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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Personally I hope he doesn't get a jail service. His secret service detail already has to deal with so much.

Community service on the other hand.........

The man deserves jail tiime…until he is six foot under…in my opinion. He needs to be in jail or some secure place that protects humanity from him and his very very limited and dangerously low IQ. Americans with far less IQ than him need also protecting. Because they will vote for him.

Can you drink bleach to cure covid ?

Jail for me.

His secret service team can find other work. Protecting Biden from himself and his toothbrush…for example. 

The world has gone utterly bonkers.

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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Ah yes, his favorite phrase, 'It wasn't me.'  Along with 'It's a witch hunt' and 'I'm being framed by the Democrats' and 'The Judge is corrupt and so are the jurors and so is the Justice Department.'  Etc., etc., etc., etc.

The man has never committed any crime anywhere at anytime.  He's a saint, don't cha know !

And his son, upon hearing the verdict, says America has now become a 'Shi* hole.'   Yet, his Father still wants to be President of such shi* hole.  I presume so he can take his revenge on everyone on earth.


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What has always amazed me is just how many Americans were prepared to vote for this bloke.

Clearly, quite a few of them still would, but to the same extent ?  I’d like to think that quite a bit of his previous support will now evaporate.  The problem is the absence of a Democratic candidate who is young (i.e. less than 65), with a demonstrably viable outlook on the World - if the party had that, any future election would be declared ‘no contest’ before a vote was cast.

Quite frankly, my biggest concern is the lunatics over there who are calling for “Civil War”.  A bit worrying.

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44 minutes ago, Gardian said:

if the party had that, any future election would be declared ‘no contest’ before a vote was cast.

If only I had your faith.  When I see women and minorities supporting Trump, we have a problem. 

I do agree that the Democrats made a HUGE mistake giving Biden the nomination.  But, as said, there are not really any strong candidates.  Who would want to be a part of the ridiculous joke of American politics? Only people with a power hungry agenda.  None of them seem one bit interested in the American people or the country they represent. 

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Panning the spotlight away from DT's court case which is based on "he said-she said" tittle tattle and a bent judge determined to get Donald Trump away from campaigning in the forthcoming presidential election and to divert voter's and the media's attention away from the Biden Crime Family's proven activities.

“From day one of our investigation of Joe Biden’s abuse of public office, we’ve followed the money and that continues with today’s subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s bank records. Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain. The financial records obtained to date reveal a pattern where the Bidens sold access to Joe Biden around the world to enrich the Biden family. As the Bidens were sealing deals around the world, Joe Biden showed up, met with, talked with, shook hands with, and had meetings with the foreign nationals sending money to his family. This culture of corruption demands further investigation. The Oversight Committee, as well as the Committees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means, will continue to follow the money to determine whether President Biden’s involvement in his family’s corrupt business schemes makes him compromised and threatens our national security. We will continue to provide the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve,” said Oversight Committee Chairman Comer.

The United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability is a standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The amount of money involved in these financial transactions is significant. The wires and money transfers range from approximately $5,000 to at least $3 million mainly from Chinese "businessmen" (a front for the Chinese government)


No wonder Joe Biden is mortally afraid of DT getting a second term such that he and the Democrats will stoop to any tactics to stop him.

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If the enquiry into Biden were run by an independent entity then I would take it seriously; but as it is run by a Trump supporting Republican and committee it should be taken with a big grain of salt.

Trump’s record of attempted intimidation witnesses, jurors, judges, even court clerks speaks for itself and as to his honesty, just look at Trump University.

He should at least be barred from office, probably imprisoned when the other trials have been held.

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5 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

If the enquiry into Biden were run by an independent entity then I would take it seriously; but as it is run by a Trump supporting Republican and committee it should be taken with a big grain of salt.

Trump’s record of attempted intimidation witnesses, jurors, judges, even court clerks speaks for itself and as to his honesty, just look at Trump University.

He should at least be barred from office, probably imprisoned when the other trials have been held.

You obviously didn't read the articles I linked to which included facsimiles of the subpoenaed bank records.

But you carry on with your grain of salt approach if it suits your mood.  

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As I have said, Harsner, anything which comes out of a Trump supporting committee and not out of an independent entity is suspect and to my mind tainted.

I suspect that is Trump’s records and those of his family and in-laws were subjected to the same scrutiny there would be much worse to come to light.

Trump is a convicted felon whatever you say and should not a eligible to run for office until all his trials have concluded.

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3 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

As I have said, Harsner, anything which comes out of a Trump supporting committee and not out of an independent entity is suspect and to my mind tainted.

I suspect that is Trump’s records and those of his family and in-laws were subjected to the same scrutiny there would be much worse to come to light.

Trump is a convicted felon whatever you say and should not a eligible to run for office until all his trials have concluded.

I want to see Trump elected and run the presidency from jail. That could happen. There is no law to suggest that he can’t be president in jail from what I understand.

It would be fun to watch Trump running the show from jail whilst we are all quickly learning Russian.

We are doomed.





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