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JSA Aude

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Posts posted by JSA Aude

  1. I've also had the same problem.  Mostly loose rice from Thailand, (3 times now so don't buy!) breadcrumbs, rabbit and guinea pig food and dog bikkies.  Binned everything and started again from scratch, this time decanting into the wonderful world of tupperware. Seems (touch wood) to have worked so far.
  2. Think I may have missed something!   What time are you good folks turning up on the BIG night?  First post stated appero time and then 10.30 - what's in between?  Thanks, see you there.

  3. We also had trick or treat around here but last Wed!! ( half term for the little ones I imagine).  Having been here 5 years we also always 'do' a pumpkin and put it at the gate.  Invariably we have some of the older ones on the 31st - be prepared to scare them,we always do!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Just thought it may be of interest to someone suffering the above. My ma, (elderly) had the op yesterday (Lot 46) and obviously had concerns re what they would do, how would they do it and more importantly would she be able to see or feel (aaaargh) anything.  Went swimmingly, didn't feel a thing, back to the  opthamologist this am for the patch removing and can't believe the clarity of her sight and what she can actually see.  Was cheeky enough to ask when the other one could be done!  Anyone out there facing the same - don't be worried!!   ps. Specialist didn't believe or do laser treatment as he said it doesn't last - his opinion, I don't know the facts.


  5. Hi Louise

    Thanks so much for replying, how long have you been trying.. Know it sounds sad but just thought I'd keep a packet in the house as a back up (haven't a clue why, but going to throw them away - tooooo tempting!) . Just hate the thought of going through the rest of my life wishing I could have one -  does anyone know how the feeling changes or does it just happen (miracle?!!!).  Keep up the good work, hope, yes!!, I can do the same.  I'm in the process of reading Alan Carr's book who advises not to use any substitutes so at the mo nothing else.  Good luck.  Suzanne


  6. B..........  !!  Cracked and had three yesterday, was fine until the evening.  Fatal mistake was loosening my brain cells with a couple of glasses of wine, didn't seem quite right not to have a ciggie with it.  Learnt that lesson now, just a glass with dinner and nothing else!!  Poor dog doesn't know what has happened, she's never had as many walks and is looking increasingly fed up having to accompany me everytime I need an escape!

  7. Hi, certainly not too late.  Yesterday afternoon a neighbour came round with a huge bag of cepes, during the evening meal another turned up with a wooden box full.  Guess what we are having for lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner, ad infinitum!!  ps. we are just south of Carca
  8. Many, many thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble to write in.  Have done one day (sounds pathetic I know but whoopee!)  Please keep them coming, I'm sure maybe other folks may need suggestions (or is it just me being paranoid?  Must go to bed, early I know but can't have a you know what!
  9. Do realise this is a very emotive subject, but am in the process of trying (v hard) to give up smoking.  I realise many people (possibly having never smoked)  will reply 'well, just stop' but easier said than done.  If anyone has any advice or pointers would be extremely grateful to hear from you.Many thanks.
  10. Georgina

    Many thanks for the info.  We have bought many games here that have been absolutely fine, this one we have subsequently discovered is only being released in America (American footie) and will not be compatible, NTSC or some such thing. Suffice to say, be careful and just stick to the European released games.


  11. Am not sure if this is the appropriate site to post but cannot find anything relating to the subject.  Son would like to purchase a ps2 game that, at the moment, only seems to be available in the USA.  Does anyone know if it would be compatible with a ps2 purchased in the UK.  Many thanks.
  12. This year we seem to have lots of horrid flying things, 2 parts to the body with dangly bits hanging off below - anyone a clue what they could be, do they sting, etc.  Have searched for hornets, bees, etc on the site with no success.  Thanks.

  13. Hi Roxy

    I was 9 when I moved to france and I am now 13 but I wouldn't worry if I were you because french schools are ok, french people are really nice(they make great cakes![^]) and the weather is awesome. It will be quite hard when you first get here but after a couple of months you will start to get used to the different language and stuff, but you will be lucky as your not going straight to college but instead going to cm1or 2 like I did so you will get used to school.


    from Alex 

    p.s sorry but i don't live in cahors i live in the Aude near Carccassone.

    p.p.s e-mail me if you want to ask any questions

    p.p.p.s don't worry[:D]


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