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Posts posted by Chalky

  1. Just like to thank everyone for their replies and suggestions. I am lucky to have a French friend in the village who has been helping me with some of the paperwork. I have phoned Newcastle and they have told me that as I will be entitled to a bereavement allowance for a year I will receive an E121. As my 106 expires this month they have promised to do this quickly. CPAM said they were unable to extend my cover, while waiting for 121, but to keep any receipts and they will reimburse them when the form comes through.Hopefully there won't be any.

    I have also found the bank helpful and have an appointment with our notaire in the new year.

    Thanks for the counselling website which I shall visit next.

    Again thanks to everyone for your help


  2. I have very recently lost my husband who died here in france after a long battle against cancer. The treatment he received here was the very best possible. Among all the  problems of coping and trying to face life without him I now find that my E106 is about to run out. My husband had an E121 of his own and I was going to be added to this at the end of this month. Does anyone know if I will still be eligible to go onto his or will I be able to get one (E121) of my own if I receive a bereavement allowance?


  3. I have very recently lost my husband who died here in france after a long battle against cancer. The treatment he received here was the very best possible. Among all the  problems of coping and trying to face life without him I now find that my E106 is about to run out. My husband had an E121 of his own and I was going to be added to this at the end of this month. Does anyone know if I will still be eligible to go onto his or will I be able to get one (E121) of my own if I receive a bereavement allowance?


  4. I have very recently lost my husband who died here in france after a long battle against cancer. The treatment he received here was the very best possible. Among all the  problems of coping and trying to face life without him I now find that my E106 is about to run out. My husband had an E121 of his own and I was going to be added to this at the end of this month. Does anyone know if I will still be eligible to go onto his or will I be able to get one (E121) of my own if I receive a bereavement allowance?


  5. [quote]I am a bit worried about living out here permanatley as I am not old enough to to recieve a pension, We are currantley living on incapacity benefit and a bit off savings, if I lose the incapacity bene...[/quote]

    As I understand things Incapacity benefit is one of the few benefits you can claim in another country from the UK.It also means your UK insurance stamps are being paid and this will affect the amount of your pension.I rang newcastle and I found them incredably helpful.
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