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Everything posted by Siptea

  1. It has nothing to do with netiquette. I was explaining to the above poster how I found this thread, which was old. The moderator has asked that this thread be moved to a private discussion, so I don't know why people keep responding to it. It needs to be closed.
  2. I found this post by accident, I was Googling Pinot Noir
  3. So what's your point? I should feel and think like you do because "Limey" jokes don't bother you? I'm my own person and it hurt my feelings. I'd never make jokes about someone's country because I choose not to risk hurting their feelings. I'd like the same courtesy here.
  4. I'm fed up with the fact that much of the world seems to think that it's okay to make fun of us. It really gets old. I don't know if you're American or not, but if you are not, then naturally you won't be offended by the post because it doesn't attack your home country. I have shown the post to some American friends here and they all thought it was arrogant and condescendingly portrayed. Hurting people's feeling under the cloak of "humor" is not humorous, it's something that schoolyard bullies do to make themselves feel better. It's sad to think that this is what some English people are saying, when they think no Americans are listening. It makes me feel very bad. There's nothing I can do about it, other than to make them aware that there are more than British people on here, and perhaps some respect and kindness would not be a bad idea.
  5. A lot of songs are ironic ;) The whole post was just mean-spirited, designed to demonstrate how "uncultured" they find Americans, and the implication that they are dopey. As a woman with a University degree who is also well-traveled and speaks 4 languages, I find it offensive to be stereotyped. Perhaps we can find more interesting things to post about, rather than making fun of people.
  6. It was created to be offensive. It was a term used during the Revolutionary War by the British and was originally a term for a cheese made in the colonies. Now it's mostly known as cheddar cheese. From Wikipedia: The truncated form Yank is especially popular among Britons, and may sometimes be considered offensive or disapproving.[3] It is condescending, and implies a superiority. Just like the whole theme of the post. It really makes me feel bad that people don't even entertain the fact that an American may be living in France and read posts like this and it will hurt their feelings. It's very narrow-minded to think that only English people post on English-speaking forums.
  7. Maybe you don't realize it, I know (some of) my English cousins can be a little dopey sometimes, but there are Americans on this forum too, and the use of the word Yanks is very offensive to me. I'd appreciate it if you'd show more respect. The whole post itself was rude, the way you were making fun of Americans, but as you didn't claim all Americans were dopey, I can't really make a point of that. There are plenty of dopey English people as well.
  8. Siptea


    Hopefully a good surprise as far as less taxes!
  9. Siptea


    Hi Parsnips, I don't know anything about the UK system, but it sounds as if you've answered my question, we can indeed get a tax break as a married couple if I have no income. Thanks for your advice! Barbi
  10. Siptea


    Hello, We will be married before we move to France, as I want to be EU before living there. So does that mean that he can then claim me as a dependent and pay less taxes? I don't know what PACS is but we will have a traditional marriage. Barbi
  11. Siptea


    We are still in the process of buying our house. Once we live there, we will be transferring the business (work from home) and will be filing a French tax return. Barbi
  12. Hi martin and Roberta, We are moving to the Creuse area, about a half hour form Gueret, would you like to get in touch via e-mail? I'd like to chat and ask you some things about the area. I also might be able to be your back-up garden help, depending on how far you live. Thanks Barbi
  13. Siptea


    I posted this in income section and on second thought believe it should go here. Is my working partner entitled to claim me as a dependent in France, as I am not working, thereby getting a tax break? Thanks Barbi
  14. Hi John we are moving to the Creuse and I see that you live there, can we e-mail you with some questions and to chat? Thanks Barbi
  15. Hello, We are moving to France and I would like to know from anyone who has a working partner there, do you as a spouse qualify as a dependent for tax purposes? In other words, would my husband pay less taxes as I am his non-employed dependent? Thanks!
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