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It's tomorrow but no crêpes chez moi, never succeeded in making them.  Never thin enough, never brown enough, never taste good enough....

I have French friends that russle them up without fuss but nobody actually seems to know the exact quantities of flour, or milk or even eggs when I ask.  Maybe it's one of those French culinary secrets that nobody wants to divulge to foreigners?


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Thank you, betise, that sounds good and clear.

I must say the consistency of single cream sounds a lot tastier than the consistency of emulsion paint, which is what a French friend told me!

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Eeeeew! But SUGAR in the mixture?? Yuk.

Mine are much more basic; I think, from memory, it's 4oz plain flour, one egg, pinch of salt, and add milk while it whizzes round in the robot-chef till the consistency of thin cream. Then let the batter stand for 30 min or so before use.

I'll be making them on 13 Feb here in the UK, of course.

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15 hours ago, Loiseau said:

Eeeeew! But SUGAR in the mixture?? Yuk.

Mine are much more basic; I think, from memory, it's 4oz plain flour, one egg, pinch of salt, and add milk while it whizzes round in the robot-chef till the consistency of thin cream. Then let the batter stand for 30 min or so before use.

I'll be making them on 13 Feb here in the UK, of course.

The sugar is for the first recipe, sweet crepes.  I prefer the second, savoury, recipe.

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I went out for a nordic walk, the first I have had for weeks.  So I took the opportunity to ask my friends who was making crêpes abd whether anyone had a favourite recipe.  Might have predicted the answer.  Yes, I'll be making some tonight but I just make them with the usual flour, milk and eggs.....er...I've heard that one before!

Anyway, I decided I'd have a go this evening but, when I got back to where I'd parked my car, the boulangerie was open.  Went in and there in front of the till were a pile of pancakes, nicely burnt on the edges.  So I just bought some plus some pastries which were domed shaped with apples and an almond paste inside.

So crêpe-making will have to wait, possibly for another year!

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