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Everything posted by Woollywraps

  1. Hi Mary and thanks for the link, I'll take a look :)
  2. Does anyone know if there are any problems with keeping rabbits and chickens together? Thanks :)
  3. Hi, we need some translations from english to french. Of our websites: http://www.woollywraps.com http://www.jardinsetgites.com Also, other paperwork plus ongoing translations of emails etc. as and when required. Could you email us direct or post a message here with how much you would charge (EUROS or GBP is fine) per A4 page of text. Thanks :)
  4. Thanks for all the replies on this :) I will try that recipe once I get my hands on some Halloumi. I can't access the www.epicerieanglaise.com site either.
  5. I'm not sure on the price as I can't remember how much we used to pay for it. You could try comparing the price by looking on tesco.com. Thanks for the info. I'll take a look on eBay UK :)
  6. Thanks for the replies, guess I'm going to have to bring some back with me in the Summer to freeze it or find someone online who will deliver to France. Val - Halloumi Cheese (also known as Hellim) is a Cypriot cheese made from sheep and goat's milk, it's quite salty and usually has mint in it too.  The texture is similar to mozzarella but the crucial difference is that it doesn't melt so it keeps it's form when grilled or fried so it's great for barbecues (not that we've got the weather for barbecues on the Northern Coast yet!!).  Here's a link about Halloumi: http://entare.com/ezinewin01/Halloumi/story.html
  7. Probably a long shot but has anyone seen Halloumi Cheese in France? Thanks :)
  8. I know the restrictions on purchasing .fr domains but I am trying to find out if there are any restrictions once purchased, i.e. on transferring to another host/changing the dns name servers etc... Does anyone know?
  9. The way I understand it, is that, even if you don't earn anything you still have to pay a minimum rate of cotisations.
  10. Thanks for the info. Zeb. I'm wondering how easy is it to deregister then reregister for any business (not just those classed as seasonal). Also, what happens when someone who has a business (that is not deregistered) works for an agency? Do they pay twice?
  11. I understand the question Orion2 was asking as I was thinking it too :) If you have a registered business you are liable for cotisations whether you earn anything or not. Therefore, if you have a registered business but then take outside employment will you be liable to pay cotisations from your employment *and* also have to pay them for your business? In effect paying twice. Does anyone know?
  12. Hi, I'm waiting for my siret number but I need to produce some leaflets before I receive it. I read somewhere the wording I could use to say that it's applied for etc. but now I can't find it! Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks
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