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Posts posted by pomme

  1. It sounds as though the location of bornes in places other than CPAM offices depends on the department. The only borne I've seen at a supermarket near here was withdrawn about 10 years ago and the main place to update is now at pharmacy counters.

    The AMELI link I gave above only gives those in CPAM offices here. It would be good if you could check your department and see whether you also get supermarket and pharmacies as well, if you know they exist.
  2. You can see a list of places if you go to Ameli https://www.ameli.fr/assure/adresses-et-contacts/votre-carte-vitale/mettre-jour-votre-carte-vitale

    or you can ask at a pharmacy for it to be updated (just using it doesn't update it)
  3. It is not a new problem. As an example, a Guardian article from 2014

    Basically, it's impossible for us to open a bank account in the UK

    I have a UK passport and a Canadian driver's licence https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/aug/22/canadian-uk-bank-account-open-refused

    A search for something like <"a country" UK expat bank> will bring up similar examples others have encountered.

    How pensioners are paid all depend on whether UK banks have subsidiaries or similar in a country. UK state pensions aren't a problem and can be transferred in the local currency. Otherwise it is probably offshore accounts and having to pay for the service.

    Whether you accept it or not, a banks primary raison d'etre is to make money not to act as a social service.
  4. I assume you are asking about an air-air or air-water heat pump rather than a ground source heat pump since those are the heat pumps that are being heavily promoted?

    I would agree with woolybanana and am equally unconvinced by their efficiency and possible savings in Northern France of air source heat pumps unless your property is a new build/very well insulated. Once the temperature gets too cold there is little or no heat gain over standard electric heating.

    However, I do believe a well-installed ground source heat pump, probably with a vertical bore, would provide an efficient system, but at a much greater cost.

    If you want to see a large selection of user reviews, there are plenty on the French equivalent of Which? Search for "site:www.60millions-mag.com pompe a chaleur forum" Of course, you will have to recognise people tend to complain more on such forums rather than posting praise. But you will find a lot of general advice, if you work through them including many reporting later expensive service/parts problems never mentioned in the sales talk.

  5. nomoss: there has not been any need to change those web pages (although it might have been sensible) as all conditions are covered and still valid.

    Judith-aka-Judith: The web site is in the domain gouv.fr. That is the French Government. You pay taxes at a sub-domain impots.gouv.fr.

    The domain I linked to is brexit.gouv.fr which is the French Government web site for conveying information on Brexit. It is not a UK site. This is the French language version of the web site https://brexit.gouv.fr/sites/brexit/accueil/vous-etes-britannique/permis-de-conduire.html which gives the same information.

    As from the end of 2020, the UK driving licence will no longer be classified as an EU licence but as a non-European licence.

    https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1460 which you get to from the ANTS page

    Echange de permis étranger pour un permis français https://permisdeconduire.ants.gouv.fr/Vos-demarches/Echange-de-permis-etranger-pour-un-permis-francais

    L'échange de votre permis de conduire contre un permis français est obligatoire si vous vous installez en France.

    En effet, un permis délivré par un État non européen est reconnu uniquement pendant 1 an à partir de l'acquisition de la résidence normale en France.

    Un permis délivré par un État non européen est reconnu en France pendant 1 an à partir de l'acquisition de votre résidence normale.

    This europa.eu will give you links to allow you to see the driving licence conditions for each EU country as affected by Brexit page https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/vehicles/driving-licence/driving-licence-exchange-recognition/index_en.htm

    The original question was:

    Hitherto, it was the case that the holder of a UK licence did not need to exchange it for a French one until it became expired. This related to the UK’s membership of the EU (I think!)

    Does Brexit change this and if so from which date?

    The links explain quite clearly that if your permanent residence is France you can only use a UK licence in France for a year once it becomes a non-EU licence at the end of 2020. It will not be valid for use in France after that period until expiry date printed on the licence
  6. Has your "expert" read the French Government web site statement I posted earlier?

    Have you?


    1. What is the situation during the transition period ?

    A French driving licence allows you to drive in EU Member States.

    During the transition period, you will be able to drive in the other EU Member States with your British driving licence.

    However, after the transition period or if there is no withdrawal agreement, if you have a British driving licence and wish to drive in other Member States you should contact those States. Each EU Member State has sovereign authority to determine the regulations applying to recognising and exchanging driving licences with non-EU countries.

    2. What will the situation be at the end of the transition period ?

    Thereafter, there will be three main scenarios depending on whether you are driving in France as a tourist or resident:

    If you live in France, special and reciprocal provisions will set out the conditions of exchange for British driving licence holders who are resident of France

    If you are a tourist in France, you can drive with your licence obtained by means of a driving test in the UK for the duration of your stay accompanied by an international driving permit.

    If you intend to settle in France, after the transition period, your British driving licence will be recognised in France for one year but you will be required to apply to exchange it during this period if a reciprocal agreement is concluded between France and the United Kingdom.

    However, after the transition period, if you have a British driving licence and wish to drive in other Member States you should contact those States. Each EU Member State has sovereign authority to determine the regulations applying to recognising and exchanging driving licences with non-EU countries.

    3. What will the situation be if no agreement on the future relationship comes into effect at the end of the transition period ?

    Following the transition period, British driving licences will be regarded as non-EU driving licences.

    Under national law, licences issued by non-EU countries are valid for a year from the date of taking up usual residence in France. Individuals in this case have this same period of one year in which to apply to exchange their licence for a French driving licence, provided a reciprocal agreement exists between France and the country that issued the driving licence.

    In the absence of an agreement, driving licences will be valid for a year from the date of taking up usual residence in France, but they will not be exchangeable. At the end of this period of validity, British driving licences will no longer entitle their holders to drive in France.
  7. It may be valid in France, just not for driving legally. It will become a non-EU licence on 1 Jan 2021 so subject to different rules than exist for an EU licence.

    This is the UK government web site.

    Driving in the EU from 1 January 2021: UK licence holders living in the EU


    UK and EU driving licences

    If you are resident in an EU country you will need to exchange your driving licence for a local one. The deadline for doing this depends on which country you live in.
  8. In general you will find many of the pharmaceutical products which are readily available in other countries are not available in France except from a pharmacy and often only on prescription.

    I have just searched for neosporin and have found CHIBRO-CADRON suggested as a near equivalent antibiotic. But it seems it is only available on prescription https://tinyurl.com/y2y5gzvv
  9. Hello Dean, my condolences on your loss.

    I don't have any experience on this subject, but I've done some searches for you which I hope may be of help to you.

    It was also of interest to us as we have rewritten our wills this year and have been documenting our finances and succession for our children, who live in England and know little French.

    If you haven't already done so, you should be able to get a breakdown of the quoted figure from the notaire. If I understand the details in the links below, most of the charges should be made up of fixed fees and variable fees based on the property value.

    An English will allows donations without the problems of the stricter "blood line" French inheritance law. However, property in France is still subject to French inheritance taxation.

    A tontine clause only relates to succession rules and inheritance tax. If I remember correctly it also only relates to nil inheritance tax on a property value below about €76K (a tontine clause doesn't have to be between husband and wife so taxes above that figure may be applicable). But in your case there is no inheritance tax between spouses when the property passes to you.

    But it seems you still need to pay for the property registration. From what I have found there does seem to be a lot to pay, and it is based on the total value of the property rather than a 50% share.

    These two links may be of help https://paris.notaires.fr/sites/default/files/conf_septembre_2014.pdf (there is an example of a €400K on pages 7-9 - but it does help by showing what needs to be considered and how the rates are calculated)



  10. Gardian: did you read The Guardian article link above? Did you understand the sections on "passporting" and banking legislation?

    " Financial services in the UK can currently trade across the European Economic Area (EEA) because member countries are bound by the same regulatory framework.

    The arrangement, known as “passporting”, expires at the end of the year and, while the UK has legislated so that EU banks can continue to provide services for customers in Britain, the EU has not done the same.

    Unless a trade deal is agreed with the EU, UK financial institutions will have to abide by often arcane rules which vary from country to country and depend on what services are being offered by what kind of bank. "
  11. It is only treatment related to your ALD which is 100%, not all consultations or treatment. Your new MT may not know why you are going

    Neither of the two MT I have had have accept bank card payment. And cash is always preferred as a cheque means a visit to the bank.
  12. I've used this comparator several times https://mutuelle.dispofi.fr/comparateur-mutuelle-sante

    Each time I've ended up back with their recommendation Alptis as offering me the terms which best match my circumstances.
  13. "alittlebitfrench" wrote:


    If I needed a cheap laptop, that is what I would get.


    Chromebooks have an Auto Update Expiration (“AUE”) when support stops. So you might want to check it, especially if you buy one secondhand. Just like mobile phones no longer getting updates, it should still work but software updates, etc. could fail.

    This page has a full list of Auto Update Expiration (“AUE”)

  14. There are always reconditioned PCs and portables available from Amazon.

    On Amazon.fr search for "hp reconditionné portable" or "dell reconditionné portable" Sometimes they show a list of models without prices and you need to click on a model to see the price.

    In the UK https://www.morgancomputers.co.uk always have a large selection of refurbished PCs an portables but they only deliver to UK addresses.
  15. I downloaded the EDF app a few days ago. I didn't need to be near the meter to get it to start (although in the same house). As it said, it took a few days for the database to be updated.

    But I am now have daily reports since the app was installed which show usage every 30 mins. There are also monthly and annual summaries. What I don't get is any present day data - but the app I have from my UK electricity/gas supplier doesn't do that either. I don't get the current meter reading either as the Linky sends that to Enedis who forward it to EDF.

    There is a summary of my two-monthly factures but no breakdown as I haven't subscribed to online bills.

  16. This web page https://particulier.edf.fr/en/home/contract-and-consumption/meter/linky-meter.html

    short link https://tinyurl.com/y3s85tat

    has the instructions for single- and three-phase Linky meters in English towards the bottom



    You can download an app for your smartphone

    https://particulier.edf.fr/fr/accueil/offres/choisir-edf/appli-edf-et-moi.html but it takes time for it to be set up.
  17. My original sentence was a question and ended with a ?

    If you select the link and don't select the space and ? at the end it works!


    the full link is

  18. Are you thinking of the daily world country and France departmental statistics published in Le Monde https://tinyurl.com/ybrngb35 ?

    That short link takes you to the top of the page. You need to click on France or scroll down to get to the French department maps and departmental data. Holding a cursor over a department on the map gives summary statistics and there are further details in the table below the map.
  19. I think it may only be a problem with the text wording on the Avis.

    On the lines immediately following IMPOT NET I have a calculation for PRELEVEMENTS SOCIAUX

    Détail des revenus CSG - CRDS PREL SOL

    Revenus de capitaux mobiliers

    Revenus professions non salariées

    Revenus non assujettis


    Taux de l'imposition 0% for CSG and 7,50% for PREL SOL

    and the calculation to give

    Total des prélèvements sociaux nets. which is 7.5% of the BASE IMPOSIBLE

    there is then


    which includes


    Solde d'impôt sur les revenus 2019


    Prélèvements sociaux au taux de 17,2% dus:

    Acomptes prélevés en 2019 sur votre compte bancaire :

    Prélèvements sociaux à 17,2% nets

    If you look carefully you will see the figure shown in the Prélèvements sociaux au taux de 17,2% PSOL line is the same as calculated at 7.5% earlier.

    So it is just the wording of those last lines mentioning 17.2% which is incorrect. The calculation was done using 7.5%.
  20. The forms and notes for current and the last few years are


    and the notice which is sent with the avis, and explains the footnotes, is https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/formulaires/1534-not-k/2020/1534-not-k_3124.pdf
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