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the first mist of autumn?


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Threw open the window this morning and saw...nothing but white mist!  Hooray, the first day of autumn and the air is cool and I couldn't see beyond the large dip behind our house and across the field to the dwellings beyond!

I breathed in deeply and hoped the mist would stay some hours.  Alas, in no time at all, the sun was out (again!) and the mist was burnt away and the mercury was once again rising.

So please don't even mention that this is the first day of autumn or whatever the meteorologists call it.

But to Lori, Happy Labor Day🙂  Er.....what do people do on Labor Day?  NOT work, surely?

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Yes, we had mist and fog yesterday and a bit this morning.  I'm not quite ready for the cold weather to begin.  And, for heaven's sake, please not another Fall and Winter with non-stop rain, floods and rock slides...

As for Labor Day, it was just a day off of work when I was working.  If not working, a day like any other, unless you needed a bank or government service.  I don't really think about the U.S. holidays anymore.

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