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all this twiddling about with the time....


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....does not suit me, not my mind or my body.

It confuses me no end and upsets my daily routine. 

I think about all the living creatures that this shifting about between winter and summer time who are affected adversely.  The premature babies in their incubators who wonder when the nurse is going to give them their syringeful of food, the baby birds thinking about the next chewed up worm to be put in their mouths, the poor early morning workers going to work lacking sleep and motivation and so the list goes on.

Would YOU welcome an end to this madness?

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3 hours ago, menthe said:

....does not suit me, not my mind or my body.

It confuses me no end and upsets my daily routine. 

I think about all the living creatures that this shifting about between winter and summer time who are affected adversely.  The premature babies in their incubators who wonder when the nurse is going to give them their syringeful of food, the baby birds thinking about the next chewed up worm to be put in their mouths, the poor early morning workers going to work lacking sleep and motivation and so the list goes on.

Would YOU welcome an end to this madness?

I'm not completely sure, but I think birds are excused from summer time changes.

Edited by ssomon
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I think that all of Europe are in agreement about doing away with the phantom hour, the problem is that no one can agree about whether we stay in Central European Time, or in CET+1. And so it goes on ...

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Everything was fine years ago; every town had its own time.

Then the railways messed things up with their idea of a standard time.

Afghanistan has the best setup. GMT plus 4 1/2 hours - and back 600 years.

Edited by ssomon
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With me, it's not the clocks, it's my mind and my body.  For example, feeling hungry or sleepy at a different time and it takes me a few days to adjust.

If I went to a different time zone, especially one that is more than 5 hours different, it could take me the whole length of a holiday of a fortnight to adjust and then another several days to get it all back after I have come home.


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I've just mamaged to change the hour forward, twice now in 2 days .. as I'm back in France.  Arrived at the hotel last night and said, what time is it please?  Tunnel was late, which didn't help!  Maybe by the time I'm home - 2 more days - I'll have sorted myself out!!

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