaration just because I rented a flat here? All suggestions gratefully received. I'm quite scared because I really don't understand the french system at all and I've heard they can be quite heavy! Thanks for listening, Neil.
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