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  1. Hey Laura You made me laugh :) Thanks for your funny "review of the french culture" I have been traveling around for a few years and lived in different places. What I can say is, well french people can camplain, but nobody complains like portuguese people... I live in france, and I love french people - I am married with one :) About loving wine, cheese and bread... I have to agree, but I understand there are no other place that you can have them in such high quality and options like here... I am still trying to taste the all 300+ cheeses you have here.
  2. Some use, some not. It is not mandatory I guess. Most of french people that I know are PACSe, not married, these ones don't use.
  3. I have been traveling around and working with both American and French girls/ladies. What I can notice there is a big difference between the way of thinking, we can't forget that french are latins as well. I am not refering about the term "latin" that the americans use to say that people are from mexico or spain. I am talking about people who use languages that came from latin - the real latins. If you look at italians, spanish, portuguese, french, they are more or less alike, they enjoy relationships for itself, and americans want to get married. They (americans) start relationships thinking about marriage. Of course I am generalizatin a lot here, but this is my point of view. In a relationship, americans went to familie's house for holidays, french like to go for a romantic trip. People is just different.
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