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Everything posted by misplacedperson

  1. People actually ban each other from internet forums? How hilariously pathetic. [:D]
  2. Diesel and dead gods, if you ask me. http://dinnerwiththeomnivore.wordpress.com/2010/05/25/diesel-and-dead-dogs-1-margarine/
  3. Socks should always be worn with such Grandad sandals as those. You might have problems with flipflops though.
  4. People move about all the time, what's the problem?
  5. Oh marvellous, the cream question again. With bells on this time. [:D] Double cream: creme fleurette, chilled dairy section. Sour cream: creme fraiche, as above. If you want it sourer that that, make your own as per instructions above. Cottage cheese: highly unlikely. Danone make it, it's called 'cottage cheese' and it's not widely available. Cream cheese: St Moret, any supermarket. Also various own brand versions, usually cheaper (eg Tartidou, Casino) Game: any butcher, but remember that it's both seasonal and regional (eg I don't rate your chances of getting chamois in Normandy). Acquaint yourself with the hunting calendar. You will find France less rubbish if you stop trying to eat all the same things you would in the UK.
  6. Someone on Radio 4 yesterday stated that TB was never interested in money.   Cue hysterical sidesplitting laughter.
  7. Well, you may avoid deportation on the grounds that you have comedy value. [:D]
  8. I was officially tested for 'integration level' last week as part of an application for nationality. They asked: Do you have a job? What language do you use at work? What language do you speak at home? Are you a member of any clubs or associations? Is your social circle French/foreign/mixed? Which tells you more or less what the French government considers to be 'integrated'. Though I suspect the real question was 'are you likely to walk around in a binliner all day and never talk to anyone?'
  9. They already do - Google Canvas Holidays. The site at Chateau des Marais in the Loire valley does treehouses.
  10. If Georgie is dead the only people who appear to know about it are you and France Inter. [:D]
  11. There are plenty of families on the waiting list for council housing, many of them currently in inadequate B&B accommodation. The fact that this situation exists alongside that of single people living in three-bedroomed council properties is not reasonable. And before you start ranting on Daily Mail-stylee about 'immigrants taking our houses' you should familiarise yourself with the rules as to who qualifies for social housing and where the priorities are.
  12. Ski resort punters do that all the time, bastard irritating. [:@]
  13. You may find that half of those sock 'n' sandal wearers are Dutch, if you look closely. I find it easy to spot the Brits here because they tend to be slightly overweight - this being a ski area we don't generally see many fatties. It may interest you to know that bars/restaurants are obliged to let random members of the public use the toilets regardless of whether or not a purchase is made. Obviously they're not mad keen to do so, and it's polite to buy something.
  14. All UK ops provide that stuff - it's how they justify paying £180 a month.
  15. I know all about that. [:)] However, such jobs are a handy way of going and looking at an area, since they provide accommodation and your recce triptherefore comes cheap. It's also the case that TOs will pay half decent wages to skilled tradesmen because otherwise they just don't get any. Weren't you stirring it on Natives regarding tour op people-trafficking activities at one point? Always good for a wind-up, that one.
  16. No, but TOs need maintenance staff. Here, for example: http://jobs.alpineelements.co.uk/?url=alpine-elements-jobs-french-alps
  17. If you need to work and don't speak much French, go somewhere with a lot of English tourist business. Burying yourself in the middle of nowhere in a region with 60% unemployment is strictly for grumpy OAPs.
  18. And don't go overboard with that two for one offer on bag-in-box rosé! [:)]
  19. I've been intrigued by these reports recently, so I did a cost comparison using my shopping receipt last week. Sainsbury came out slightly more expensive than Casino in the first place and once I'd added the delivery charge (plus VAT) the bill was 50% more than I'd just paid locally. All of which leads me to wonder what on earth you're all eating. [8-)]
  20. Apparently, the others are just watching to see what happens before acting themselves. No doubt. But if what happens is that Times readers desert en masse to the Telegraph, other papers aren't going to go there, are they?
  21. I can't see this being successful while you can still read the Telegraph, Independent and Guardian without paying a fee.I suspect people will just grumble a bit and then switch sites.
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