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Posts posted by Rabbie

  1. Just because we have a right to do something does not mean we have to do it. IMO it is not very big or clever to do something that gives offence to a lot of people just because we can. Rights should be used responsibly and with due thought for their consequences. At the present time it would be helpful to keep the moderate Muslims onside and not give them any excuse to help or support the extremist elements that are causing so much trouble
  2. [quote user="Russethouse"]I feel torn by the whole thing, yes we have the right to free speech, but why go out of your way to upset a group ypu know operate by different standards ? What is free about that ? Of course what happened was totally wrong, but I have a feeling things are moving backward, not forwards ....[/quote]I agree.
  3. I must admit to a slightly ambivalent attitude to free speech. I am all in favour of the freedom of people to express views in agreement with mine but  I must admit to reservations about the right to express views I do not agree with. I also suspect that many other people take this view.

    At present I suspect that most people in western Europe would condemn the recent violent attacks on the magazine and the jewish shop but would be utterly opposed to any attempt to defend these (in my opinion) reprehensible actions.

    For most of us free speech is not an absolute but a relative right.

  4. [quote user="PaulT"]Mint stated that the WFP was part of the old age pension - it is not. I received my first payment in November 2014 at the age of 62 - still got 3 years to go to my old age pension.[/quote]this is because since it is a relatively new payment it cannot be differentiated between men and women so it cuts in at the age a woman should receive her pension even for men. That's why I received my first WFA 5 years before my pension

  5. [quote user="Alan Zoff"]There are 2 points here, Rabbie. The first is whether or not the rest of the world stands by while others commit atrocities against their citizens. We (including the USA) seem to pick and choose about which regimes justify being put in their place.[/quote]


     It is a moot point if countries should intervene in other countries internal affairs. I do not think we would have appreciated it if the USA for example had intervened militarily in  Northern Ireland during the Troubles.


    [quote user="Alan Zoff"] The second, of perhaps more relevant to this post, is that they are sending out indoctrinated murderers into our countries. We can't simply turn the other cheek to that.[/quote]Are you saying this is being done by the Saudi government. Do you have proof

  6. Pickles, You are correct  in what you say. However I hope that similar action would be taken against people arriving from Northern Ireland to Britain if they had been behaving similarly. I believe that the passport checks at Irish Airports are because it is simpler to check all passengers rather than have a separate  procedure for passengers from the UK.
  7. Alan, I hold no brief for the Saudi regime. As I understand it the unfortunate victim of this outrage is a Saudi citizen and was no doubt aware of the possible consequences of his actions. While I would welcome a change of heart by the Saudi regime I do not feel that it justifies violence. Two wrongs do not make a right
  8. [quote user="Quillan"]

    The 'problem' of the Schengen agreement is not relevant to the UK as we never signed up to it which is why we still have border control at ports etc. and why there are these people trying to get on lorries in France to come to the UK.

    [/quote]Not quite true. There are no checks on traffic between the UK and the republic of Ireland.
  9. To return to the main topic of this thread and having just ploughed my way through  and have had some thoughts about the serious issues raised.

    There is a legal axiom that "Hard cases make bad law". This I take to mean that reacting to horrific events without taking proper thought often leads to bad legislation. I see a risk that these events can lead to a demonization of all muslims and many immigrants. Some of the anti-muslim comments I have seen in the media are not so far removed from anti-Semitic remarks made in the 1930s.

    IMO we do not have an absolute right to freedom of speech. For example we should not shout "Fire" in a crowded cinema unless there is a fire. As a small boy I was taught not to make personal remarks about people even if they were true. Perhaps we should remember that good manners and respect make the world a nicer place to live in. While nothing, IMO, justifies these tragic events  perhaps we should respect the sincere  views held by millions of Muslims. In return they should respect our views.  My own position is that everyone is free to believe whatever they want but their action must be consistent with the law of whichever country they live in/

  10. [quote user="woolybanana"]To put my large feet in it, why would anyone want to take French nationality? What possible advantages are there? If the UK does leave the EU your rights will be protected.[/quote]Since the terms of any possible UK exit from the EU are not yet defined how can you or anyone else know what protection will be in place. I somehow doubt that the position of ex-pats will rank high with either the politicians or the electorate as a whole
  11. It is a terrible thing and it must be awful for the friends and the relations of the victims.

    However we should not let it be used as an excuse for clamping down on ordinary peaceful Muslims. While it seems that most terrorists are Muslims we must remember that most muslims aren't terrorists
  12. There is not a simple answer to this question. It all depends on the individual circumstances of both giver and receiver. If my daughter desperately needed money for an unforeseen emergency then of course I would help her to the best of my ability and of course she will inherit when my wife and I die. Otherwise we all muddle through neither very rich nor very poor in financial terms but with the pleasure of good family relations.

    Of course what I would do if I ever won the lottery remains a hypothetical question since I rarely buy a ticket.
  13. in my experience squealy brakes are usually the result of the spring clip that holds the pads in position not being fitted correctly. I would suggest that you mention the  squealing to the garage that fitted them and hopefully they will rectify the problem. Brakes shouldn't squeal.
  14. [quote user="woolybanana"]What would the victims of 9/11 say if they had known that because of a failure to use all available means to get the information, they had died horrible deaths? Much as I disapprove of the idea of torture, it is inevitable that it will have to be used against those who wish us harm.[/quote]The report seems to indicate that very little if any useful information was obtained by torture. So to justify the use of torture to prevent atrocities seems to be wishful thinking.

    Not only is torture immoral it seems also to be ineffective

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