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Posts posted by Gardener

  1. Have they stopped using the certificat that circumvented the full logging in? I haven't changed my computer but I now have to enter three bits of information every time, which is a nuisance and the option of getting a new certificat hasn't appeared.
  2. i want to use as close to the rate that i got throughout 2011, because that is a more accurate reflection of the euros I received and spent.

    If you have school aged children and you have to submit figures for bourses etc, then being slightly blasé about the correct rate of exchange relevant to your own finances could cost you dear later.
  3. If you don't transfer money from the UK pensions in bulk for whatever reason but have to withdraw it from french cashpoints as and when needed as I do. Then the exchange rate is way below anything quoted here.

    I did a quick summary of the withdrawals I made each month for 2011 and only two months did I get anywhere near an average of 1.15€ for the year it was around 1.12€.
  4. If you bought partway through a year, you can still claim 12 months at the top rate.

    So if you claimed 3 months last year for example , you can claim for the remaining 9 months, which you enter in box ? and 3 months at the lower rate in the box which if I recall rightly is underneath the other one .

    I haven't got my copy of last years tax form to hand , but I will try and come back later with the box numbers.

  5. Last year there was a huge discussion concerning a letter from the impots that some had received and little could initially make sense of and cooperlola wrote

    We probably need to get a Mod' to change the FAQ:

    Q As ex service personnel, my partner and I receive a service pension from the UK government and they are taxed at source. As we have already paid the tax on our pensions in the UK, do we really need to declare them in France?

    A Yes, service pensions are public sector pensions, subject to tax in the UK and covered by the Double Taxation Treaty, but they will still need to be declared in France. So, on form 2047, your gross pension goes in section VII. REVENUS EXONÉRÉS PRIS EN COMPTE POUR LE CALCUL DU TAUX EFFECTIF - the form explains which figures go where. You then transfer the total to box TI on your form 2042.>

    This was were government pensions were always entered and where I put mine last year.

    On the Tax faqs however, it now says this

    According to the tax faqs, VII is for income derived from UK property.

    But to me, it still looks as though VII is the correct place for government pensions, can anyone clarify please?

    Would the end tax result be the same whether it went in VI or VII?
  6. Thanks to both of you.

    I'm not much of a gambler so will probably stay put until I can find another CDI, I'm just a bit frustrated as I am doing the job of two people and its tac, tac, tac all the time.

    Don't know I have been employed there long enough to qualify for the ancienneté primé especially as my first contracts there were CDD.
  7. I have seen a number of jobs in my field which pay more than I am earning (eg CDI smic), but only on 6 month contracts. But I would earn almost as much in 6 months as I am getting for the year taking into account the travel to work costs. If asking for a payrise doesn't work, and I don't think it will :/ could I later have problems with pole emploi if I left a CDI job for a CDD one?
  8. The couple I know, their kids are orally completely bilingual but the mother doesn't have sufficient grasp of written French and that was raised as an issue, the grandparents have now been brought in to help with that. Without a strong family support network around them of native speakers, I don't know how long they would be allowed to continue home schooling.

    Perhaps the inspectors, are more lenient with British born children who may come and go?


    The CF team could really do with proof reading their articles, they are shocking. The website is the shop front for the magazine, and the problems with the forum pale into insignificance in comparison.
  9. I know of a French/ British couple who home educate and they have to keep a dossier of information and have found the inspection quite tough. I had the feeling that it isn't something that the sits well with the state and so they want to be sure children are getting a solid education. I wasn't picking any of that up from that article.

    I agree that the magazine is selling the dream but and might have got away with that approach in its early years but after X amount of years , with all the ups and downs of living in France experienced by members of the Complete France forum, I think they could have tried to find someone to give an account of home educating in France that was actually useful.
  10. I read the article whilst faffing about trying to re log in and I wondered if the article in the magazine was as poor as the one on the website?

    The key information about home educating in France for those who might have been interested were a section of links at the end of the story. It would have been of more use I'd imagine if they could have been worked into the real life story.

    The article just read to me as a couple with young children having a great life in France , and BTW, their kids don't go to school. There was no evidence that the family were following the French curriculum, had been inspected or anything. Not critiquing the family, these things may have happened and not been reported on. which then begs the question why didn't the reporter included them? As an informative piece for anyone wanting to move to France and home educate, it failed IMO.
  11. I read an article about this recently I'll see if I can find a link.

    I can't remember if it stated whether surrending the current French style driving licences for a new style one would be compulsory though.


    The important parts of the article :

    The new style licences start 19 jan 2013.

    The will need to be renwed every 15 years.

    The Interior minister hasn't decided (yet) if we have to pay for the licence.

    Those already holding the old style licence have until 2033 to change to the new one.

    I think that last sentence may prove to be the driving (excuse the pun) incentive for Brits to change their UK licence .
  12. Whatever the beliefs of the parents ,to wish 'they' would target a certain group's children who are as innocent as anybodies elses, is frankly horrible.

    I would not be able to forget or forgive if my child was abused, but if there are treatments available that can prevent paedophiles abusing children , then that has got to be good. And perhaps in time, if this experiment is successful then people who have not yet abused children but have that urge ,could get treatment easily, then that has got to be even better.
  13. This is what I thought you were after


    Which is what we could not find here and had to get on in the UK.

    Before that we used what was like a heavy griddle pan, that could withstand the heat of grilling.
  14. Might it fit into this category?



    You don't need permission but you willl have to submit a dossier to get a stamped certificate to say you don't need permission! I needed it for new windows and it was no problem.

  15. I would like to know if there is any evidence that a stunned animal actually feels no pain and is more humane vis a vis throat cutting. Or is it that stunned animal offers no resistance and is therefore more more acceptable to those, to whom the thought of an animal thrashing about whilst being slaughtered,is unacceptable?

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