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Posts posted by Laine

  1. Many thanks for all the replies. 

    Chris - we live between Arles and Salon de Provence, which has some of the features of the camargue, but luckily no mosquitoes!

    Pads - the tail was definitely a rat-tail.

    I suppose it must have been a ragondin, but the face was that of a 'whiskery rat', with no 'heavy jaw' or squareish face shape and I didn't see its teeth! (maybe its another variety of ragondin).  Thanks again and I shall look out for more sightings (the dogs are very happy to do this also!!);


  2. While I was walking the dogs yesterday at dusk I saw two animals hurrying towards me down the dry bed of a stream(we live in an area like the camargue)  I had an excellent view of one of them as, in the scurry of activity to escape the dogs, it walked past me and didn't seem afraid.  It was basically a very big rat, but its face was more like that of an otter with a lot of whiskers and when I looked at the picture of a Ragondin the face shape didn't fit (the Ragondin seems to have a long, strong looking face) The only other possibility seemed to be a musk rat, but I remain unsure - any ideas?


  3.     I read your post with interest as we have been thinking about getting a mutuelle for some time.  It has always seemed expensive but, as you say, this is the nature of insurance of all kinds!  In fact we have lived in France for nearly 15 years (I am 61, my husband 58) and have managed without the traditional ''top-up'.  My husband is diabetic and is covered 100% for anything associated with this condition and I am in good health (touch wood!!)  However, if you can get a basic mutelle for 18 euros a month then that seems very reasonable - I really thought it was much more expensive than that!! Could you please let me know what insurance company this is.   Many thanks.

    Kind Regards,

  4. Hi Scorpio,

    Thanks so much for your quick response.  In fact we have also to fill in a 'Déclaration complémentaire' 2042 CK where we declare our (very small) earnings from our business (teaching English and computing), but I was only worried about doing the pensions correctly - thanks once again.

    Regards,  Laine

  5. Sorry to hear of your problems - we have been in a similar position and we turned to the 'assistant sociale' - I think there is one in every village.  If you explain your position I'm sure they will try to help you - it's a pity about the RMI, but there are other payments that you may be able to claim (especially being pregnant) CAF is another organisation that might be able to help you.  As regards the cotisations, if you don't have the money they can't make you pay!  Write very grovelling letters to them and explain that you want to pay but you can't - throw yoursleves on their mercy and you might be surprised.

    Don't be embarrassed to ask for help - everybody needs it sometimes.  Good luck.



  6. Sorry it's another tax form question.  Since filling in this form (2042 K) last year (with a lot of help from this forum) I have seen some conflicting information and now am wondering if in fact I did it wrong.  My main question relates to section 8 of 2042- I have entered my teachers pension under TI and old age pension on page 3and I'm not sure whether I should enter the old-age pension in one of these boxes in section 8 or not.  I have filled in 2047 also (OAP on page 1 and teachers pension on page 4 (section VII).  I have nothing else to declare as income on these forms, so you would think it would be simple but I'm feeling lost again!

    Thanks for any help/confirmation.



  7.     Hello Lisa,

    As you are a bit short of replies, I thought I would answer you,  but I don't have much knowledge of how to enter the French system itself (through exam qualifications).  My only knowledge is about the private sector, as we have been running a small private school since 1993, with varying degrees of success!  With your qualifications and experience it is just a question of being in the right place at the right time if you want a job in the private sector (not as easy as it seems) and of course sending your CV to all likely places.   The Chambers of Commerce in most towns offer English courses and sometimes they actively look for native speakers, also there are private organisations which offer 'soutien scolaire' or help for children in difficulty, and again they are sometimes happy to have a native speaker (e.g. Acadomia, ForProf etc.)  An alternative is to register as a profession liberale (independent worker) and try to build up a business for yourself, through advertising etc.  - this involves paying a lot of social charges, so you need a 'cushion' of money to help you get started and another problem  is that you get a lot of private teaching 'on the black'.


    Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  8.     Hello Dotty,

    Just to add my experience.  My son was knocked over at school by another boy and was taken to hospital because he hit his head and had a fit.   It seems that in France, as a general rule, you give your insurance company all the details (and the other person's company details) and you leave them to fight it out - this is what you pay them for!! If you have to pay out, then just make sure you keep all the bills as proof.  In our case the college didn't get involved, probably because the other boy's parents accepted full responsibility immediately.  We didn't have a top-up insurance (mutuel) so, in fact, the other boy's insurance company had to pay all the bills.  Incidentally the care he received was wonderful and he had no after effects (thank goodness!).

    Sorry not to be more helpful, but every case is different.  Perhaps you should ask your insurance company for advice.


  9. Hi all,

    This is a supplementary question to Sunday Driver's last post  about health cover.  My husband is Profession Liberale here in France -( we have been here for 13 years) and I started to receive the UK old age state pension last year.  At the moment we pay cotisations to a caisse R.S.I.( specifically for Profession Liberale) and my question is,  are we covered under the E121 that I have, or do we need to continue to pay to this caisse?  It would be wonderful not to have to pay these charges!


  10. Hi Logan,

    Thanks very much for that information.  I have contacted the pension provider again and bingo - yes they will do this for only 1 pound a month! So next week I'll clear the English account and it's bye bye Barclays!

    I have just looked at our French account and my old age pension has been paid (for the first time)by the Citibank of Ireland,  if you hadn't replied to me I would have wondered what had happened!!!

    Do you know if this is a new  initiative and what the implications are please?

    Thanks again - isn't the forum a wonderful place?


  11. Thanks cooperlola for replying and for the link.  This may be an alternative to paying the sudden 'surcharge'

    - I think the 'robber barons' are alive and well and living in Barclays Bank!!!!


  12. Hi All,

    I received a letter this morning from Barclays Bank (Isle of Man) informing me about a sudden charge of 40 pounds a year  if I didn't have 2,000 pounds in the bank at all times!  As my (very small) teacher's pension is the only thing paid into this account, I am now trying to find a cheaper way to receive this pension.  When I phoned the teachers pension agency they said a monthly cheque was the only other possibility and paid in sterling, not in euros.  My question is does anybody know what the French banks charge for this 'service' (Credit Lyonnais in particular)?  I have tried several times this morning to contact the bank without success.  It  may not be worth my while to  change  this, but I feel  I am being held hostage here!!   Any  help/advice much appreciated.


  13. Hi,

    In reply to verviale's request to hear from people who moved their kids to France, we came here 13 years ago when our children were 10 and 12.  I am happy to say that now they both have interesting and reasonably paid jobs and this is in the Vaucluse which is not known for its job prospects!  Both of them only studied as far as the BAC Professionelle (secretarial and computing respectively).  My daughter now sells fruit and veg to England and my son works for a computer company as a technician.  Certainly they have been lucky, but often you make your luck and if you work well at any job (even a horrible one) you begin to be respected and chances come your way.  This is perhaps even truer in France than England because a lot of youngsters here won't touch jobs they think are beneath them (maybe after many, many years of study they are entitled to think that)- and this leaves the way open for others!


  14.     Hi,

    I am the person Lori is refering to (hi Lori!), but I can't help you very much from actual personal experience.  However, I have never heard bad reports about CEILA (it used to be CELA) and I often gave the name to people who phoned me for French (as opposed to English) lessons.  So, on balance I think they must be good and they have existed for at least 15 years.  Hope this is helpful and good luck.

  15. Hi,

    Check the status of the ' numero d'existance' because unless things have now changed in some way in the last ten years this entitles you to exoneration from TVA, even above the figure you mentioned  (talk to the Prefecture and tax office).



  16. Hi,

    I'm sure, like Ron, that you will have to pay social charges, even if you personally won't benefit from them, but I'm not sure how much because it all seems to vary according to personal circumstances.  Are you thinking of being 'professional liberale' (no problems of VAT with this) because each 'company structure' is different and you may need advice on the best one for you   Where is your language school?  (We run one near Avignon).

    Good luck whatever you decide to do.



  17.     Hi,

    Many thanks for the replies, especially Ron for all the details - I will try to download the 2047 form and do as you say.

    Unfortunately I don't have any savings interest to declare !   but you have made it all very clear and I'm sure other people will also really appreciate your help.  Thanks again.



  18.     Hi,

    I am hoping that someone can confirm for me that I'm filling in my personal tax forms correctly.  We have lived in France for 13 years and, of course, filled in these forms every year.  However this is the first time for pensions.  Since November 2005 I have received an old-age pension and a (very small) teachers pension from the UK.   The first is paid into our French bank and the second into an account in the UK.  I understand the old-age pension goes onto page 3 section 1of the 2042 K DPR form, and the teachers pension onto section 8, but I'm not sure if it is under TI, TL or TK.  I apologise in advance  if this is a stupid question, but I realise it is important to get these forms correct the first time or you can have endless complications after!

    Many thanks,


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