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The Appalling Weather !

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Well, yes I know that it’s a subject that we (Brits) always moan about ............ but this year is a bit different !

Down here in the south, we’re pretty much accustomed to high temperatures - it goes with the territory and you didn’t expect it before you came .........!!

However, this year !  Normally by mid-May, the idea of still wanting a jumper first thing in the morning and in truth for much of the day, would be considered madness.  Well I still am, as are most other folk.  The restauranteurs must be suffering terribly, at least they will be if they have no indoor seating arrangements, which few have around here because they’re not needed nor wanted by the clientele.

Talk about ‘feast & famine’, or perhaps the other way round.  Last year, we had a total drought, with the water supply being regularly cut off (understandably by the way) in order to preserve supplies.  This year, we’ve had almost incessant rain for what seems like ages.  So depressing.

Has it been the same where you are ?

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Yes, it's hardly stopped raining here in Lot et Garonne since last October.  Some winters/springs are like that, some winters we have quite a bit of frost and some are pussycats. We never know what we're going to get.

It's a great shame for all the Associations that try to organise events as they're usually relying on the success of them to keep their heads above water. Ditto artisans and not to mention agriculteurs!

A freak hailstorm a couple of Sundays ago wiped out most of the crops round here. Not too drastic for the tournesol, though, because that seed drowned soon after it was sown. 

What makes me really spit is that the weather in central and SE UK is often better than it is here, at least for gardening 🤐


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Yes, it has rained nearly every day since October here also.  And it continues.  We're not sure if it will EVER stop.  Gardens are completely saturated and can hold no more.  Rivers overflowing their banks often.  Rock slides and fallen trees blocking roads are frequent.

Everyone is talking about it.  Any outdoor workers are so far behind on their jobs, it could take a year or more for them to catch up.  That is, if it ever stops raining.



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8 hours ago, Noisette said:


What makes me really spit is that the weather in central and SE UK is often better than it is here, at least for gardening 🤐


Went to see my mum in West Sussex a few weeks back…and her garden is blooming. Its a sight to see. Its like a Monet painting.

Surrounding countryside areas where she lives is just lush green.





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4 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Went to see my mum in West Sussex a few weeks back…and her garden is blooming. Its a sight to see. Its like a Monet painting.

Surrounding countryside areas where she lives is just lush green.





Oh it's lush green here too...it should be, never been so well watered 🤣  It's frustrating though, only being able to do jobs in between showers and then only things that don't require a dry spell afterwards 🙄

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