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Well I will say it!


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I believe he has done the right thing. 

I realise its not France, but what happens over there effects the rest of the world.  Hopefully sense will prevail and a woman will issue in a new era. 

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1 hour ago, Lori said:

I'd be very surprised if she won the election.  I'm not convinced the Democrats will nominate her.  Guess we'll soon see.



Lori, I agree with you.  She is not generally liked and I don't think the US is ready yet for a colourd woman.  There, I have said the unsayable.....BUT, if she is the Democrat ticket, I hope she does manage it/

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At least she should be able to sweep up the never Trumpers. I'm afraid Bidon's performance in the last few weeks left them with no one to vote for.

Hillary Clinton was not generally liked but she won the popular vote.

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I suppose Nespresso or whoever it is he advertises for will stump up megabucks for the Clooney campaign.

With Kamala Harris, she apparently gets to inherit Biden's war chest.

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Biden played this really wrong; he should have stood down immediately which means Kamala  would have become President immediately and have had several months in office before the election, raising her profile and showing the public what she is capable of doing.

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1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

raising her profile and showing the public what she is capable of doing.

Which, I imagine, would have been a nail in her coffin.  Though I don't think she will win if she is the Democratic nominee, I think in your scenario, she would lose by bigger numbers than she will under the current circumstances.  Or should we say 'more biggly?'


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15 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Biden played this really wrong

Not necessarily. There is a school of thought that Trump's whole campaign was predicated on ridiculing an ailing Biden, not much else.  He has spent a considerable percentage of his limited war chest on the strategy - which is now worthless.    He now has to pivot away from this and start over again on a less vulnerable candidate. Trump is now the ailing old man in the campaign. 

This is his attempt to get the money back!!


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You could also argue that it was a good idea to wait until after the Republican convention when the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees were set in stone.  Now Harris knows exactly who's on the Republican ticket she can pick the most effective running mate.

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Did anyone hear Kamala Harris' speech in Milwaukee today?  She was tub thumpingly good.  Pitched it just right and socked it to Trump, as the Americans might say.

She was smart enough not to call him names directly, non on Trump's "sleepy Joe"

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Just now, menthe said:

Did anyone hear Kamala Harris' speech in Milwaukee today?  She was tub thumpingly good.  Pitched it just right and socked it to Trump, as the Americans might say.

She was smart enough not to call him names directly, non on Trump's "sleepy Joe"

Sorry, it submitted my post while I was still typing.

I was writing none of Trump's "sleepy Joe" and "crooked Hilary", oh no, nothing as crude as that.  She referred to being a prosecutor and said she'd met predators, fraudsters and cheats and said she knew Trump's type.

I was surprised at how well she worked the crowd, knowing exactly when to raise her voice for the crowd and when to lower the pitch and spoke almost confidentially as though she was speaking  one to one.

It is the sort of speech that speech writers and media students could study and analyse to their benefit.

Plus she kept it short.....yes, kept it short and left them wanting more!

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I have a conspiracy theory.

I'm beginning to think Biden never intended to run for a second term. He said he just wanted to be an interim President. I believe, when he won, he thought it was the last anyone would see of Trump and it would be back to politics as usual. Harris was going to be a hard sell regardless but, given a fair wind, could have had the time to prove herself. However against a resurgent Trump she was never going to stand a chance. So, what to do?

First, schedule an early debate and do a Nixon. Perform badly and force the American people to face the realisation that their choice in November is between two OAP's  both of whom would be better off in a care home. Trump's team then take the bait and spend millions portraying Biden as decrepit and senile ignoring the fact that Trump is only a few years younger and known for his own word salads.

Then, hang on as long as possible for the momentum to build. Let the news agendas revolve around the question of whether or not an eighty year old should have the nuclear codes. Wait until Trump is confirmed as the nominee and picked his VP then retire gracefully.

After weeks of despondency the democrats are re-energised. Trump now looks tired & old. His whole campaign has revolved around 'crooked Joe Biden'. He literally has nothing to say.

The Harris campaign however simply has to trawl through footage of the numerous talk shows from the last few weeks to find clips of republicans saying how old men don't belong in the White House. They can even use Trumps own words against him. Meanwhile Harris is free to campaign whilst Biden quietly goes about the business of running the country.

Well that's my theory. 🤫

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12 hours ago, menthe said:

Sorry, it submitted my post while I was still typing.

I was writing none of Trump's "sleepy Joe" and "crooked Hilary", oh no, nothing as crude as that.  She referred to being a prosecutor and said she'd met predators, fraudsters and cheats and said she knew Trump's type.

I was surprised at how well she worked the crowd, knowing exactly when to raise her voice for the crowd and when to lower the pitch and spoke almost confidentially as though she was speaking  one to one.

It is the sort of speech that speech writers and media students could study and analyse to their benefit.

Plus she kept it short.....yes, kept it short and left them wanting more!

I'm looking forward to the possibility of a debate between Harris and Trump.

With her experience she should find it child's play to handle him, and he wouldn't get away with the bullying tactics he used with Hillary Clinton.

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I must say I have been totally surprised at Harris' ability to get points across in those big rowdy rallies.  Never lost her thread, never "misremembered" names, never repeating herself unnecessarily.

The girl done good!

You're right, ssomon, should be fun seeing someone put Trump in his place, make him look petty and ridiculous.

Nothing guaranteed to dent someone's dignity more effectively than to laugh at him😂

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35 minutes ago, menthe said:

I must say I have been totally surprised at Harris' ability to get points across in those big rowdy rallies.  Never lost her thread, never "misremembered" names, never repeating herself unnecessarily.

The girl done good!

You're right, ssomon, should be fun seeing someone put Trump in his place, make him look petty and ridiculous.

Nothing guaranteed to dent someone's dignity more effectively than to laugh at him😂

Let's hope 😁

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