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Would you buy a house in France that has been rewired by foreign owner who is not a qualified electrician ?


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The socket is on the wall above the Plan de Travail. Where you plug your toaster, kettle and all the other stuff. So they have a double socket which has been spit by a double socket adapter. So plug in a toaster, kettle and whatever else as well as the washing machine at the same time and it could be good night Vienna. Or in their case goodnight Vienne.....which is where they are. LOL

The lead of the washing machine has been dragged across the work surface because they don't have a socket behind it. Not very health and safety for a B&B thingy.

It is not on its own circuit.

And what about the socket half hanging of the wall at shoulder height for kids to play with ????
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Or a car from someone who does their own maintenance?

Any building with reinforced concrete without x-ray proof the steel is in the lintels, end gables, foundations?

I don't think there is a month that goes by without the French TF1 lunchtime news reporting on houses build by professionals that are unsaleable or cracking. My favorite was a complete estate build on the top of a hill, all under the control of professionals. The weight of the houses was displacing the hill cracking all the houses previously build round the base of the hill. Of course no one was responsible, and the various insurances would not pay out.
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You are speaking pi55 as usual albf. Who gives a damn what else is plugged in with the guys washing machine? If the total load draws too much power it will trip the breaker or blow the fuse, not detonate the whole house.

Cable across the worktop is lazy, but not an electrical safety problem.

So you would sue someone for their work if there was a problem and no guarantee? yeah...good luck with that.

You strike me as the type of person who thinks sales of part-worn tyres should be banned, but will happily buy, hire or borrow a car fitted with four already used tyres on it.

Think before you post.

Or stop trolling...whichever. Either way, a little silence wouldnt go amiss.

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You are not a happy bunny are you Dave ?

If they have been lazy in the Kitchen I guess they have been lazy elsewhere. What about the socket half hanging off the wall at shoulder height ? Wet hands pulling the plug out. I guess you are not into heath and safety. You be telling me its find to do your own gas installation or wood burner next in a tourist business. Carbon monoxide and all that.

If you are running a business where guests and children are a staying a DIY job on your electrics and other such installations is not a good idea. You read stories all the time of things that go horribly wrong. Like I said I would not sleep there with my kids.

But if it is ok for you, then that is fine. I will not resort to calling you names or being rude. Maybe you should adopt the same attitude ?

Oh BTW, in real France there are many cases where previous owners have been sued because of problems. I know someone who is going through the process right now. Same with cars. My OH knows someone at work who is being sued after selling their car on Le Bon Coin. It is con. They are trying it on.

It is not the problem of winning it is the cost of defending yourself.

Cross your i's and dot your t's in France. Well we do.

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I'm at a loss to understand how someone who very clearly knows bugg.er all of substance about electrics can out of hand dismiss all amateur or DIY work as inherently unsafe or deadly ?

Your comments about gas and wood burner installations demonstrate that your understanding of those are equally flawed and lacking in substance.

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@ Another

I am at a loss that nobody agrees with me. LOL.

Brits abroad...you gotta luv em. It like they lose all sense of reason. It is a foreign country and I am British and the British do anything best so of course I can do this that and the other. There is an arrogance about this you have to admit.

So just to clarify my position. No, I would not buy a house with a DIY electrics job. No, I would not stay in a Gîte/B&B with a DIY electrics job. Especially when the electrics in the photos promoting the site are dangerous.

When someone doing their own installation resorts to a forum for advice....I find that very scary. Firstly, if they are qualified they should not be asking questions; and secondly because how can they trust any of the advice given. Scary.

@ Another, why did you make that comment about me not knowing anything about electrics ? After two renovations I have a fair idea believe me.....well I no sod all about the UK to be fair except that switches and sockets are ugly.

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Thats your problem right there albf. And yes, I am going to be rude about it.

You know FCK ALL about the subjects you spout endlessly about on here. You are the Expert On All Things according to yourself but you repeatedly, constantly show your real lack of knowledge with every other post you make. Not just on this thread, but CONSTANTLY, on pretty much every topic you join or start.

Look above for the most recent example. You apparently know about electrics....so you claim....yet you didnt know that having a washing machine on a non-dedicated socket is not a problem. Thats really, REALLY basic stuff.

You wouldnt stay in a gite with DIY installation? do you ask that at the time of booking? But then you have done your own electrics in previous renovations....I suppose you are just better than everyone else, is that it? seriously, man - stop and re-read what you write....its only a few steps up from mindless babbling.

And yet again you manage to devolve the topic into another "all brits.....blah blah blah fcking blah, they are all arrogant, I know best, everyone else is dumb" type of pi5h.

Most other forums I use have a "block this user" feature in the control panel, where I can add a name to the list and the software hides all that persons posts. As far as I can see, this forum doesnt have that feature, which is a shame as you would certainly be on my blocked user list. You are exactly the kind of tedious know it all bore that I avoid in real life and I would love to be able to avoid your nonsense on here too.
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I will save you the bother and state that I think the people in my village are mostly [censored] and it takes a very strong effort to prevent myself from grabbing a hammer out the garage and slaughtering everone I can find, but thats more to do with my rather unpleasant mood of late.

Yes, I am very miserable. Its my trademark.

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And he must be clairvoyant to know that said prise murale is not on a dedicated circuit, not that it needs to be, a washing machine comes with a 16 amp plug and can be plugged into whatever socket you like as far as the regs are concerned, the cable can dangle over the worktop it could even run underwater in the evier if thats what floats your boat, it will be 30ma RCD protected anyway.

Monsieur voyant presumably also presumably knows that the house was built after a certain time and should therefore have a dedicated circuit for the washing machine and/or other allegedly sensitive appliances fed by a type AC ID, well there is nothing in the regs to say that that feed cannot terminate in one or more 16 amp prise murales and what you plug into it is your own concern.


Remember what I said about not biting [:'(].....................................

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@ Chancer

That is not like you. I am disappointed.

I have tried to keep the forum alive by creating annoying/interesting/ controversial threads. They are supposed to get people talking.

You can carry on talking about Brexit if you like !!!!...

....or just get a Facebook account....arrraghhh

I will leave you to it then. I must pick up the kids and make the tea.

P.S Why are the British so bitter in France ? It does not matter which forum you are on....but people are soooo bitter. I read the other one occasionally and I do feel so sorry them over there. Picking on each other and all that. What happened to British sense of humour ???
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It is "so" like me to make it more difficult for you to get the result you seek! You know that I "get you" 100%!


You wont find me talking about Brexit apart from the odd tut-tut about all the bitterness and bile being thrown around, I tried empathy saying "I feel your pain" but that just brought a sh1tstorm on my broad shoulders and an accusation of bullying, there is a lot of insecurity being manifested in a very ugly manner.


Fessbook? Well I hope that is one vow that I will keep to the grave, I have already broken the ones where I said "I will nver have a tumble drier as long as I can draw breath" and "I will never have a website or use the internet for renting my apartments" - in both cases I now know that I was very very wrong but Fessbook, - Never!


I did once humour someone who said give me your phone, I will show you how easy and how good it is so I gave them my Nokia 3310 out of my Pocket, that shut them up [:D]

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"I did once humour someone who said give me your phone, I will show you how easy and how good it is so I gave them my Nokia 3310 out of my Pocket, that shut them up"

Chancer thank you for that comment, it's started my day with a smile. A man after my own heart (well no you are better than me cos I do have a smartfone, but fessbook - never)
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"I have tried to keep the forum alive by creating annoying/interesting/ controversial threads. They are supposed to get people talking."

Maybe if they didn't all end up in the same place - "All you Brits not in my definition of Real France are stupid" - things would go better.
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@ Chancer

I tell you how insecure they are, some actually think one of the main protagonists in that debate is me. If fact I think (I don't know the whole story....I got a weird message) that they are actually pretending to me by sending emails in the background or something. I don't know.

I know I am a forum god and to be fair I am quite flattered that someone wants to be me but seriously. God help these people....especially if they are doing their own electrics. LOL. They are all crazy.

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Yo God, get your facts right next time before your thread gets used on another forum. You can rewire your own house in the UK, although trying to get an electrician to sign it off may be more difficult.

Do not let the other members put you off posting.
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@ leven

Hi French forum God 2

Can you please explain what is going on !!!!

I have no idea about UK electricity regs. More importantly, I really don't care....LOL

@ lindal 1000

Yes. I have not been in that place for nearly a year now....

This must be the most surreal french forum thread in history.

Seriously....I have bronchitis and my laughing at this thread is making my chest hurt. Stooooop.
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I would far prefer to buy a house in France that has been rewired in the French way. Twenty different types of cable, exposed conductors, panel pins through fabric sheathed cables, paper and lead, and earth spike rotted to nothing. Yeah far safer than our new cabinets with a proper rated French breaker and correctly sized cables, routed properly in containment.
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