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Posts posted by pomme

  1. This page https://www.french-property.com/news/french_property/brexit_moving_visa is very comprehensive on all you might need to know about moving in 2021 onwards.

    The section on Customs (Douane) towards the bottom includes a clear explanation and a link to declaring your personal property.

    If you are relocating to France customs duties are not payable on personal belongings, provided you have owned them for at least 6 months and taxes have been paid in the country of origin. You will need to provide proof of change of residence, eg visa.

    You will also need to provide official proof of living outside of the EU for at least a year.
  2. There is a limit of 10,000€ bringing cash into France and it could cause problems trying to prove where it came from and to pay that into a bank account. Stick to a "paper" trail. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/fr/IP_07_832

    The maximum cash transaction for buying a car is 1500€ see Plafonds here: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10999

    Make sure the UK bank account the money comes from is declared on form 3916 and you might as well declare TransferWise as well (since that declaration seems a bit ambiguous). Make sure you can justify where the money in the UK account came from (and, if necessary, declare that).

    Transfer it to a real French bank account. I'd probably opt to pay by cheque rather than by bank transfer from the French bank account even though a cheque might take longer to clear.. Doing it directly from TransferWise could cause problems with proving provenance.
  3. I was puzzled about where the idea of declaring credit cards came from?

    But then I remembered discussions about Revolut and Monzo cards when they first appeared a few years ago. At the time they didn't offer any proper personal banking service but, I think, just an account to allow you to hold a balance to cover purchases?

    So perhaps something like that was the reason?
  4. It won't be the cards themselves. As I said earlier it can only be because they are linked to bank accounts.

    I'd forgotten about when we used to have Barclaycard Visa and Mastercard cards and they were linked to our other UK bank; we didn't have a Barclays account. But if we still had them I would have been reporting that other UK bank anyway so there would be nothing further to follow through on the cards.

    I wonder how that person will get on trying to explain something like a Barclay card to the tax office? I can't think of anything similar in the French banking system; I suppose American Express might be a possible example.
  5. Don't the credit cards have an issuing bank behind them? So you would report details of the bank account?

    They seem to have changed form 3916 this year because they've added a section for Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. cryptocurrencies and taken the opportunity to gather other, more precise, information.

    Hopefully, for the online system they will revert back to retaining the 3916 information from year-to-year rather than demanding all the information is input each year?

    This page https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/international-particulier/questions/comment-declarer-mes-comptes-et-mes-contrats-dassurance-vie states:

    Lors de la déclaration en ligne de vos revenus, utilisez le formulaire n° 3916 (comptes bancaires, contrats d'assurance vie) ou 3916 bis (comptes d'actifs numériques). En cas de déclaration papier, vous pouvez télécharger ce formulaire sur le site www.impots.gouv.fr. ou indiquer sur papier libre l’ensemble des éléments nécessaires à l’identification du compte ou de l’assurance vie.

    But if you declare on a separate sheet of paper you will probably need to provide more than the minimal information required in past years if you want to avoid fines. It seems the online system won't allow the declaration to be completed unless you input certain compulsory fields such as dates.
  6. Geordie, I think you are quoting from the section Salaires exonérés en France of the notes 2041 N and it refers to certain countries where there are specific agreements. But I do not know where you will find a clear and comprehensive list to verify the countries so exclude this document https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/media/brochure_fiscalite_francaise.pdf?l=fr !

    However there have been no changes to the UK-France double taxation agreement, so you should do what you have done in the past.

    They have split 2042 and moved boxes less relevant to many, probably as a result of the implementation of prélèvement à la source, to 2042C.

    You should complete 2047 first (Section 1 and Section 6) and then transfer the information back 8TK on 2042C. You also need to complete 1AL on 2042
  7. Yes, according to para 5 it seems the CSG will be applicable. Presumably not for the 2020 declaration about to be made but for income from 2021 onwards. But you will be able to claim part of it back in your declaration in the following year.

    However, this article https://www.french-property.com/news/tax_france/brexit_social_charges_s1_exemptions implies the full CSG will only be applicable to those not eligible for or holding an S1 prior to 31Dec2020.

    Those with a pre 31Dec2020 S1 will not have to pay CSG on their pensions and only 7.5% on rental income, dividends and interest, etc.

  8. There is a UK government list of variants with location where first detected https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-variants-genomically-confirmed-case-numbers/variants-distribution-of-cases-data (short URL https://tinyurl.com/ygsgnyam )

    My daughter had her first Pfizer vaccination in England in early January (as civil servant offered late in the day to finish up a batch after no-shows). For the last three weeks she has had Covid-19, which was identified as VUI-202102/04 on that list (there is no agreed international naming system for variants), and is now finally recovering. She was due to have her second vaccination last week but it has been postponed for another two weeks.
  9. Although not directly related, Les Echos had an article on 17 Mar concerning problems customers of the "neobanques" e.g. Revolut, N26 were having with receiving salaries, paying for goods and services, etc. as the IBAN (bank identifier) showed it to be not France-based.

    "In an attempt to combat this obstacle to their development, several European fintechs have launched a platform to allow their customers to be heard. At the initiative of TransferWise, they joined forces so that "all cases of IBAN discrimination reported on acceptmyiban.org are transmitted to the competent authorities" and thus force the national banking authorities to act."


    or https://tinyurl.com/yjdy6t97
  10. France has suspended the AZ vaccinations for 24 hours and is waiting for the European Medicines Agency to make a statement.

    Well worth reading this article on prevalence of bllod clots https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/15/evidence-oxford-vaccine-blood-clots-data-causal-links

    In summary:

    Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, a statistician from the University of Cambridge, said the decision to pause the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout in some countries, including Denmark, Norway and Ireland, could be doing “more harm than good”.

    I’ve looked at the AstraZeneca reports and they’ve said that 17 million jabs across the EU and the UK (had been administered) and they’ve had about 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis and 22 cases of pulmonary embolism reported.

    Doing some sums, deep vein thrombosis happens to one in 1,000 people per year of all ages.

    So, out of those 17 million jabs, we would expect at least 17,000 of those people to get a deep vein thrombosis some time in the year.

    So that means that there will have been - and you can pretty well guarantee it - 350 people who have had an AstraZeneca jab then had a deep vein thrombosis in the week following that.
  11. Some of the abatements seem quite complex and it took me some time to discover where to find the necessary data and how those relevant to us are calculated.

    For a long time it has been the case you can be taxed separately (although I don't think I knew you could!). But for most it is advantageous to be jointly taxed, especially if one would be taxed in a higher tax band which might not be the case with incomes added. If taxed separately it is not possible to share unused allowances. Adding children to a household also affects the decision.

    Although a few years old, this web page has a good summary http://impotsurlerevenu.org/impot-et-changement-de-situation/958-la-declaration-commune-est-elle-toujours-avantageuse-.php The INSEE link http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/iana/iana9/iana9.pdf mentioned is even older but I think it only the various levels/bands which have changed.

    I'm not sure what time of year you can make the declaration of changing tax regime? I do not know if there are any other impacts on being taxed separately? e.g. what happens with renovation/environmental grant calculations?

  12. You declare your government pension income in the UK. In calculating the any tax due they also add other UK income such as the state pension. You have the UK tax allowance (currently £12500 ) before you pay UK tax on that total.

    In France, in most circumstances, you are taxed as a household. You declare your total household income including state and other pensions (form 2042 lines 1AM+1BM) and gross UK government pensions (1AL+1BL).

    A simplified working of the calculation of the avis d'impôt:

    There is a 10% special abattement (discount) on all the pension income (1AL+1AM + 1BL+1BM)

    They add up all your income from the various sources to give your "Revenu brut imposable", and deduct any CSG from the previous year to give "Revenu imposable" = J.

    Then according to the the tax tables and the number of parts in the household they calculate the tax ("Impôt sur les revenus soumis au barème") = K.

    They then calculate the government pension "Crédit d'impôt sur rev. étrangers" by giving a credit for the fraction of the government pension less the 10% abattement compared to your total taxable income; calculated by K x (90% of 1AM+1BM) / J.

    There may then be some other adjustments which depend on the income level (I think due to various tax decisions mainly as a result of anomalies when just above/below tax bands, etc.).

    The final figure after all the reductions is the "Impôt sur le revenu net".

  13. I had a Chromecast before the Firestick. When I first got the Firestick there were various apps not available from the Amazon Store. Even now some apps can only be installed by side-loading onto the Firestick from an Android device. But even so, some side-loaded apps won't install or may not run on the Firestick. They will elsewhere so can be displayed on the TV using the Chromecast. So it is a useful backup. Not UK TV, but RMC Sport was one app I remember didn't work on the Firestick (I've not tried recently) and I now just Chromecast from my PC
  14. I've been using get_iplayer for years and updated regularly. I've not had my Microsoft Windows Security software blocking those installations (and not had any Linux issues either). It is open source and all the code is available.

    Just make sure you download it from the official web site https://github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/releases/tag/v3.26

    The program only keeps programme detail in the local database for 30 days but you can download older programmes if you get the PID or URL from iPlayer.
  15. The Firestick is an Amazon version of Android-based device so you can install most Android apps including NordVPN on it. You may need to sideload some apps from your tablet/phone which aren't available from the Amazon appstore. You may not be able to download iPlayer directly (I think I put it on mine when I was in the UK). You will find the All4 app may need both the VPN and the clock time changed to UK time. So you don't need a tablet with a Firestick and we (used to !!) travel with a Firestick.
  16. I did write earlier "I only do so (cast) from a wired PC with my network address; the Chromecast will need to be on the same network. However, it seems you can install NordVPN on the new Chromecast with Google TV so it seems it will be similar in operation to the Firestick."

    The wired PC can connect using NordVPN but it also has an IP address on the same home network as the Chromecast so it is possible to cast to it.

    That is why I also have a Fire TV Stick for use when travelling as I have installed NordVPN and iPlayer on it (iPlayer now works reliably - in the past it was necessary to use iPlayer in a Firestick web browser)
  17. This is a very good explanation


    You may decide you do not need it included, but if the will includes mention of EU regulation no. 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 you can opt for the succession under English/Scottish rules rather than the French succession law.

    If you include that regulation, you can leave your assets to whoever you want in whatever proportions you want. Without it, under French succession your siblings would have to receive equal amounts.

    But the taxes for your UK and French financial assets (but not your UK property) will still need to be paid in France according to the French inheritance taxation rules, so can be up to 60%. Even siblings might be taxed at up to 45%

  18. The protocols for handling and giving the Moderna vaccine are very different from those for the Pfizer vaccine so they need to have different systems to deliver the vaccinations.

    Here the currently limited batches available to the department have been assigned to just one vaccination centre. So if you make an appointment at that centre you do not have an option and will receive the first and second injections of the Moderna vaccine.

    It is possible in large vaccination centres they may have parallel processes.
  19. Our doctor, who is also a homeopath, prescribes Vitamin D/cholecalciferol as a matter of course for his older patients who want it as a preventative for osteoporosis and broken bones. It is refunded by CPAM.

    He did offer a high concentration ampoule to be taken once every three months but I found that increased the occurrence of my kidney stones. So now we get 10ml bottles of Dedrogyl and take a few drops of that in water every day.
  20. Just to possibly clear up some of my earlier comment, the tumblr problem I had seems to be a problem in Europe and I couldn't get past the blank consent screen (GDPR ?). When I set my VPN to the USA I didn't get that screen and could have set up an account. It wasn't due to tumblr itself being ad-blocked by my Pi-Hole. But seems the tumblr platform is riddled with advertising, etc. so I didn't bother to go any further.
  21. I use NordVPN as well.

    The Fire TV Stick (I bought mine in the UK) is easy to use once you've installed the NordVPN app on it. But you are limited by the various TV program apps available for Android. For CH4/All4 you also need to set the Firestick time to the current UK time zone.

    You will need to cast to the Chromecast. I only do so from a wired PC with my network address; the Chromecast will need to be on the same network. However, it seems you can install NordVPN on the new Chromecast with Google TV so it seems it will be similar in operation to the Firestick.
  22. I'd thought about doing something similar but I wasn't sure what I would do as my router also provides two VoIP phone lines. I don't think there are any open routers which can do that so it might be necessary to daisy-chain the new router and the ISP router? Having the VPN on the router also limits being able to connect to different countries.

    In the end I've got both Chromecast on the TVs so can share programs wirelessly from a VPN-enabled computer to a particular TV and an Amazon Fire TV Stick on one TV which I've installed my VPN on.
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